Kegan Dougal dcb8854001 Add more spans for live updates; change when we early return from buffered events
- Add more spans to live updates to account for more time spent in various functions.
- When there are a lot of stacked updates in the buffer, return after processing 100
  of them rather than relying on >=50 list operations. List operations isn't a good
  proxy for the amount of work being done, as the majority of work updates are things
  like: receipts, typing, device list updates. This means we will return faster than
  before when we have stacked updates, reducing perceived latency, despite having to
  still go through the entire buffer.
2024-02-26 12:53:57 +00:00

477 lines
19 KiB

package handler
import (
// the amount of time to try to insert into a full buffer before giving up.
// Customisable for testing
var BufferWaitTime = time.Second * 5
// Contains code for processing live updates. Split out from connstate because they concern different
// code paths. Relies on ConnState for various list/sort/subscription operations.
type connStateLive struct {
// A channel which the dispatcher uses to send updates to the conn goroutine
// Consumed when the conn is read. There is a limit to how many updates we will store before
// saying the client is dead and clean up the conn.
updates chan caches.Update
bufferFull bool
// Called when there is an update from the user cache. This callback fires when the server gets a new event and determines this connection MAY be
// interested in it (e.g the client is joined to the room or it's an invite, etc).
// We need to move this data onto a channel for onIncomingRequest to consume later.
func (s *connStateLive) onUpdate(up caches.Update) {
if s.bufferFull {
select {
case s.updates <- up:
case <-time.After(BufferWaitTime):
logger.Warn().Interface("update", up).Str("user", s.userID).Str("device", s.deviceID).Msg(
"cannot send update to connection, buffer exceeded. Destroying connection.",
s.bufferFull = true
// live update waits for new data and populates the response given when new data arrives.
func (s *connStateLive) liveUpdate(
ctx context.Context, req *sync3.Request, ex extensions.Request, isInitial bool,
response *sync3.Response,
) {
log := logger.With().Str("user", s.userID).Str("device", s.deviceID).Logger()
// we need to ensure that we keep consuming from the updates channel, even if they want a response
// immediately. If we have new list data we won't wait, but if we don't then we need to be able to
// catch-up to the current head position, hence giving 100ms grace period for processing.
if req.TimeoutMSecs() < 100 {
startBufferSize := len(s.updates)
// block until we get a new event, with appropriate timeout
startTime := time.Now()
hasLiveStreamed := false
numProcessedUpdates := 0
for response.ListOps() == 0 && len(response.Rooms) == 0 && !response.Extensions.HasData(isInitial) {
hasLiveStreamed = true
timeToWait := time.Duration(req.TimeoutMSecs()) * time.Millisecond
timeWaited := time.Since(startTime)
timeLeftToWait := timeToWait - timeWaited
if timeLeftToWait < 0 {
log.Trace().Str("time_waited", timeWaited.String()).Msg("liveUpdate: timed out")
log.Trace().Str("dur", timeLeftToWait.String()).Msg("liveUpdate: no response data yet; blocking")
select {
case <-ctx.Done(): // client has given up
log.Trace().Msg("liveUpdate: client gave up, or we killed the connection")
internal.Logf(ctx, "liveUpdate", "context cancelled")
case <-time.After(timeLeftToWait): // we've timed out
log.Trace().Msg("liveUpdate: timed out")
internal.Logf(ctx, "liveUpdate", "timed out after %v", timeLeftToWait)
case update := <-s.updates:
s.processUpdate(ctx, update, response, ex)
// if there's more updates and we don't have lots stacked up already, go ahead and process another
for len(s.updates) > 0 && numProcessedUpdates < 100 {
update = <-s.updates
s.processUpdate(ctx, update, response, ex)
// If a client constantly changes their request params in every request they make, we will never consume from
// the update channel as the response will always have data already. In an effort to prevent starvation of new
// data, we will process some updates even though we have data already, but only if A) we didn't live stream
// due to natural circumstances, B) it isn't an initial request and C) there is in fact some data there.
