-- name: InsertCredential :one INSERT INTO credentials ( handle, credential_id, origin, type, transports ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING *; -- name: InsertProfile :one INSERT INTO profiles ( address, handle, origin, name ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING *; -- name: GetProfileByID :one SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE id = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: GetProfileByAddress :one SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE address = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: GetChallengeBySessionID :one SELECT challenge FROM sessions WHERE id = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: GetHumanVerificationNumbers :one SELECT is_human_first, is_human_last FROM sessions WHERE id = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: GetSessionByID :one SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE id = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: GetSessionByClientIP :one SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE client_ipaddr = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: UpdateSessionHumanVerification :one UPDATE sessions SET is_human_first = ?, is_human_last = ?, updated_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = ? RETURNING *; -- name: UpdateSessionWithProfileID :one UPDATE sessions SET profile_id = ?, updated_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = ? RETURNING *; -- name: CheckHandleExists :one SELECT COUNT(*) > 0 as handle_exists FROM profiles WHERE handle = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL; -- name: GetCredentialsByHandle :many SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE handle = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL; -- name: GetCredentialByID :one SELECT * FROM credentials WHERE credential_id = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: SoftDeleteCredential :exec UPDATE credentials SET deleted_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE credential_id = ?; -- name: SoftDeleteProfile :exec UPDATE profiles SET deleted_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE address = ?; -- name: UpdateProfile :one UPDATE profiles SET name = ?, handle = ?, updated_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE address = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL RETURNING *; -- name: GetProfileByHandle :one SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE handle = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: GetVaultConfigByCID :one SELECT * FROM vaults WHERE cid = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: GetVaultRedirectURIBySessionID :one SELECT redirect_uri FROM vaults WHERE session_id = ? AND deleted_at IS NULL LIMIT 1; -- name: CreateSession :one INSERT INTO sessions ( id, browser_name, browser_version, client_ipaddr, platform, is_desktop, is_mobile, is_tablet, is_tv, is_bot, challenge, is_human_first, is_human_last, profile_id ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) RETURNING *;