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synced 2025-03-10 13:37:11 +00:00
637 lines
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637 lines
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package handler2
import (
var logger = zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().Timestamp().Logger().Output(zerolog.ConsoleWriter{
Out: os.Stderr,
TimeFormat: "15:04:05",
// Handler is responsible for starting v2 pollers at startup;
// processing v2 data (as a sync2.V2DataReceiver) and publishing updates (pubsub.Payload to V2Listeners);
// and receiving and processing EnsurePolling events.
type Handler struct {
pMap sync2.IPollerMap
v2Store *sync2.Storage
Store *state.Storage
v2Pub pubsub.Notifier
v3Sub *pubsub.V3Sub
// user_id|room_id|event_type => fnv_hash(last_event_bytes)
accountDataMap *sync.Map
unreadMap map[string]struct {
Highlight int
Notif int
// room_id -> PollerID, stores which Poller is allowed to update typing notifications
typingHandler map[string]sync2.PollerID
typingMu *sync.Mutex
PendingTxnIDs *sync2.PendingTransactionIDs
deviceDataTicker *sync2.DeviceDataTicker
pollerExpiryTicker *time.Ticker
e2eeWorkerPool *internal.WorkerPool
numPollers prometheus.Gauge
subSystem string
func NewHandler(
pMap sync2.IPollerMap, v2Store *sync2.Storage, store *state.Storage,
pub pubsub.Notifier, sub pubsub.Listener, enablePrometheus bool, deviceDataUpdateDuration time.Duration,
) (*Handler, error) {
h := &Handler{
pMap: pMap,
v2Store: v2Store,
Store: store,
subSystem: "poller",
unreadMap: make(map[string]struct {
Highlight int
Notif int
accountDataMap: &sync.Map{},
typingMu: &sync.Mutex{},
typingHandler: make(map[string]sync2.PollerID),
PendingTxnIDs: sync2.NewPendingTransactionIDs(pMap.DeviceIDs),
deviceDataTicker: sync2.NewDeviceDataTicker(deviceDataUpdateDuration),
e2eeWorkerPool: internal.NewWorkerPool(500), // TODO: assign as fraction of db max conns, not hardcoded
if enablePrometheus {
pub = pubsub.NewPromNotifier(pub, h.subSystem)
h.v2Pub = pub
// listen for v3 requests like requests to start polling
v3Sub := pubsub.NewV3Sub(sub, h)
h.v3Sub = v3Sub
return h, nil
// Listen starts all consumers
func (h *Handler) Listen() {
go func() {
defer internal.ReportPanicsToSentry()
err := h.v3Sub.Listen()
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Msg("Failed to listen for v3 messages")
go h.deviceDataTicker.Run()
func (h *Handler) Teardown() {
// stop polling and tear down DB conns
if h.pollerExpiryTicker != nil {
if h.numPollers != nil {
func (h *Handler) StartV2Pollers() {
tokens, err := h.v2Store.TokensTable.TokenForEachDevice(nil)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Msg("StartV2Pollers: failed to query tokens")
// how many concurrent pollers to make at startup.
// Too high and this will flood the upstream server with sync requests at startup.
// Too low and this will take ages for the v2 pollers to startup.
numWorkers := 16
numFails := 0
ch := make(chan sync2.TokenForPoller, len(tokens))
for _, t := range tokens {
// if we fail to decrypt the access token, skip it.
if t.AccessToken == "" {
ch <- t
logger.Info().Int("num_devices", len(tokens)).Int("num_fail_decrypt", numFails).Msg("StartV2Pollers")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for t := range ch {
pid := sync2.PollerID{
UserID: t.UserID,
DeviceID: t.DeviceID,
_, err = h.pMap.EnsurePolling(
pid, t.AccessToken, t.Since, true,
logger.With().Str("user_id", t.UserID).Str("device_id", t.DeviceID).Logger(),
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user_id", t.UserID).Str("device_id", t.DeviceID).Msg("Failed to start poller")
} else {
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2InitialSyncComplete{
UserID: t.UserID,
DeviceID: t.DeviceID,
Success: err == nil,
logger.Info().Msg("StartV2Pollers finished")
func (h *Handler) updateMetrics() {
if h.numPollers == nil {
func (h *Handler) OnTerminated(ctx context.Context, pollerID sync2.PollerID) {
// Check if this device is handling any typing notifications, of so, remove it
defer h.typingMu.Unlock()
for roomID, devID := range h.typingHandler {
if devID == pollerID {
delete(h.typingHandler, roomID)
func (h *Handler) OnExpiredToken(ctx context.Context, accessTokenHash, userID, deviceID string) {
err := h.v2Store.TokensTable.Delete(accessTokenHash)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user", userID).Str("device", deviceID).Str("access_token_hash", accessTokenHash).Msg("V2: failed to expire token")
// Notify v3 side so it can remove the connection from ConnMap
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2ExpiredToken{
UserID: userID,
DeviceID: deviceID,
func (h *Handler) addPrometheusMetrics() {
h.numPollers = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Namespace: "sliding_sync",
Subsystem: h.subSystem,
Name: "num_pollers",
Help: "Number of active sync v2 pollers.",
// Emits nothing as no downstream components need it.
