package state import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "reflect" "sort" "sync" "sync/atomic" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( userID = "@me:localhost" ) func TestAccumulatorInitialise(t *testing.T) { roomID := "!TestAccumulatorInitialise:localhost" roomEvents := []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"A", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"creator":"@me:localhost"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"B", "type":"", "state_key":"@me:localhost", "content":{"membership":"join"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"C", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"public"}}`), } roomEventIDs := []string{"A", "B", "C"} db, close := connectToDB(t) defer close() accumulator := NewAccumulator(db) res, err := accumulator.Initialise(roomID, roomEvents) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("falied to Initialise accumulator: %s", err) } assertValue(t, "res.AddedEvents", res.AddedEvents, true) assertValue(t, "res.ReplacedExistingSnapshot", res.ReplacedExistingSnapshot, false) txn, err := accumulator.db.Beginx() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to start assert txn: %s", err) } defer txn.Rollback() // There should be one snapshot on the current state snapID1, err := accumulator.roomsTable.CurrentAfterSnapshotID(txn, roomID) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to select current snapshot: %s", err) } if snapID1 == 0 { t.Fatalf("Initialise did not store a current snapshot") } if snapID1 != res.SnapshotID { t.Fatalf("Initialise returned wrong snapshot ID, got %v want %v", res.SnapshotID, snapID1) } // this snapshot should have 1 member event and 2 other events in it row, err := accumulator.snapshotTable.Select(txn, snapID1) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to select snapshot %d: %s", snapID1, err) } if len(row.MembershipEvents) != 1 { t.Fatalf("got %d membership events, want %d in current state snapshot", len(row.MembershipEvents), 1) } if len(row.OtherEvents) != 2 { t.Fatalf("got %d other events, want %d in current state snapshot", len(row.MembershipEvents), 2) } // these 3 events should map to the three events we initialised with events, err := accumulator.eventsTable.SelectByNIDs(txn, true, append(row.OtherEvents, row.MembershipEvents...)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to extract events in snapshot: %s", err) } if len(events) != len(roomEvents) { t.Fatalf("failed to extract %d events, got %d", len(roomEvents), len(events)) } // sort alphabetically on ID like roomEventIDs sort.Slice(events, func(i, j int) bool { return events[i].ID < events[j].ID }) for i := range events { if events[i].ID != roomEventIDs[i] { t.Errorf("event %d was not stored correctly: got ID %s want %s", i, events[i].ID, roomEventIDs[i]) } } // Subsequent calls with the same set of the events do nothing and are not an error. res, err = accumulator.Initialise(roomID, roomEvents) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("falied to Initialise accumulator: %s", err) } if res.AddedEvents { t.Fatalf("added events when it shouldn't have") } // Subsequent calls with a subset of events do nothing and are not an error res, err = accumulator.Initialise(roomID, roomEvents[:2]) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("falied to Initialise accumulator: %s", err) } if res.AddedEvents { t.Fatalf("added events when it shouldn't have") } // Subsequent calls with at least one new event expand or replace existing state. // C, D, E roomEvents2 := append(roomEvents[2:3], []byte(`{"event_id":"D", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"topic":"Dr Rick Dagless MD"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"E", "type":"", "state_key":"@me:localhost", "content":{"membership":"join", "displayname": "Garth""}}`), ) res, err = accumulator.Initialise(roomID, roomEvents2) assertNoError(t, err) assertValue(t, "res.AddedEvents", res.AddedEvents, true) assertValue(t, "res.ReplacedExistingSnapshot", res.ReplacedExistingSnapshot, true) snapID2, err := accumulator.roomsTable.CurrentAfterSnapshotID(txn, roomID) assertNoError(t, err) if snapID2 == snapID1 || snapID2 == 0 { t.Errorf("Expected snapID2 (%d) to be neither snapID1 (%d) nor 0", snapID2, snapID1) } row, err = accumulator.snapshotTable.Select(txn, snapID2) assertNoError(t, err) assertValue(t, "len(row.MembershipEvents)", len(row.MembershipEvents), 1) assertValue(t, "len(row.OtherEvents)", len(row.OtherEvents), 3) } // Test that an unknown room shouldn't initialise if given state without a create event. func TestAccumulatorInitialiseBadInputs(t *testing.T) { const roomID = "!TestAccumulatorInitialiseBadInputs:localhost" db, close := connectToDB(t) defer close() notcreate := testutils.NewStateEvent(t, "com.example.notacreate", "potato", "@someone:else", map[string]any{}) accumulator := NewAccumulator(db) _, err := accumulator.Initialise(roomID, []json.RawMessage{notcreate}) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Initialise suceeded, but it should not have") } } func TestAccumulatorAccumulate(t *testing.T) { roomID := "!TestAccumulatorAccumulate:localhost" roomEvents := []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"G", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"creator":"@me:localhost"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"H", "type":"", "state_key":"@me:localhost", "content":{"membership":"join"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"I", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"public"}}`), } db, close := connectToDB(t) defer close() accumulator := NewAccumulator(db) _, err := accumulator.Initialise(roomID, roomEvents) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Initialise accumulator: %s", err) } // accumulate new state makes a new snapshot and removes the old snapshot newEvents := []json.RawMessage{ // non-state event does nothing []byte(`{"event_id":"J", "type":"","content":{"body":"Hello World","msgtype":"m.text"}}`), // join_rules should clobber the one from initialise []byte(`{"event_id":"K", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"public"}}`), // new state event should be added to the snapshot []byte(`{"event_id":"L", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"visibility":"public"}}`), } var result AccumulateResult err = sqlutil.WithTransaction(accumulator.db, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error { result, err = accumulator.Accumulate(txn, userID, roomID, sync2.TimelineResponse{Events: newEvents}) return err }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Accumulate: %s", err) } if result.NumNew != len(newEvents) { t.Fatalf("got %d new events, want %d", result.NumNew, len(newEvents)) } // latest nid shoould match wantLatestNID, err := accumulator.eventsTable.SelectHighestNID() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to check latest NID from Accumulate: %s", err) } if result.TimelineNIDs[len(result.TimelineNIDs)-1] != wantLatestNID { t.Errorf("Accumulator.Accumulate returned latest nid %d, want %d", result.TimelineNIDs[len(result.TimelineNIDs)-1], wantLatestNID) } // Begin assertions wantOtherStateEvents := []json.RawMessage{ roomEvents[0], // create event newEvents[1], // join rules newEvents[2], // history visibility } wantMemberEvents := []json.RawMessage{ roomEvents[1], } txn, err := accumulator.db.Beginx() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to start assert txn: %s", err) } defer txn.Rollback() // There should be one snapshot in current state snapID, err := accumulator.roomsTable.CurrentAfterSnapshotID(txn, roomID) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to select current snapshot: %s", err) } if snapID == 0 { t.Fatalf("Initialise or Accumulate did not store a current snapshot") } // The snapshot should have 4 events row, err := accumulator.snapshotTable.Select(txn, snapID) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to select snapshot %d: %s", snapID, err) } if len(row.MembershipEvents) != len(wantMemberEvents) { t.Fatalf("snapshot: %d got %d member events, want %d in current state snapshot", snapID, len(row.MembershipEvents), len(wantMemberEvents)) } if len(row.OtherEvents) != len(wantOtherStateEvents) { t.Fatalf("snapshot: %d got %d other events, want %d in current state snapshot", snapID, len(row.OtherEvents), len(wantOtherStateEvents)) } // these 4 events should map to the create/member events from initialise, then the join_rules/history_visibility from accumulate events, err := accumulator.eventsTable.SelectByNIDs(txn, true, append(row.OtherEvents, row.MembershipEvents...)