2022-01-04 15:32:50 +00:00

336 lines
9.9 KiB

package syncv3
import (
// Test that multiple lists can be independently scrolled through
func TestMultipleLists(t *testing.T) {
boolTrue := true
boolFalse := false
pqString := testutils.PrepareDBConnectionString()
// setup code
v2 := runTestV2Server(t)
v3 := runTestServer(t, v2, pqString)
defer v2.close()
defer v3.close()
alice := "@TestMultipleLists_alice:localhost"
aliceToken := "ALICE_BEARER_TOKEN_TestMultipleLists"
var allRooms []roomEvents
var encryptedRooms []roomEvents
var unencryptedRooms []roomEvents
baseTimestamp := time.Now()
// make 10 encrypted rooms and make 10 unencrypted rooms. Room 0 is most recent to ease checks
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
ts := baseTimestamp.Add(time.Duration(-1*i) * time.Second)
encRoom := roomEvents{
roomID: fmt.Sprintf("!encrypted_%d:localhost", i),
events: append(createRoomState(t, alice, ts), []json.RawMessage{
t, "", "", alice, map[string]interface{}{
"algorithm": "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2",
"rotation_period_ms": 604800000,
"rotation_period_msgs": 100,
}, testutils.WithTimestamp(ts),
room := roomEvents{
roomID: fmt.Sprintf("!unencrypted_%d:localhost", i),
events: createRoomState(t, alice, ts),
allRooms = append(allRooms, []roomEvents{encRoom, room}...)
encryptedRooms = append(encryptedRooms, encRoom)
unencryptedRooms = append(unencryptedRooms, room)
v2.addAccount(alice, aliceToken)
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: v2JoinTimeline(allRooms...),
// request 2 lists, one set encrypted, one set unencrypted
res := v3.mustDoV3Request(t, aliceToken, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{
Sort: []string{sync3.SortByRecency},
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms
TimelineLimit: 1,
Filters: &sync3.RequestFilters{
IsEncrypted: &boolTrue,
Sort: []string{sync3.SortByRecency},
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms
TimelineLimit: 1,
Filters: &sync3.RequestFilters{
IsEncrypted: &boolFalse,
seen := map[int]bool{}
opMatch := func(op *sync3.ResponseOpRange) error {
seen[op.List] = true
if op.List == 0 { // first 3 encrypted rooms
return checkRoomList(op, encryptedRooms[:3])
} else if op.List == 1 { // first 3 unencrypted rooms
return checkRoomList(op, unencryptedRooms[:3])
return fmt.Errorf("unknown List: %d", op.List)
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Counts([]int{len(encryptedRooms), len(unencryptedRooms)}), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3SyncOp(opMatch), MatchV3SyncOp(opMatch),
if !seen[0] || !seen[1] {
t.Fatalf("didn't see both list 0 and 1: %+v", res)
// now scroll one of the lists
res = v3.mustDoV3RequestWithPos(t, aliceToken, res.Pos, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms still
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms
[2]int64{3, 5}, // next 3 rooms
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Counts([]int{len(encryptedRooms), len(unencryptedRooms)}), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3SyncOp(func(op *sync3.ResponseOpRange) error {
if op.List != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected unencrypted list to be SYNCed but wasn't, got list %d want %d", op.List, 1)
return checkRoomList(op, unencryptedRooms[3:6])
// now shift the last/oldest unencrypted room to an encrypted room and make sure both lists update
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: map[string]sync2.SyncV2JoinResponse{
unencryptedRooms[len(unencryptedRooms)-1].roomID: {
Timeline: sync2.TimelineResponse{
Events: []json.RawMessage{
t, "", "", alice, map[string]interface{}{
"algorithm": "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2",
"rotation_period_ms": 604800000,
"rotation_period_msgs": 100,
v2.waitUntilEmpty(t, alice)
// update our source of truth: the last unencrypted room is now the first encrypted room
encryptedRooms = append([]roomEvents{unencryptedRooms[len(unencryptedRooms)-1]}, encryptedRooms...)
unencryptedRooms = unencryptedRooms[:len(unencryptedRooms)-1]
res = v3.mustDoV3RequestWithPos(t, aliceToken, res.Pos, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms still
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms
[2]int64{3, 5}, // next 3 rooms
// We are tracking the first few encrypted rooms so we expect list 0 to update
// However we do not track old unencrypted rooms so we expect no change in list 1
// TODO: We always assume operations are done sequentially starting at list 0, is this safe?