func (h *Handler) UpdateDeviceSince(ctx context.Context, userID, deviceID, since string) {
err := h.v2Store.DevicesTable.UpdateDeviceSince(userID, deviceID, since)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user", userID).Str("device", deviceID).Str("since", since).Msg("V2: failed to persist since token")
func (h *Handler) OnE2EEData(ctx context.Context, userID, deviceID string, otkCounts map[string]int, fallbackKeyTypes []string, deviceListChanges map[string]int) (retErr error) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
h.e2eeWorkerPool.Queue(func() {
defer wg.Done()
err := h.Store.DeviceDataTable.Upsert(userID, deviceID, internal.DeviceKeyData{
OTKCounts: otkCounts,
FallbackKeyTypes: fallbackKeyTypes,
}, deviceListChanges)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user", userID).Msg("failed to upsert device data")
retErr = err
// remember this to notify on pubsub later
UserID: userID,
DeviceID: deviceID,
// Called periodically by deviceDataTicker, contains many updates
func (h *Handler) OnBulkDeviceDataUpdate(payload *pubsub.V2DeviceData) {
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, payload)
func (h *Handler) Accumulate(ctx context.Context, userID, deviceID, roomID string, timeline sync2.TimelineResponse) error {
// Remember any transaction IDs that may be unique to this user
eventIDsWithTxns := make([]string, 0, len(timeline.Events)) // in timeline order
eventIDToTxnID := make(map[string]string, len(timeline.Events)) // event_id -> txn_id
// Also remember events which were sent by this user but lack a transaction ID.
eventIDsLackingTxns := make([]string, 0, len(timeline.Events))
for i := range timeline.Events {
// Delete MSC4115 field as it isn't accurate when we reuse the same event for >1 user
timeline.Events[i], _ = sjson.DeleteBytes(timeline.Events[i], "unsigned.membership")
// escape .'s in the key name
timeline.Events[i], _ = sjson.DeleteBytes(timeline.Events[i], `unsigned.io\.element\.msc4115\.membership`)
parsed := gjson.ParseBytes(timeline.Events[i])
eventID := parsed.Get("event_id").Str
if txnID := parsed.Get("unsigned.transaction_id"); txnID.Exists() {
eventIDsWithTxns = append(eventIDsWithTxns, eventID)
eventIDToTxnID[eventID] = txnID.Str
if sender := parsed.Get("sender"); sender.Str == userID {
eventIDsLackingTxns = append(eventIDsLackingTxns, eventID)
if len(eventIDToTxnID) > 0 {
// persist the txn IDs
err := h.Store.TransactionsTable.Insert(userID, deviceID, eventIDToTxnID)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user", userID).Str("device", deviceID).Int("num_txns", len(eventIDToTxnID)).Msg("failed to persist txn IDs for user")
// Insert new events
accResult, err := h.Store.Accumulate(userID, roomID, timeline)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Int("timeline", len(timeline.Events)).Str("room", roomID).Msg("V2: failed to accumulate room")
return err
// Consumers should reload state content before processing new timeline events.
if accResult.IncludesStateRedaction {
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2StateRedaction{
RoomID: roomID,
// We've updated the database. Now tell any pubsub listeners what we learned.
if accResult.NumNew != 0 {
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2Accumulate{
RoomID: roomID,
PrevBatch: timeline.PrevBatch,
EventNIDs: accResult.TimelineNIDs,
if len(eventIDToTxnID) > 0 || len(eventIDsLackingTxns) > 0 {
// The call to h.Store.Accumulate above only tells us about new events' NIDS;
// for existing events we need to requery the database to fetch them.
// Rather than try to reuse work, keep things simple and just fetch NIDs for
// all events with txnIDs.
var nidsByIDs map[string]int64
eventIDsToFetch := append(eventIDsWithTxns, eventIDsLackingTxns...)
err = sqlutil.WithTransaction(h.Store.DB, func(txn *sqlx.Tx) error {
nidsByIDs, err = h.Store.EventsTable.SelectNIDsByIDs(txn, eventIDsToFetch)
return err
if err != nil {
Int("timeline", len(timeline.Events)).
Int("num_transaction_ids", len(eventIDsWithTxns)).
Int("num_missing_transaction_ids", len(eventIDsLackingTxns)).
Str("room", roomID).
Msg("V2: failed to fetch nids for event transaction_id handling")
return nil // non-fatal if we fail to insert txns
for eventID, nid := range nidsByIDs {
txnID, ok := eventIDToTxnID[eventID]
if ok {
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2TransactionID{
EventID: eventID,
RoomID: roomID,
UserID: userID,
DeviceID: deviceID,
TransactionID: txnID,
NID: nid,
} else {
allClear, _ := h.PendingTxnIDs.MissingTxnID(eventID, userID, deviceID)
if allClear {
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2TransactionID{
EventID: eventID,
RoomID: roomID,
UserID: userID,
DeviceID: deviceID,
TransactionID: "",
NID: nid,
return nil
func (h *Handler) Initialise(ctx context.Context, roomID string, state []json.RawMessage) error {
for i := range state { // Delete MSC4115 field as it isn't accurate when we reuse the same event for >1 user
state[i], _ = sjson.DeleteBytes(state[i], "unsigned.membership")
// escape .'s in the key name
state[i], _ = sjson.DeleteBytes(state[i], `unsigned.io\.element\.msc4115\.membership`)
res, err := h.Store.Initialise(roomID, state)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Int("state", len(state)).Str("room", roomID).Msg("V2: failed to initialise room")
return err
if res.ReplacedExistingSnapshot {
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2InvalidateRoom{
RoomID: roomID,
} else if res.AddedEvents {
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2Initialise{
RoomID: roomID,
SnapshotNID: res.SnapshotID,
return nil
func (h *Handler) SetTyping(ctx context.Context, pollerID sync2.PollerID, roomID string, ephEvent json.RawMessage) {
defer h.typingMu.Unlock()
existingDevice := h.typingHandler[roomID]
isPollerAssigned := existingDevice.DeviceID != "" && existingDevice.UserID != ""
if isPollerAssigned && existingDevice != pollerID {
// A different device is already handling typing notifications for this room
} else if !isPollerAssigned {
// We're the first to call SetTyping, assign our pollerID
h.typingHandler[roomID] = pollerID
// we don't persist this for long term storage as typing notifs are inherently ephemeral.
// So rather than maintaining them forever, they will naturally expire when we terminate.
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2Typing{
RoomID: roomID,
EphemeralEvent: ephEvent,
func (h *Handler) OnReceipt(ctx context.Context, userID, roomID, ephEventType string, ephEvent json.RawMessage) {
// update our records - we make an artifically new RR event if there are genuine changes
// else it returns nil
newReceipts, err := h.Store.ReceiptTable.Insert(roomID, ephEvent)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("room", roomID).Msg("failed to store receipts")
if len(newReceipts) == 0 {
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2Receipt{
RoomID: roomID,
Receipts: newReceipts,
func (h *Handler) AddToDeviceMessages(ctx context.Context, userID, deviceID string, msgs []json.RawMessage) error {
_, err := h.Store.ToDeviceTable.InsertMessages(userID, deviceID, msgs)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user", userID).Str("device", deviceID).Int("msgs", len(msgs)).Msg("V2: failed to store to-device messages")
return err
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2DeviceMessages{
UserID: userID,
DeviceID: deviceID,
return nil
func (h *Handler) UpdateUnreadCounts(ctx context.Context, roomID, userID string, highlightCount, notifCount *int) {
// only touch the DB and notify if they have changed. sync v2 will alwyas include the counts
// even if they haven't changed :(
key := roomID + userID
entry, ok := h.unreadMap[key]
hc := 0
if highlightCount != nil {
hc = *highlightCount
nc := 0
if notifCount != nil {
nc = *notifCount
if ok && entry.Highlight == hc && entry.Notif == nc {
return // dupe
h.unreadMap[key] = struct {
Highlight int
Notif int
Highlight: hc,
Notif: nc,
err := h.Store.UnreadTable.UpdateUnreadCounters(userID, roomID, highlightCount, notifCount)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user", userID).Str("room", roomID).Msg("failed to update unread counters")
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2UnreadCounts{
RoomID: roomID,
UserID: userID,
HighlightCount: highlightCount,
NotificationCount: notifCount,
func (h *Handler) OnAccountData(ctx context.Context, userID, roomID string, events []json.RawMessage) error {
// duplicate suppression for multiple devices on the same account.
