Rejoin regression test

This commit is contained in:
Kegan Dougal 2024-04-11 15:51:14 +01:00
parent 8750e1c435
commit 01e090a01d

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@ -860,3 +860,65 @@ func TestPreemptiveBanIsNotLeaked(t *testing.T) {
return seenSentinel(response)
// Regression test for
// Alice and Bob are in a room, and Alice is also in another unrelated room.
// Alice leaves the room.
// Alice rejoins the room.
// Ensure Alice is told about the rejoined room.
func TestRejoinReappearsInRoomList(t *testing.T) {
alice := registerNewUser(t)
bob := registerNewUser(t)
unrelatedRoomID := alice.MustCreateRoom(t, map[string]interface{}{"preset": "public_chat"}) // unrelated room
joinRoomID := alice.MustCreateRoom(t, map[string]interface{}{"preset": "public_chat"})
bob.JoinRoom(t, joinRoomID, nil)
res := alice.SlidingSync(t, sync3.Request{
Lists: map[string]sync3.RequestList{
"a": {
RoomSubscription: sync3.RoomSubscription{
TimelineLimit: 20,
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{{0, 10}},
m.MatchResponse(t, res, m.MatchList("a", m.MatchV3Count(2), m.MatchV3Ops(
m.MatchV3SyncOp(0, 1, []string{joinRoomID, unrelatedRoomID}),
)), m.MatchRoomSubscription(joinRoomID, m.MatchJoinCount(2)))
// Alice leaves the room
alice.MustLeaveRoom(t, joinRoomID)
res = alice.SlidingSyncUntil(t, res.Pos, sync3.Request{}, func(r *sync3.Response) error {
// keep going until we see the DELETE
for _, op := range r.Lists["a"].Ops {
if op.Op() != sync3.OpDelete {
delOp := op.(*sync3.ResponseOpSingle)
if *delOp.Index != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("DELETE op for index %d not 0", *delOp.Index)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("did not see DELETE op yet")
m.MatchResponse(t, res, m.MatchList("a", m.MatchV3Count(1)))
// Alice rejoins the room
alice.MustJoinRoom(t, joinRoomID, []string{"hs1"})
res = alice.SlidingSyncUntil(t, res.Pos, sync3.Request{}, func(r *sync3.Response) error {
if len(r.Rooms[joinRoomID].Timeline) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no timeline")
lastEvent := r.Rooms[joinRoomID].Timeline[len(r.Rooms[joinRoomID].Timeline)-1]
if gjson.ParseBytes(lastEvent).Get("content.membership").Str == "join" {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("did not see join event yet")
m.MatchResponse(t, res, m.MatchList("a", m.MatchV3Count(2)), m.MatchRoomSubscription(joinRoomID, m.MatchJoinCount(2)))