numQueuedUpdates := len(s.updates)
if !hasLiveStreamed && !isInitial && numQueuedUpdates > 0 {
for i := 0; i < numQueuedUpdates; i++ {
update := <-s.updates
s.processUpdate(ctx, update, response, ex)
log.Debug().Int("num_queued", numQueuedUpdates).Msg("liveUpdate: caught up")
internal.Logf(ctx, "connstate", "liveUpdate caught up %d updates", numQueuedUpdates)
log.Trace().Bool("live_streamed", hasLiveStreamed).Msg("liveUpdate: returning")
internal.SetConnBufferInfo(ctx, startBufferSize, len(s.updates), cap(s.updates))
// TODO: op consolidation
func (s *connStateLive) processUpdate(ctx context.Context, update caches.Update, response *sync3.Response, ex extensions.Request) {
internal.Logf(ctx, "liveUpdate", "process live update %s", update.Type())
s.processLiveUpdate(ctx, update, response)
// pass event to extensions AFTER processing
roomIDsToLists := s.lists.ListsByVisibleRoomIDs(s.muxedReq.Lists)
s.extensionsHandler.HandleLiveUpdate(ctx, update, ex, &response.Extensions, extensions.Context{
IsInitial: false,
RoomIDToTimeline: response.RoomIDsToTimelineEventIDs(),
UserID: s.userID,
DeviceID: s.deviceID,
RoomIDsToLists: roomIDsToLists,
AllSubscribedRooms: internal.Keys(s.roomSubscriptions),
AllLists: s.muxedReq.ListKeys(),
func (s *connStateLive) processLiveUpdate(ctx context.Context, up caches.Update, response *sync3.Response) bool {
_, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "processLiveUpdate")
defer span.End()
internal.AssertWithContext(ctx, "processLiveUpdate: response list length != internal list length", s.lists.Len() == len(response.Lists))
internal.AssertWithContext(ctx, "processLiveUpdate: request list length != internal list length", s.lists.Len() == len(s.muxedReq.Lists))
roomUpdate, _ := up.(caches.RoomUpdate)
roomEventUpdate, _ := up.(*caches.RoomEventUpdate)
if roomEventUpdate != nil {
// if this is a room event update we may not want to process this event, for a few reasons.
if !roomEventUpdate.EventData.AlwaysProcess {
// check if we should skip this update. Do we know of this room (lp > 0) and if so, is this event
// behind what we've processed before?
lp := s.loadPositions[roomEventUpdate.RoomID()]
if lp > 0 && roomEventUpdate.EventData.NID < lp {
return false
// Skip message events from ignored users.
if roomEventUpdate.EventData.StateKey == nil && s.userCache.ShouldIgnore(roomEventUpdate.EventData.Sender) {
Str("user", s.userID).
Str("type", roomEventUpdate.EventData.EventType).
Str("sender", roomEventUpdate.EventData.Sender).
Msg("ignoring event update")
return false
// for initial rooms e.g a room comes into the window or a subscription now exists
builder := NewRoomsBuilder()
// do global connection updates (e.g adding/removing rooms from allRooms)
delta := s.processGlobalUpdates(ctx, builder, up)
// process room subscriptions
hasUpdates := s.processUpdatesForSubscriptions(ctx, builder, up)
// do per-list updates (e.g resorting, adding/removing rooms which no longer match filter)
for _, listDelta := range delta.Lists {
listKey := listDelta.ListKey
list := s.lists.Get(listKey)
reqList := s.muxedReq.Lists[listKey]
resList := response.Lists[listKey]
updates := s.processLiveUpdateForList(ctx, builder, up, listDelta.Op, &reqList, list, &resList)
if updates {
hasUpdates = true
response.Lists[listKey] = resList
// add in initial rooms FIRST as we replace whatever is in the rooms key for these rooms.
