package state import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" ) const ( RelationMSpaceParent = 1 RelationMSpaceChild = 2 ) type SpaceRelation struct { Parent string `db:"parent"` Child string `db:"child"` Relation int `db:"relation"` Ordering string `db:"ordering"` IsSuggested bool `db:"suggested"` } func (sr *SpaceRelation) Key() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", sr.Parent, sr.Child, sr.Relation) } // Returns a space relation from a compatible event, else nil. func NewSpaceRelationFromEvent(ev Event) (sr *SpaceRelation, isDeleted bool) { event := gjson.ParseBytes(ev.JSON) if !event.Get("state_key").Exists() { return nil, false } switch ev.Type { case "": return &SpaceRelation{ Parent: ev.RoomID, Child: ev.StateKey, Relation: RelationMSpaceChild, Ordering: event.Get("content.ordering").Str, IsSuggested: event.Get("content.suggested").Bool(), }, !event.Get("content.via").IsArray() case "": return &SpaceRelation{ Parent: ev.StateKey, Child: ev.RoomID, Relation: RelationMSpaceParent, // parent events have a Canonical field but we don't care? }, !event.Get("content.via").IsArray() default: return nil, false } } // SpacesTable stores the space graph for all users. type SpacesTable struct{} func NewSpacesTable(db *sqlx.DB) *SpacesTable { // make sure tables are made db.MustExec(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS syncv3_spaces ( parent TEXT NOT NULL, child TEXT NOT NULL, relation SMALLINT NOT NULL, suggested BOOL NOT NULL, ordering TEXT NOT NULL, -- "" for unset UNIQUE(parent, child, relation) ); `) return &SpacesTable{} } // Insert space relations by (parent, child, relation) func (t *SpacesTable) BulkInsert(txn *sqlx.Tx, relations []SpaceRelation) error { if len(relations) == 0 { return nil } chunks := sqlutil.Chunkify(5, MaxPostgresParameters, SpaceRelationChunker(relations)) for _, chunk := range chunks { _, err := txn.NamedExec(` INSERT INTO syncv3_spaces (parent, child, relation, ordering, suggested) VALUES (:parent, :child, :relation, :ordering, :suggested) ON CONFLICT (parent, child, relation) DO UPDATE SET ordering = EXCLUDED.ordering, suggested = EXCLUDED.suggested`, chunk) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // Delete space relations by (parent, child, relation) func (t *SpacesTable) BulkDelete(txn *sqlx.Tx, relations []SpaceRelation) error { if len(relations) == 0 { return nil } for _, r := range relations { _, err := txn.Exec( `DELETE FROM syncv3_spaces WHERE parent=$1 AND child=$2 AND relation=$3`, r.Parent, r.Child, r.Relation, ) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } // Select all children for these spaces func (t *SpacesTable) SelectChildren(txn *sqlx.Tx, spaces []string) (map[string][]SpaceRelation, error) { result := make(map[string][]SpaceRelation) var data []SpaceRelation err := txn.Select(&data, `SELECT parent, child, relation, ordering, suggested FROM syncv3_spaces WHERE parent = ANY($1)`, pq.StringArray(spaces)) if err != nil { return nil, err } // bucket by space for _, d := range data { result[d.Parent] = append(result[d.Parent], d) } return result, nil } func (t *SpacesTable) HandleSpaceUpdates(txn *sqlx.Tx, events []Event) error { // pull out relations, and bucket them so the last event wins to ensure we always use the latest // values in case someone repeatedly adds/removes the same space relations := make(map[string]struct { relation *SpaceRelation isDeleted bool }) for _, ev := range events { r, isDeleted := NewSpaceRelationFromEvent(ev) if r != nil { relations[r.Key()] = struct { relation *SpaceRelation isDeleted bool }{ relation: r, isDeleted: isDeleted, } } } // now bucket by add/remove for bulk operations var added, removed []SpaceRelation for _, r := range relations { if r.isDeleted { removed = append(removed, *r.relation) } else { added = append(added, *r.relation) } } // update the database if err := t.BulkInsert(txn, added); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to BulkInsert: %s", err) } if err := t.BulkDelete(txn, removed); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to BulkDelete: %s", err) } return nil } type SpaceRelationChunker []SpaceRelation func (c SpaceRelationChunker) Len() int { return len(c) } func (c SpaceRelationChunker) Subslice(i, j int) sqlutil.Chunker { return c[i:j] }