package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log" "net/http" _ "net/http/pprof" "os" "os/signal" "runtime/debug" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" "time" "" sentryhttp "" "" "" "" "" syncv3 "" "" "" ) var GitCommit string const version = "0.99.19" var ( flags = flag.NewFlagSet("goose", flag.ExitOnError) ) const ( // Required fields EnvServer = "SYNCV3_SERVER" EnvDB = "SYNCV3_DB" EnvSecret = "SYNCV3_SECRET" // Optional fields EnvBindAddr = "SYNCV3_BINDADDR" EnvTLSCert = "SYNCV3_TLS_CERT" EnvTLSKey = "SYNCV3_TLS_KEY" EnvPPROF = "SYNCV3_PPROF" EnvPrometheus = "SYNCV3_PROM" EnvDebug = "SYNCV3_DEBUG" EnvOTLP = "SYNCV3_OTLP_URL" EnvOTLPUsername = "SYNCV3_OTLP_USERNAME" EnvOTLPPassword = "SYNCV3_OTLP_PASSWORD" EnvSentryDsn = "SYNCV3_SENTRY_DSN" EnvLogLevel = "SYNCV3_LOG_LEVEL" EnvMaxConns = "SYNCV3_MAX_DB_CONN" EnvIdleTimeoutSecs = "SYNCV3_DB_IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECS" EnvHTTPTimeoutSecs = "SYNCV3_HTTP_TIMEOUT_SECS" EnvHTTPInitialTimeoutSecs = "SYNCV3_HTTP_INITIAL_TIMEOUT_SECS" ) var helpMsg = fmt.Sprintf(` Environment var %s Required. The destination homeserver to talk to (CS API HTTPS URL) e.g '' (Supports unix socket: /path/to/socket) %s Required. The postgres connection string: %s Required. A secret to use to encrypt access tokens. Must remain the same for the lifetime of the database. %s Default: The interface and port to listen on. (Supports unix socket: /path/to/socket) %s Default: unset. Path to a certificate file to serve to HTTPS clients. Specifying this enables TLS on the bound address. %s Default: unset. Path to a key file for the certificate. Must be provided along with the certificate file. %s Default: unset. The bind addr for pprof debugging e.g ':6060'. If not set, does not listen. %s Default: unset. The bind addr for Prometheus metrics, which will be accessible at /metrics at this address. %s Default: unset. The OTLP HTTP URL to send spans to e.g https://localhost:4318 - if unset does not send OTLP traces. %s Default: unset. The OTLP username for Basic auth. If unset, does not send an Authorization header. %s Default: unset. The OTLP password for Basic auth. If unset, does not send an Authorization header. %s Default: unset. The Sentry DSN to report events to e.g - if unset does not send sentry events. %s Default: info. The level of verbosity for messages logged. Available values are trace, debug, info, warn, error and fatal %s Default: unset. Max database connections to use when communicating with postgres. Unset or 0 means no limit. %s Default: 3600. The maximum amount of time a database connection may be idle, in seconds. 0 means no limit. %s Default: 300. The timeout in seconds for normal HTTP requests. %s Default: 1800. The timeout in seconds for initial sync requests. `, EnvServer, EnvDB, EnvSecret, EnvBindAddr, EnvTLSCert, EnvTLSKey, EnvPPROF, EnvPrometheus, EnvOTLP, EnvOTLPUsername, EnvOTLPPassword, EnvSentryDsn, EnvLogLevel, EnvMaxConns, EnvIdleTimeoutSecs, EnvHTTPTimeoutSecs, EnvHTTPInitialTimeoutSecs) func defaulting(in, dft string) string { if in == "" { return dft } return in } func main() { fmt.Printf("Sync v3 [%s] (%s)\n", version, GitCommit) sync2.ProxyVersion = version syncv3.Version = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", version, GitCommit) if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "migrate" { executeMigrations() return } args := map[string]string{ EnvServer: os.Getenv(EnvServer), EnvDB: os.Getenv(EnvDB), EnvSecret: os.Getenv(EnvSecret), EnvBindAddr: defaulting(os.Getenv(EnvBindAddr), ""), EnvTLSCert: os.Getenv(EnvTLSCert), EnvTLSKey: os.Getenv(EnvTLSKey), EnvPPROF: os.Getenv(EnvPPROF), EnvPrometheus: os.Getenv(EnvPrometheus), EnvDebug: os.Getenv(EnvDebug), EnvOTLP: os.Getenv(EnvOTLP), EnvOTLPUsername: os.Getenv(EnvOTLPUsername), EnvOTLPPassword: os.Getenv(EnvOTLPPassword), EnvSentryDsn: os.Getenv(EnvSentryDsn), EnvLogLevel: os.Getenv(EnvLogLevel), EnvMaxConns: defaulting(os.Getenv(EnvMaxConns), "0"), EnvIdleTimeoutSecs: defaulting(os.Getenv(EnvIdleTimeoutSecs), "3600"), EnvHTTPTimeoutSecs: defaulting(os.Getenv(EnvHTTPTimeoutSecs), "300"), EnvHTTPInitialTimeoutSecs: defaulting(os.Getenv(EnvHTTPInitialTimeoutSecs), "1800"), } requiredEnvVars := []string{EnvServer, EnvDB, EnvSecret, EnvBindAddr} for _, requiredEnvVar := range requiredEnvVars { if args[requiredEnvVar] == "" { fmt.Print(helpMsg) fmt.Printf("\n%s is not set", requiredEnvVar) fmt.Printf("\n%s must be set\n", strings.Join(requiredEnvVars, ", ")) os.Exit(1) } } if (args[EnvTLSCert] != "" || args[EnvTLSKey] != "") && (args[EnvTLSCert] == "" || args[EnvTLSKey] == "") { fmt.Print(helpMsg) fmt.Printf("\nboth %s and %s must be set together\n", EnvTLSCert, EnvTLSKey) os.Exit(1) } // pprof if args[EnvPPROF] != "" { go func() { fmt.Printf("Starting pprof listener on %s\n", args[EnvPPROF]) if err := http.ListenAndServe(args[EnvPPROF], nil); err != nil { panic(err) } }() } if args[EnvPrometheus] != "" { go func() { fmt.Printf("Starting prometheus listener on %s\n", args[EnvPrometheus]) http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) if err := http.ListenAndServe(args[EnvPrometheus], nil); err != nil { panic(err) } }() } if args[EnvOTLP] != "" { fmt.Printf("Configuring OTLP collector...\n") if err := internal.ConfigureOTLP(args[EnvOTLP], args[EnvOTLPUsername], args[EnvOTLPPassword], syncv3.Version); err != nil { panic(err) } } // Initialise sentry. We do this in a separate block to the sentry code below, // because we want to configure logging before the call to syncv3.Setup---which may // want to log to sentry itself. if args[EnvSentryDsn] != "" { fmt.Printf("Configuring Sentry reporter...\n") err := sentry.Init(sentry.ClientOptions{ Dsn: args[EnvSentryDsn], Release: version, Dist: GitCommit, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } } fmt.Printf("Debug=%v LogLevel=%v MaxConns=%v\n", args[EnvDebug] == "1", args[EnvLogLevel], args[EnvMaxConns]) if args[EnvDebug] == "1" { zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.TraceLevel) } else { switch strings.ToLower(args[EnvLogLevel]) { case "trace": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.TraceLevel) case "debug": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.DebugLevel) case "info": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.InfoLevel) case "warn": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.WarnLevel) case "err", "error": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.ErrorLevel) case "fatal": zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.FatalLevel) default: zerolog.SetGlobalLevel(zerolog.InfoLevel) } } maxConnsInt, err := strconv.Atoi(args[EnvMaxConns]) if err != nil { panic("invalid value for " + EnvMaxConns + ": " + args[EnvMaxConns]) } idleTimeSecs, err := strconv.Atoi(args[EnvIdleTimeoutSecs]) if