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to extract events in snapshot: %s", err) } wantStateEvents := append(wantOtherStateEvents, wantMemberEvents...) if len(events) != len(wantStateEvents) { t.Fatalf("failed to extract %d events, got %d", len(wantStateEvents), len(events)) } sort.Slice(wantStateEvents, func(i, j int) bool { return gjson.ParseBytes(wantStateEvents[i]).Get("event_id").Str < gjson.ParseBytes(wantStateEvents[j]).Get("event_id").Str }) for i := range events { if events[i].ID != gjson.GetBytes(wantStateEvents[i], "event_id").Str { t.Errorf("event %d was not stored correctly: got ID %s want %s", i, events[i].ID, gjson.GetBytes(wantStateEvents[i], "event_id").Str) } } // subsequent calls do nothing and are not an error err = sqlutil.WithTransaction(accumulator.db, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error { _, err = accumulator.Accumulate(txn, userID, roomID, sync2.TimelineResponse{Events: newEvents}) return err }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Accumulate: %s", err) } } func TestAccumulatorPromptsCacheInvalidation(t *testing.T) { db, close := connectToDB(t) defer close() accumulator := NewAccumulator(db) t.Log("Initialise the room state, including a room name.") roomID := fmt.Sprintf("!%s:localhost", t.Name()) stateBlock := []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$a", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"creator":"@me:localhost", "room_version": "10"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$b", "type":"", "state_key":"@me:localhost", "content":{"membership":"join"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$c", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"public"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$d", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"name":"Barry Cryer Appreciation Society"}}`), } _, err := accumulator.Initialise(roomID, stateBlock) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Initialise accumulator: %s", err) } t.Log("Accumulate a second room name, a message, then a third room name.") timeline := []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$e", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"name":"Jeremy Hardy Appreciation Society"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$f", "type":"", "content": {"body":"Hello, world!", "msgtype":"m.text"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$g", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"name":"Humphrey Lyttelton Appreciation Society"}}`), } var accResult AccumulateResult err = sqlutil.WithTransaction(db, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error { accResult, err = accumulator.Accumulate(txn, "@dummy:localhost", roomID, sync2.TimelineResponse{Events: timeline, PrevBatch: "prevBatch"}) return err }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to Accumulate: %s", err) } t.Log("We expect 3 new events and no reload required.") assertValue(t, "accResult.NumNew", accResult.NumNew, 3) assertValue(t, "len(accResult.TimelineNIDs)", len(accResult.TimelineNIDs), 3) assertValue(t, "accResult.IncludesStateRedaction", accResult.IncludesStateRedaction, false) t.Log("Redact the old state event and the message.") timeline = []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$h", "type":"", "content":{"redacts":"$e"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$i", "type":"", "content":{"redacts":"$f"}}`), } err = sqlutil.WithTransaction(db, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error { accResult, err = accumulator.Accumulate(txn, "@dummy:localhost", roomID, sync2.TimelineResponse{Events: timeline, PrevBatch: "prevBatch2"}) return err }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to Accumulate: %s", err) } t.Log("We expect 2 new events and no reload required.") assertValue(t, "accResult.NumNew", accResult.NumNew, 2) assertValue(t, "len(accResult.TimelineNIDs)", len(accResult.TimelineNIDs), 2) assertValue(t, "accResult.IncludesStateRedaction", accResult.IncludesStateRedaction, false) t.Log("Redact the latest state event.") timeline = []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$j", "type":"", "content":{"redacts":"$g"}}`), } err = sqlutil.WithTransaction(db, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error { accResult, err = accumulator.Accumulate(txn, "@dummy:localhost", roomID, sync2.TimelineResponse{Events: timeline, PrevBatch: "prevBatch3"}) return err }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to Accumulate: %s", err) } t.Log("We expect 1 new event and a reload required.") assertValue(t, "accResult.NumNew", accResult.NumNew, 1) assertValue(t, "len(accResult.TimelineNIDs)", len(accResult.TimelineNIDs), 1) assertValue(t, "accResult.IncludesStateRedaction", accResult.IncludesStateRedaction, true) } func TestAccumulatorMembershipLogs(t *testing.T) { roomID := "!TestAccumulatorMembershipLogs:localhost" db, close := connectToDB(t) defer close() accumulator := NewAccumulator(db) _, err := accumulator.Initialise(roomID, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Initialise accumulator: %s", err) } roomEventIDs := []string{ "b1", "b2", "b3", "b4", "b5", "b6", "b7", "b8", } roomEvents := []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"` + roomEventIDs[0] + `", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"creator":"@me:localhost"}}`), // @me joins []byte(`{"event_id":"` + roomEventIDs[1] + `", "type":"", "state_key":"@me:localhost", "content":{"membership":"join"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"` + roomEventIDs[2] + `", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"public"}}`), // @alice joins []byte(`{"event_id":"` + roomEventIDs[3] + `", "type":"", "state_key":"@alice:localhost", "content":{"membership":"join"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"` + roomEventIDs[4] + `", "type":"","content":{"body":"Hello World","msgtype":"m.text"}}`), // @me changes display name []byte(`{"event_id":"` + roomEventIDs[5] + `", "type":"", "state_key":"@me:localhost","unsigned":{"prev_content":{"membership":"join"}}, "content":{"membership":"join", "displayname":"Me"}}`), // @me invites @bob []byte(`{"event_id":"` + roomEventIDs[6] + `", "type":"", "state_key":"@bob:localhost", "content":{"membership":"invite"}, "sender":"@me:localhost"}`), // @me leaves the room []byte(`{"event_id":"` + roomEventIDs[7] + `", "type":"", "state_key":"@me:localhost","unsigned":{"prev_content":{"membership":"join", "displayname":"Me"}}, "content":{"membership":"leave"}}`), } err = sqlutil.WithTransaction(accumulator.db, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error { _, err = accumulator.Accumulate(txn, userID, roomID, sync2.TimelineResponse{Events: roomEvents}) return err }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Accumulate: %s", err) } txn, err := accumulator.db.Beginx() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to start assert txn: %s", err) } // Begin assertions // Pull nids for these events insertedEvents, err := accumulator.eventsTable.SelectByIDs(txn, true, roomEventIDs) txn.Rollback() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to select accumulated events: %s", err) } startIndex := insertedEvents[0].NID - 1 // lowest index for the inserted events testCases := []struct { startExcl int64 endIncl int64 target string wantNIDs []int64 }{ { startExcl: startIndex, endIncl: int64(insertedEvents[len(insertedEvents)-1].NID), target: "@me:localhost", // join then profile change then leave wantNIDs: []int64{insertedEvents[1].NID, insertedEvents[5].NID, insertedEvents[7].NID}, }, { startExcl: startIndex, endIncl: int64(insertedEvents[len(insertedEvents)-1].NID), target: "@bob:localhost", // invite wantNIDs: []int64{insertedEvents[6].NID}, }, { startExcl: int64(insertedEvents[2].NID), endIncl: int64(insertedEvents[6].NID), target: "@me:localhost", // profile change only wantNIDs: []int64{insertedEvents[5].NID}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { gotEvents, err := accumulator.eventsTable.SelectEventsWithTypeStateKey( "",, tc.startExcl, tc.endIncl, ) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to MembershipsBetween: %s", err) } gotNIDs := make([]int64, len(gotEvents)) for i := range gotEvents { gotNIDs[i] = gotEvents[i].NID } if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotNIDs, tc.wantNIDs) { t.Errorf("MembershipsBetween(%d,%d) got wrong nids, got %v want %v", tc.startExcl, tc.endIncl, gotNIDs, tc.wantNIDs) } } } // This was a bug in the wild on M's account, where