// If we do it after appending live updates then we can lose updates because we replace what
// we accumulated.
rooms := s.buildRooms(ctx, builder.BuildSubscriptions())
for roomID, room := range rooms {
response.Rooms[roomID] = room
// TODO: find a better way to determine if the triggering event should be included e.g ask the lists?
if hasUpdates && roomEventUpdate != nil {
// include this update in the rooms response TODO: filters on event type?
userRoomData := roomUpdate.UserRoomMetadata()
r := response.Rooms[roomUpdate.RoomID()]
// Get the highest timestamp, determined by bumpEventTypes,
// for this room
roomListsMeta := s.lists.ReadOnlyRoom(roomUpdate.RoomID())
var bumpEventTypes []string
for _, list := range s.muxedReq.Lists {
bumpEventTypes = append(bumpEventTypes, list.BumpEventTypes...)
for _, t := range bumpEventTypes {
evMeta := roomListsMeta.LatestEventsByType[t]
if evMeta.Timestamp > r.Timestamp {
r.Timestamp = evMeta.Timestamp
// If there are no bumpEventTypes defined, use the last message timestamp
if r.Timestamp == 0 && len(bumpEventTypes) == 0 {
r.Timestamp = roomUpdate.GlobalRoomMetadata().LastMessageTimestamp
// Make sure we don't leak a timestamp from before we joined
if r.Timestamp < roomListsMeta.JoinTiming.Timestamp {
r.Timestamp = roomListsMeta.JoinTiming.Timestamp
r.HighlightCount = int64(userRoomData.HighlightCount)
r.NotificationCount = int64(userRoomData.NotificationCount)
if roomEventUpdate != nil && roomEventUpdate.EventData.Event != nil {
advancedPastEvent := false
if !roomEventUpdate.EventData.AlwaysProcess {
if roomEventUpdate.EventData.NID <= s.loadPositions[roomEventUpdate.RoomID()] {
// this update has been accounted for by the initial:true room snapshot
advancedPastEvent = true
s.loadPositions[roomEventUpdate.RoomID()] = roomEventUpdate.EventData.NID
// we only append to the timeline if we haven't already got this event. This can happen when:
// - 2 live events for a room mid-connection
// - next request bumps a room from outside to inside the window
// - the initial:true room from BuildSubscriptions contains the latest live events in the timeline as it's pulled from the DB
// - we then process the live events in turn which adds them again.
if !advancedPastEvent {
roomIDtoTimeline := s.userCache.AnnotateWithTransactionIDs(ctx, s.userID, s.deviceID, map[string][]json.RawMessage{
roomEventUpdate.RoomID(): {roomEventUpdate.EventData.Event},
if len(r.Timeline) == 0 && r.PrevBatch == "" {
// attempt to fill in the prev_batch value for this room
prevBatch := s.userCache.AttemptToFetchPrevBatch(ctx, roomEventUpdate.RoomID(), roomEventUpdate.EventData)
if prevBatch != "" {
r.PrevBatch = prevBatch
r.Timeline = append(r.Timeline, roomIDtoTimeline[roomEventUpdate.RoomID()]...)
roomID := roomEventUpdate.RoomID()
sender := roomEventUpdate.EventData.Sender
if s.lazyCache.IsLazyLoading(roomID) && !s.lazyCache.IsSet(roomID, sender) {
// load the state event
_, span := internal.StartSpan(ctx, "LazyLoadingMemberEvent")
memberEvent := s.globalCache.LoadStateEvent(context.Background(), roomID, s.loadPositions[roomID], "", sender)
if memberEvent != nil {
r.RequiredState = append(r.RequiredState, memberEvent)
s.lazyCache.AddUser(roomID, sender)
response.Rooms[roomUpdate.RoomID()] = r
if roomUpdate != nil {
// try to find this room in the response. If it's there, then we may need to update some fields.
// there's no guarantees that the room will be in the response if say the event caused it to move
// off a list.
thisRoom, exists := response.Rooms[roomUpdate.RoomID()]
if exists {
if delta.RoomNameChanged {
metadata := roomUpdate.GlobalRoomMetadata()
roomName, calculated := internal.CalculateRoomName(metadata, 5) // TODO: customisable?
thisRoom.Name = roomName
if calculated && s.shouldIncludeHeroes(roomUpdate.RoomID()) {
thisRoom.Heroes = metadata.Heroes
if delta.RoomAvatarChanged {
metadata := roomUpdate.GlobalRoomMetadata()
thisRoom.AvatarChange = sync3.NewAvatarChange(internal.CalculateAvatar(metadata, roomUpdate.UserRoomMetadata().IsDM))
if delta.InviteCountChanged {
thisRoom.InvitedCount = &roomUpdate.GlobalRoomMetadata().InviteCount
if delta.JoinCountChanged {
thisRoom.JoinedCount = roomUpdate.GlobalRoomMetadata().JoinCount
response.Rooms[roomUpdate.RoomID()] = thisRoom
if delta.HighlightCountChanged || delta.NotificationCountChanged {
if !exists {
// we need to make this room exist. Other deltas are caused by events so the room exists,
// but highlight/notif counts are silent
thisRoom = sync3.Room{}
thisRoom.NotificationCount = int64(roomUpdate.UserRoomMetadata().NotificationCount)
thisRoom.HighlightCount = int64(roomUpdate.UserRoomMetadata().HighlightCount)
response.Rooms[roomUpdate.RoomID()] = thisRoom
return hasUpdates
func (s *connStateLive) processUpdatesForSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, builder *RoomsBuilder, up caches.Update) (hasUpdates bool) {
rup, ok := up.(caches.RoomUpdate)
if !ok {
return false
// if we have an existing confirmed subscription for this room, then there's nothing to do.
if _, exists := s.roomSubscriptions[rup.RoomID()]; exists {
return true // this room exists as a subscription so we'll handle it correctly
// did the client ask to subscribe to this room?
_, ok = s.muxedReq.RoomSubscriptions[rup.RoomID()]
if !ok {
return false // the client does not want a subscription to this room, so do nothing.
// the user does not have a subscription to this room yet but wants one, try to add it.
// this will do join checks for us.
s.buildRoomSubscriptions(ctx, builder, []string{rup.RoomID()}, nil)
// if we successfully made the subscription, it will now exist in the confirmed subscriptions map
_, exists := s.roomSubscriptions[rup.RoomID()]
return exists
// this function does any updates which apply to the connection, regardless of which lists/subs exist.
func (s *connStateLive) processGlobalUpdates(ctx context.Context, builder *RoomsBuilder, up caches.Update) (delta sync3.RoomDelta) {
roomEventUpdate, isRoomEventUpdate := up.(*caches.RoomEventUpdate)
bumpTimestampInList := make(map[string]uint64, len(s.muxedReq.Lists))
rup, isRoomUpdate := up.(caches.RoomUpdate)
if isRoomUpdate {
updateTimestamp := rup.GlobalRoomMetadata().LastMessageTimestamp
for listKey, list := range s.muxedReq.Lists {
if len(list.BumpEventTypes) == 0 {
// If this list hasn't provided BumpEventTypes, bump the room list for all room updates.
bumpTimestampInList[listKey] = updateTimestamp
} else if isRoomEventUpdate {
// If BumpEventTypes are provided, only bump the room if we see an event
// matching one of the bump types. We don't consult rup.JoinTiming here,
// because we should only be processing events that the user is
// permitted to see.
for _, eventType := range list.BumpEventTypes {
if eventType == roomEventUpdate.EventData.EventType {
bumpTimestampInList[listKey] = updateTimestamp
metadata := rup.GlobalRoomMetadata().DeepCopy()
// TODO: if we change a room from being a DM to not being a DM, we should call
// SetRoom and recalculate avatars. To do that we'd need to
// - listen to global account data events
// - compute the symmetric difference between old and new
// - call SetRooms for each room in the difference.
// I'm assuming this happens so rarely that we can ignore this for now. PRs
// welcome if you a strong opinion to the contrary.
delta = s.lists.SetRoom(sync3.RoomConnMetadata{
RoomMetadata: *metadata,
UserRoomData: *rup.UserRoomMetadata(),
LastInterestedEventTimestamps: bumpTimestampInList,
// update the anchor for this new event
if isRoomEventUpdate && roomEventUpdate.EventData.NID > s.anchorLoadPosition {
s.anchorLoadPosition = roomEventUpdate.EventData.NID
func (s *connStateLive) processLiveUpdateForList(
ctx context.Context, builder *RoomsBuilder, up caches.Update, listOp sync3.ListOp,
reqList *sync3.RequestList, intList *sync3.FilteredSortableRooms, resList *sync3.ResponseList,
) (hasUpdates bool) {
switch update := up.(type) {
case *caches.RoomEventUpdate:
logger.Trace().Str("user", s.userID).Str("type", update.EventData.EventType).Msg("received event update")
if update.EventData.ForceInitial {
// add room to sub: this applies for when we track all rooms too as we want joins/etc to come through with initial data
subID := builder.AddSubscription(reqList.RoomSubscription)
builder.AddRoomsToSubscription(ctx, subID, []string{update.RoomID()})
case *caches.UnreadCountUpdate:
logger.Trace().Str("user", s.userID).Str("room", update.RoomID()).Bool("count_decreased", update.HasCountDecreased).Msg("received unread count update")
// normally we do not signal unread count increases to the client as we want to atomically
// increase the count AND send the msg so there's no phantom msgs/notifications. However,
// we must resort the list and send delta even if this is an increase else
// the server's view of the world can get out-of-sync with the clients, causing bogus DELETE/INSERT
// ops which causes duplicate rooms to appear.
// only room updates can cause the rooms to reshuffle e.g events, room account data, tags
// because we need a room ID to move.
rup, ok := up.(caches.RoomUpdate)
if !ok {
return false
ops, hasUpdates := s.resort(
ctx, builder, reqList, intList, rup.RoomID(), listOp,
resList.Ops = append(resList.Ops, ops...)
if !hasUpdates {
hasUpdates = len(resList.Ops) > 0
return hasUpdates
// Resort should be called after a specific room has been modified in `intList`.
func (s *connStateLive) resort(
ctx context.Context, builder *RoomsBuilder,
reqList *sync3.RequestList, intList *sync3.FilteredSortableRooms, roomID string,
listOp sync3.ListOp,
) (ops []sync3.ResponseOp, didUpdate bool) {
if reqList.ShouldGetAllRooms() {
// no need to sort this list as we get all rooms
// no need to calculate ops as we get all rooms
// no need to send initial state for some rooms as we already sent initial state for all rooms
if listOp == sync3.ListOpAdd {
// ensure we send data when the user joins a new room
subID := builder.AddSubscription(reqList.RoomSubscription)
builder.AddRoomsToSubscription(ctx, subID, []string{roomID})
} else if listOp == sync3.ListOpDel {
return nil, true
ops, subs := sync3.CalculateListOps(ctx, reqList, intList, roomID, listOp)
if len(subs) > 0 { // handle rooms which have just come into the window
subID := builder.AddSubscription(reqList.RoomSubscription)
builder.AddRoomsToSubscription(ctx, subID, subs)
// there are updates if we have ops, new subs or if the triggering room is inside the range still
hasUpdates := len(ops) > 0 || len(subs) > 0
if !hasUpdates {
roomIndex, ok := intList.IndexOf(roomID)
if ok {
_, isInside := reqList.Ranges.Inside(int64(roomIndex))
hasUpdates = isInside
return ops, hasUpdates
// shouldIncludeHeroes returns whether the given roomID is in a list or direct
// subscription which should return heroes.
func (s *connStateLive) shouldIncludeHeroes(roomID string) bool {
if s.roomSubscriptions[roomID].IncludeHeroes() {
return true
roomIDsToLists := s.lists.ListsByVisibleRoomIDs(s.muxedReq.Lists)
for _, listKey := range roomIDsToLists[roomID] {
// check if this list should include heroes
if !s.muxedReq.Lists[listKey].IncludeHeroes() {
return true
return false