err != nil { panic("invalid value for " + EnvIdleTimeoutSecs + ": " + args[EnvIdleTimeoutSecs]) } httpTimeoutSecs, err := strconv.Atoi(args[EnvHTTPTimeoutSecs]) if err != nil { panic("invalid value for " + EnvHTTPTimeoutSecs + ": " + args[EnvHTTPTimeoutSecs]) } httpLongTimeoutSecs, err := strconv.Atoi(args[EnvHTTPInitialTimeoutSecs]) if err != nil { panic("invalid value for " + EnvHTTPInitialTimeoutSecs + ": " + args[EnvHTTPInitialTimeoutSecs]) } h2, h3 := syncv3.Setup(args[EnvServer], args[EnvDB], args[EnvSecret], syncv3.Opts{ AddPrometheusMetrics: args[EnvPrometheus] != "", DBMaxConns: maxConnsInt, DBConnMaxIdleTime: time.Duration(idleTimeSecs) * time.Second, MaxTransactionIDDelay: time.Second, HTTPTimeout: time.Duration(httpTimeoutSecs) * time.Second, HTTPLongTimeout: time.Duration(httpLongTimeoutSecs) * time.Second, }) go h2.StartV2Pollers() go h2.Store.Cleaner(time.Hour) if args[EnvOTLP] != "" { h3 = otelhttp.NewHandler(h3, "Sync") } // Install the Sentry middleware, if configured. if args[EnvSentryDsn] != "" { sentryHandler := sentryhttp.New(sentryhttp.Options{ Repanic: true, }) h3 = sentryHandler.Handle(h3) } syncv3.RunSyncV3Server(h3, args[EnvBindAddr], args[EnvServer], args[EnvTLSCert], args[EnvTLSKey]) WaitForShutdown(args[EnvSentryDsn] != "") } // WaitForShutdown blocks until the process receives a SIGINT or SIGTERM signal // (see `man 7 signal`). It performs any last cleanup tasks and then exits. func WaitForShutdown(sentryInUse bool) { sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) select { case <-sigs: } signal.Reset(syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) fmt.Printf("Shutdown signal received...") if sentryInUse { fmt.Printf("Flushing sentry events...") if !sentry.Flush(time.Second * 5) { fmt.Printf("Failed to flush all Sentry events!") } } fmt.Printf("Exiting now") } func executeMigrations() { envArgs := map[string]string{ EnvDB: os.Getenv(EnvDB), } requiredEnvVars := []string{EnvDB} for _, requiredEnvVar := range requiredEnvVars { if envArgs[requiredEnvVar] == "" { fmt.Print(helpMsg) fmt.Printf("\n%s is not set", requiredEnvVar) fmt.Printf("\n%s must be set\n", strings.Join(requiredEnvVars, ", ")) os.Exit(1) } } flags.Parse(os.Args[1:]) args := flags.Args() if len(args) < 2 { flags.Usage() return } command := args[1] db, err := goose.OpenDBWithDriver("postgres", envArgs[EnvDB]) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("goose: failed to open DB: %v\n", err) } defer func() { if err := db.Close(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("goose: failed to close DB: %v\n", err) } }() arguments := []string{} if len(args) > 2 { arguments = append(arguments, args[2:]...) } goose.SetBaseFS(syncv3.EmbedMigrations) if err := goose.Run(command, db, "state/migrations", arguments...); err != nil { log.Fatalf("goose %v: %v", command, err) } } const gitRevLen = 7 // 7 matches the displayed characters on func init() { // Try to get the revision sliding-sync was build from. // If we can't, e.g. sliding-sync wasn't built (go run) or no VCS version is present, // we just use the provided version above. info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo() if !ok { return } for _, setting := range info.Settings { if setting.Key == "vcs.revision" { revLen := len(setting.Value) if revLen >= gitRevLen { GitCommit = setting.Value[:gitRevLen] } else { GitCommit = setting.Value[:revLen] } break } } }