the same state event is present in state/timeline // This is a bug in Synapse, but it shouldn't cause us to fall over. func TestAccumulatorDupeEvents(t *testing.T) { data := ` { "state": { "events": [ { "content": {}, "origin_server_ts": 123456, "sender": "@alice:localhost", "state_key": "", "type": "", "event_id": "$create" }, { "content": { "foo": "bar" }, "origin_server_ts": 1632840448390, "sender": "@alice:localhost", "state_key": "something", "type": "dupe", "event_id": "$b" }] }, "timeline": { "events": [{ "content": { "body": "foo" }, "origin_server_ts": 1631606550669, "sender": "@alice:localhost", "type": "first", "event_id": "$a" }, { "content": { "key": "unimportant" }, "origin_server_ts": 1632132357344, "sender": "@alice:localhost", "state_key": "anything", "type": "second", "event_id": "$c" }, { "content": { "foo": "bar" }, "origin_server_ts": 1632840448390, "sender": "@alice:localhost", "state_key": "something", "type": "dupe", "event_id": "$b" }] } }` var joinRoom sync2.SyncV2JoinResponse if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &joinRoom); err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal: %s", err) } db, close := connectToDB(t) defer close() accumulator := NewAccumulator(db) roomID := "!buggy:localhost" _, err := accumulator.Initialise(roomID, joinRoom.State.Events) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Initialise accumulator: %s", err) } err = sqlutil.WithTransaction(accumulator.db, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error { _, err = accumulator.Accumulate(txn, userID, roomID, joinRoom.Timeline) return err }) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Accumulate: %s", err) } } // Regression test for corrupt state snapshots. // This seems to have happened in the wild, whereby the snapshot exhibited 2 things: // - A message event having a event_replaces_nid. This should be impossible as messages are not state. // - Duplicate events in the state snapshot. // // We can reproduce duplicate events in the state snapshot by doing the following: // // - // // This can then be tested by: // - Query the current room snapshot. func TestCalculateNewSnapshotDupe(t *testing.T) { assertNIDsEqual := func(a, b []int64) { t.Helper() sort.Slice(a, func(i, j int) bool { return a[i] < a[j] }) sort.Slice(b, func(i, j int) bool { return b[i] < b[j] }) if !reflect.DeepEqual(a, b) { t.Errorf("assertNIDsEqual: got %v want %v", a, b) } } db, close := connectToDB(t) defer close() testCases := []struct { input StrippedEvents inputEvent Event wantMemberNIDs []int64 wantOtherNIDs []int64 wantErr bool }{ // basic replace { input: StrippedEvents{ { NID: 1, Type: "a", StateKey: "b", }, }, inputEvent: Event{ NID: 2, Type: "a", StateKey: "b", }, wantOtherNIDs: []int64{2}, }, // basic addition { input: StrippedEvents{ { NID: 1, Type: "a", StateKey: "b", }, }, inputEvent: Event{ NID: 2, Type: "c", StateKey: "d", }, wantOtherNIDs: []int64{1, 2}, }, // dupe nid { input: StrippedEvents{ { NID: 1, Type: "a1", StateKey: "b1", }, { NID: 2, Type: "a2", StateKey: "b2", }, { NID: 3, Type: "a3", StateKey: "b3", }, }, inputEvent: Event{ NID: 1, Type: "a2", StateKey: "b2", }, wantErr: true, }, // regression test from in the wild { input: StrippedEvents{ { NID: 1, Type: "", StateKey: "alice", // this was an invite }, { NID: 2, Type: "", StateKey: "alice", // this was a join - buggy because of the failures tested in TestAccumulatorMisorderedGraceful }, }, inputEvent: Event{ NID: 3, Type: "", StateKey: "alice", // another invite }, wantErr: true, }, { input: StrippedEvents{ { NID: 1, Type: "", StateKey: "alice", }, { NID: 2, Type: "", StateKey: "bob", }, { NID: 3, Type: "other", StateKey: "", }, }, inputEvent: Event{ NID: 4, Type: "", StateKey: "alice", }, wantMemberNIDs: []int64{4, 2}, wantOtherNIDs: []int64{3}, }, } accumulator := NewAccumulator(db) for _, tc := range testCases { got, _, err := accumulator.calculateNewSnapshot(tc.input, tc.inputEvent) if err != nil { if tc.wantErr { continue } t.Errorf("got error %s", err) continue } else if tc.wantErr { t.Errorf("wanted error but got none, instead got %v", got) continue } gotMemberNIDs, gotOtherNIDs := got.NIDs() assertNIDsEqual(gotMemberNIDs, tc.wantMemberNIDs) assertNIDsEqual(gotOtherNIDs, tc.wantOtherNIDs) } } // Test that you can