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Counts([]int{len(encryptedRooms), len(unencryptedRooms)}), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3DeleteOp(0, 2),
MatchV3InsertOp(0, 0, encryptedRooms[0].roomID),
// Test that highlights / bumps only update a single list and not both. Regression test for when
// DM rooms get bumped they appeared in the is_dm:false list.
func TestMultipleListsDMUpdate(t *testing.T) {
boolTrue := true
boolFalse := false
one := 1
pqString := testutils.PrepareDBConnectionString()
// setup code
v2 := runTestV2Server(t)
v3 := runTestServer(t, v2, pqString)
defer v2.close()
defer v3.close()
alice := "@TestMultipleListsUpdate_alice:localhost"
aliceToken := "ALICE_BEARER_TOKEN_TestMultipleListsUpdate"
var allRooms []roomEvents
var dmRooms []roomEvents
var groupRooms []roomEvents
baseTimestamp := time.Now()
dmContent := map[string][]string{} // user_id -> [room_id]
// make 10 group rooms and make 10 DMs rooms. Room 0 is most recent to ease checks
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
ts := baseTimestamp.Add(time.Duration(-1*i) * time.Second)
dmUser := fmt.Sprintf("@dm_%d:localhost", i)
dmRoomID := fmt.Sprintf("!dm_%d:localhost", i)
dmRoom := roomEvents{
roomID: dmRoomID,
events: append(createRoomState(t, alice, ts), []json.RawMessage{
t, "", dmUser, dmUser, map[string]interface{}{
"membership": "join",
}, testutils.WithTimestamp(ts),
groupRoom := roomEvents{
roomID: fmt.Sprintf("!group_%d:localhost", i),
events: createRoomState(t, alice, ts),
allRooms = append(allRooms, []roomEvents{dmRoom, groupRoom}...)
dmRooms = append(dmRooms, dmRoom)
groupRooms = append(groupRooms, groupRoom)
dmContent[dmUser] = []string{dmRoomID}
v2.addAccount(alice, aliceToken)
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
AccountData: sync2.EventsResponse{
Events: []json.RawMessage{
testutils.NewEvent(t, "", alice, dmContent, time.Now()),
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: v2JoinTimeline(allRooms...),
// request 2 lists, one set DM, one set no DM
res := v3.mustDoV3Request(t, aliceToken, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{
Sort: []string{sync3.SortByRecency},
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms
TimelineLimit: 1,
Filters: &sync3.RequestFilters{
IsDM: &boolTrue,
Sort: []string{sync3.SortByRecency},
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms
TimelineLimit: 1,
Filters: &sync3.RequestFilters{
IsDM: &boolFalse,
seen := map[int]bool{}
opMatch := func(op *sync3.ResponseOpRange) error {
seen[op.List] = true
if op.List == 0 { // first 3 DM rooms
return checkRoomList(op, dmRooms[:3])
} else if op.List == 1 { // first 3 group rooms
return checkRoomList(op, groupRooms[:3])
return fmt.Errorf("unknown List: %d", op.List)
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Counts([]int{len(dmRooms), len(groupRooms)}), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3SyncOp(opMatch), MatchV3SyncOp(opMatch),
// now bring the last DM room to the top with a notif
pingMessage := testutils.NewEvent(t, "", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "ping"}, time.Now())
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: map[string]sync2.SyncV2JoinResponse{
dmRooms[len(dmRooms)-1].roomID: {
UnreadNotifications: sync2.UnreadNotifications{
HighlightCount: &one,
Timeline: sync2.TimelineResponse{
Events: []json.RawMessage{
v2.waitUntilEmpty(t, alice)
// update our source of truth
dmRooms = append([]roomEvents{dmRooms[len(dmRooms)-1]}, dmRooms[1:]...)
dmRooms[0].events = append(dmRooms[0].events, pingMessage)
// now get the delta: only the DM room should change
res = v3.mustDoV3RequestWithPos(t, aliceToken, res.Pos, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms still
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 2}, // first 3 rooms still
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Counts([]int{len(dmRooms), len(groupRooms)}), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3DeleteOp(0, 2),
MatchV3InsertOp(0, 0, dmRooms[0].roomID, MatchRoomHighlightCount(1), MatchRoomTimelineMostRecent(1, dmRooms[0].events)),
// Check that the range op matches all the wantRooms
func checkRoomList(op *sync3.ResponseOpRange, wantRooms []roomEvents) error {
if len(op.Rooms) != len(wantRooms) {
return fmt.Errorf("want %d rooms, got %d", len(wantRooms), len(op.Rooms))
for i := range wantRooms {
err := wantRooms[i].MatchRoom(
MatchRoomTimelineMostRecent(1, wantRooms[i].events),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil