
231 lines
7.3 KiB

package sync3
import (
const (
alice = "@alice:localhost"
bob = "@bob:localhost"
// mustEqual ensures that got==want else logs an error.
// The 'msg' is displayed with the error to provide extra context.
func mustEqual[V comparable](t *testing.T, got, want V, msg string) {
if got != want {
t.Errorf("Equal %s: got '%v' want '%v'", msg, got, want)
func TestConnMap(t *testing.T) {
cm := NewConnMap(false, time.Minute)
cid := ConnID{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "room-list"}
_, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
conn := cm.CreateConn(cid, cancel, func() ConnHandler {
return &mockConnHandler{}
mustEqual(t, conn.ConnID, cid, "cid mismatch")
// lookups work
mustEqual(t, cm.Conn(cid), conn, "*Conn wasn't the same when fetched via Conn(ConnID)")
conns := cm.Conns(cid.UserID, cid.DeviceID)
mustEqual(t, len(conns), 1, "Conns length mismatch")
mustEqual(t, conns[0], conn, "*Conn wasn't the same when fetched via Conns()[0]")
func TestConnMap_CloseConnsForDevice(t *testing.T) {
cm := NewConnMap(false, time.Minute)
otherCID := ConnID{UserID: bob, DeviceID: "A", CID: "room-list"}
cidToConn := map[ConnID]*Conn{
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "room-list"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "encryption"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "notifications"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "room-list"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "encryption"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "notifications"}: nil,
otherCID: nil,
for cid := range cidToConn {
_, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
conn := cm.CreateConn(cid, cancel, func() ConnHandler {
return &mockConnHandler{}
cidToConn[cid] = conn
closedDevice := "A"
cm.CloseConnsForDevice(alice, closedDevice)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // some stuff happens asyncly in goroutines
// Destroy should have been called for all alice|A connections
assertDestroyedConns(t, cidToConn, func(cid ConnID) bool {
return cid.UserID == alice && cid.DeviceID == "A"
func TestConnMap_CloseConnsForUser(t *testing.T) {
cm := NewConnMap(false, time.Minute)
otherCID := ConnID{UserID: bob, DeviceID: "A", CID: "room-list"}
cidToConn := map[ConnID]*Conn{
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "room-list"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "encryption"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "notifications"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "room-list"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "encryption"}: nil,
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "notifications"}: nil,
otherCID: nil,
for cid := range cidToConn {
_, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
conn := cm.CreateConn(cid, cancel, func() ConnHandler {
return &mockConnHandler{}
cidToConn[cid] = conn
num := cm.CloseConnsForUsers([]string{alice})
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) // some stuff happens asyncly in goroutines
mustEqual(t, num, 6, "unexpected number of closed conns")
// Destroy should have been called for all alice connections
assertDestroyedConns(t, cidToConn, func(cid ConnID) bool {
return cid.UserID == alice
func TestConnMap_TTLExpiry(t *testing.T) {
cm := NewConnMap(false, time.Second) // 1s expiry
expiredCIDs := []ConnID{
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "room-list"},
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "encryption"},
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "notifications"},
cidToConn := map[ConnID]*Conn{}
for _, cid := range expiredCIDs {
_, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
conn := cm.CreateConn(cid, cancel, func() ConnHandler {
return &mockConnHandler{}
cidToConn[cid] = conn
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
unexpiredCIDs := []ConnID{
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "room-list"},
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "encryption"},
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "notifications"},
for _, cid := range unexpiredCIDs {
_, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
conn := cm.CreateConn(cid, cancel, func() ConnHandler {
return &mockConnHandler{}
cidToConn[cid] = conn
time.Sleep(510 * time.Millisecond) // all 'A' device conns must have expired
// Destroy should have been called for all alice|A connections
assertDestroyedConns(t, cidToConn, func(cid ConnID) bool {
return cid.DeviceID == "A"
func TestConnMap_TTLExpiryStaggeredDevices(t *testing.T) {
cm := NewConnMap(false, time.Second) // 1s expiry
expiredCIDs := []ConnID{
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "room-list"},
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "encryption"},
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "notifications"},
cidToConn := map[ConnID]*Conn{}
for _, cid := range expiredCIDs {
_, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
conn := cm.CreateConn(cid, cancel, func() ConnHandler {
return &mockConnHandler{}
cidToConn[cid] = conn
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
unexpiredCIDs := []ConnID{
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "B", CID: "room-list"},
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "encryption"},
{UserID: alice, DeviceID: "A", CID: "notifications"},
for _, cid := range unexpiredCIDs {
_, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
conn := cm.CreateConn(cid, cancel, func() ConnHandler {
return &mockConnHandler{}
cidToConn[cid] = conn
// all expiredCIDs should have expired, none from unexpiredCIDs
time.Sleep(510 * time.Millisecond)
// Destroy should have been called for all expiredCIDs connections
assertDestroyedConns(t, cidToConn, func(cid ConnID) bool {
for _, expCID := range expiredCIDs {
if expCID.String() == cid.String() {
return true
return false
// double check this by querying connmap
conns := cm.Conns(alice, "A")
var gotIDs []string
for _, c := range conns {
gotIDs = append(gotIDs, c.CID)
wantIDs := []string{"encryption", "notifications"}
mustEqual(t, len(conns), 2, "unexpected number of Conns for device")
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotIDs, wantIDs) {
t.Fatalf("unexpected active conns: got %v want %v", gotIDs, wantIDs)
func assertDestroyedConns(t *testing.T, cidToConn map[ConnID]*Conn, isDestroyedFn func(cid ConnID) bool) {
for cid, conn := range cidToConn {
if isDestroyedFn(cid) {
mustEqual(t, conn.handler.(*mockConnHandler).isDestroyed.Load(), true, fmt.Sprintf("conn %+v was not destroyed", cid))
} else {
mustEqual(t, conn.handler.(*mockConnHandler).isDestroyed.Load(), false, fmt.Sprintf("conn %+v was destroyed", cid))
type mockConnHandler struct {
isDestroyed atomic.Bool
cancel context.CancelFunc
func (c *mockConnHandler) OnIncomingRequest(ctx context.Context, cid ConnID, req *Request, isInitial bool, start time.Time) (*Response, error) {
return nil, nil
func (c *mockConnHandler) OnUpdate(ctx context.Context, update caches.Update) {}
func (c *mockConnHandler) PublishEventsUpTo(roomID string, nid int64) {}
func (c *mockConnHandler) Destroy() {
func (c *mockConnHandler) Alive() bool {
return true // buffer never fills up
func (c *mockConnHandler) SetCancelCallback(cancel context.CancelFunc) {
c.cancel = cancel