accumulate the same room with the same partial sequence of timeline events and // state is updated correctly. This relies on postgres blocking subsequent transactions sensibly. func TestAccumulatorConcurrency(t *testing.T) { roomID := "!TestAccumulatorConcurrency:localhost" roomEvents := []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"AA", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"creator":"@me:localhost"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"BB", "type":"", "state_key":"@me:localhost", "content":{"membership":"join"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"CC", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"public"}}`), } db, close := connectToDB(t) defer close() accumulator := NewAccumulator(db) _, err := accumulator.Initialise(roomID, roomEvents) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Initialise accumulator: %s", err) } // spin off N goroutines to insert 1,2,3,4,5 in varying batches which can appear in the wild e.g [1,2] [1,2,3,4] // we update the room name in all events so we should end up with Name: 5. newEvents := []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"con_1", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"name":"1"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"con_2", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"name":"2"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"con_3", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"name":"3"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"con_4", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"name":"4"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"con_5", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"name":"5"}}`), } var totalNumNew atomic.Int64 var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(newEvents)) for i := 0; i < len(newEvents); i++ { go func(i int) { defer wg.Done() subset := newEvents[:(i + 1)] // i=0 => [1], i=1 => [1,2], etc err := sqlutil.WithTransaction(accumulator.db, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error { result, err := accumulator.Accumulate(txn, userID, roomID, sync2.TimelineResponse{Events: subset}) totalNumNew.Add(int64(result.NumNew)) return err }) if err != nil { t.Errorf("goroutine failed to accumulate: %s", err) } }(i) } wg.Wait() // wait for all goroutines to finish if int(totalNumNew.Load()) != len(newEvents) { t.Errorf("got %d total new events, want %d", totalNumNew.Load(), len(newEvents)) } // check that the name of the room is "5" snapshot := currentSnapshotNIDs(t, accumulator.snapshotTable, roomID) t.Logf("snapshot nids: %v", snapshot) var events []Event err = sqlutil.WithTransaction(accumulator.db, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error { events, err = accumulator.eventsTable.SelectByNIDs(txn, true, snapshot) return err }) // find the room name and check it is 5 roomName := "" for _, ev := range events { if ev.Type == "" { roomName = gjson.GetBytes(ev.JSON, "").Str } } if roomName != "5" { t.Fatalf("got room name %s want '5'", roomName) } } // Sanity-check the accumulator's logic for inserting missing_previous markers. func TestAccumulatorMissingPreviousMarkers(t *testing.T) { db, close := connectToDB(t) defer close() accumulator := NewAccumulator(db) t.Log("Initialise a room.") roomID := fmt.Sprintf("!%s:localhost", t.Name()) initialEvents := []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$state-A", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"creator":"@me:localhost"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$state-B", "type":"", "state_key":"@me:localhost", "content":{"membership":"join"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$state-C", "type":"", "state_key":"", "content":{"join_rule":"public"}}`), } _, err := accumulator.Initialise(roomID, initialEvents) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Initialise accumulator: %s", err) } // We're going to repeatedly Accumulate different timelines and check the number // of new events, plus the "missing previous" field in the DB. steps := []struct { Desc string // Inputs: a sync2.TimelineResponse struct. Events []json.RawMessage Limited bool // CheckDesc is a brief description of our expectations. CheckDesc string // NumNew is the expected value of the NumNew field