#!/bin/bash -eu export SYNCV3_BINDADDR= export SYNCV3_ADDR='http://localhost:8844' export SYNCV3_DEBUG=1 # Run the binary and stop it afterwards. # Direct stderr into stdout, and optionally redirect both to a file. ../syncv3 &> "${E2E_TEST_SERVER_STDOUT:-/dev/stdout}" & SYNCV3_PID=$! trap "kill $SYNCV3_PID" EXIT # wait for the server to be listening, we want this endpoint to 404 instead of connrefused attempts=0 until [ \ "$(curl -s -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null "http://localhost:8844/idonotexist")" \ -eq 404 ] do if [ "$attempts" -gt 60 ]; then echo "Server did not start after $attempts seconds" exit 1 fi echo "Waiting (total ${attempts}s) for server to start..." sleep 1 attempts=$((attempts+1)) done go test "$@"