// We suppress by remembering the last bytes for a given account data, and if they match we ignore.
dedupedEvents := make([]json.RawMessage, 0, len(events))
for i := range events {
evType := gjson.GetBytes(events[i], "type").Str
key := fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s|%s", userID, roomID, evType)
thisHash := fnvHash(events[i])
last, _ := h.accountDataMap.Load(key)
if last != nil {
lastHash := last.(uint64)
if lastHash == thisHash {
continue // skip this event
dedupedEvents = append(dedupedEvents, events[i])
h.accountDataMap.Store(key, thisHash)
if len(dedupedEvents) == 0 {
return nil
data, err := h.Store.InsertAccountData(userID, roomID, dedupedEvents)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user", userID).Str("room", roomID).Msg("failed to update account data")
return err
var types []string
for _, d := range data {
types = append(types, d.Type)
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2AccountData{
UserID: userID,
RoomID: roomID,
Types: types,
return nil
func (h *Handler) OnInvite(ctx context.Context, userID, roomID string, inviteState []json.RawMessage) error {
err := h.Store.InvitesTable.InsertInvite(userID, roomID, inviteState)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user", userID).Str("room", roomID).Msg("failed to insert invite")
return err
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2InviteRoom{
UserID: userID,
RoomID: roomID,
return nil
func (h *Handler) OnLeftRoom(ctx context.Context, userID, roomID string, leaveEv json.RawMessage) error {
// remove any invites for this user if they are rejecting an invite
err := h.Store.InvitesTable.RemoveInvite(userID, roomID)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Str("user", userID).Str("room", roomID).Msg("failed to retire invite")
return err
// Remove room from the typing deviceHandler map, this ensures we always
// have a device handling typing notifications for a given room.
defer h.typingMu.Unlock()
delete(h.typingHandler, roomID)
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2LeaveRoom{
UserID: userID,
RoomID: roomID,
LeaveEvent: leaveEv,
return nil
func (h *Handler) EnsurePolling(p *pubsub.V3EnsurePolling) {
log := logger.With().Str("user_id", p.UserID).Str("device_id", p.DeviceID).Logger()
log.Info().Msg("EnsurePolling: new request")
defer func() {
log.Info().Msg("EnsurePolling: preprocessing done")
accessToken, since, err := h.v2Store.TokensTable.GetTokenAndSince(p.UserID, p.DeviceID, p.AccessTokenHash)
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("V3Sub: EnsurePolling unknown device")
// don't block us from consuming more pubsub messages just because someone wants to sync
go func() {
// blocks until an initial sync is done
pid := sync2.PollerID{
UserID: p.UserID,
DeviceID: p.DeviceID,
_, err = h.pMap.EnsurePolling(
pid, accessToken, since, false, log,
if err != nil {
log.Err(err).Msg("Failed to start poller")
h.v2Pub.Notify(pubsub.ChanV2, &pubsub.V2InitialSyncComplete{
UserID: p.UserID,
DeviceID: p.DeviceID,
Success: err == nil,
func (h *Handler) startPollerExpiryTicker() {
if h.pollerExpiryTicker != nil {
h.pollerExpiryTicker = time.NewTicker(time.Hour)
go func() {
for range h.pollerExpiryTicker.C {
// ExpireOldPollers looks for pollers whose devices have not made a sliding sync query
// in the last 30 days, and asks the poller map to expire their corresponding pollers.
// This function does not normally need to be called manually (StartV2Pollers queues it
// up to run hourly); we expose it publicly only for testing purposes.
func (h *Handler) ExpireOldPollers() {
devices, err := h.v2Store.DevicesTable.FindOldDevices(30 * 24 * time.Hour)
if err != nil {
logger.Err(err).Msg("Error fetching old devices")
pids := make([]sync2.PollerID, len(devices))
for i := range devices {
pids[i].UserID = devices[i].UserID
pids[i].DeviceID = devices[i].DeviceID
numExpired := h.pMap.ExpirePollers(pids)
if len(devices) > 0 {
logger.Info().Int("old", len(devices)).Int("expired", numExpired).Msg("poller cleanup old devices")
func fnvHash(event json.RawMessage) uint64 {
h := fnv.New64a()
return h.Sum64()