in the AccumulateResult. NumNew int // MissingPrevious is a map from timeline event IDs to the missing_previous bool expected in the DB. MissingPrevious map[string]bool }{ { Desc: "non-limited timeline with one event (D)", Events: []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-D", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), }, Limited: false, NumNew: 1, CheckDesc: "(D) should not be marked as missing_previous.", MissingPrevious: map[string]bool{"$msg-D": false}, }, { Desc: "limited timeline with one unknown event (E)", Events: []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-E", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), }, Limited: true, NumNew: 1, CheckDesc: "(E) should be marked as missing_previous.", MissingPrevious: map[string]bool{"$msg-E": true}, }, { Desc: "limited timeline with two events: the first known but missing previous (E), the second unknown (F)", Events: []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-E", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-F", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), }, Limited: true, NumNew: 1, CheckDesc: "(E) should still be marked as missing_previous; (F) should not.", MissingPrevious: map[string]bool{"$msg-E": true, "$msg-F": false}, }, { Desc: "limited timeline with one event, known and not missing previous (F)", Events: []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-F", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), }, Limited: true, NumNew: 0, CheckDesc: "(F) should still be marked as not missing_previous.", MissingPrevious: map[string]bool{"$msg-F": false}, }, { Desc: "the whole timeline [D, E, F], not limited)", Events: []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-D", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-E", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-F", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), }, Limited: false, NumNew: 0, CheckDesc: "(D), (E) and (F) should have no changes to missing_previous.", MissingPrevious: map[string]bool{"$msg-D": false, "$msg-E": true, "$msg-F": false}, }, { Desc: "the whole timeline [D, E, F], limited)", Events: []json.RawMessage{ []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-D", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-E", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), []byte(`{"event_id":"$msg-F", "type":"", "content": {"msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Hello, world!"}}`), }, Limited: true, NumNew: 0, CheckDesc: "(D), (E) and (F) should have no changes to missing_previous.", MissingPrevious: map[string]bool{"$msg-D": false, "$msg-E": true, "$msg-F": false}, }, } txn, err := db.Beginx() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer txn.Rollback() for _, step := range steps { t.Log(step.Desc) timeline := sync2.TimelineResponse{ Events: step.Events, Limited: step.Limited, } accResult, err := accumulator.Accumulate(txn, userID, roomID, timeline) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to Accumulate: %s", err) } assertValue(t, "numNew", accResult.NumNew, step.NumNew) t.Log(step.CheckDesc) checkIDs := make([]string, 0, len(step.MissingPrevious)) for checkID := range step.MissingPrevious { checkIDs = append(checkIDs, checkID) } fetchedEvents, err := accumulator.eventsTable.SelectByIDs(txn, false, checkIDs) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } assertValue(t, "len(fetchedEvents)", len(fetchedEvents), len(checkIDs)) for _, inserted := range fetchedEvents { wantMissingPrevious, ok := step.MissingPrevious[inserted.ID] if !ok { t.Errorf("fetched %s from the DB, but it wasn't requested", inserted.ID) } assertValue(t, fmt.Sprintf("insertedEvents[%s].MissingPrevious", inserted.ID), inserted.MissingPrevious, wantMissingPrevious) } } } func currentSnapshotNIDs(t *testing.T, snapshotTable *SnapshotTable, roomID string) []int64 { txn := snapshotTable.db.MustBeginTx(context.Background(), nil) defer txn.Commit() roomToSnapshotEvents, err := snapshotTable.CurrentSnapshots(txn) if err != nil { t.Errorf("currentSnapshotNIDs: %s", err) } events := roomToSnapshotEvents[roomID] if len(events) == 0 { t.Fatalf("no snapshot events for room %v", roomID) } sort.Slice(events, func(i, j int) bool { return events[i] < events[j] }) return events }