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synced 2025-03-10 13:37:11 +00:00
417 lines
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417 lines
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package syncv3
import (
// Inject 20 rooms with A,B,C as the most recent events. Then do a v3 request [0,3] with a timeline limit of 3
// and make sure we get scrolback for the 4 rooms we care about. Then, restart the server (so it repopulates caches)
// and attempt the same request again, making sure we get the same results. Then add in some "live" v2 events
// and make sure the initial scrollback includes these new live events.
func TestTimelines(t *testing.T) {
// setup code
pqString := testutils.PrepareDBConnectionString()
v2 := runTestV2Server(t)
v3 := runTestServer(t, v2, pqString)
defer v2.close()
defer v3.close()
alice := "@TestTimelines_alice:localhost"
aliceToken := "ALICE_BEARER_TOKEN_TestTimelines"
// make 20 rooms, last room is most recent, and send A,B,C into each room
allRooms := make([]roomEvents, 20)
for i := 0; i < len(allRooms); i++ {
ts := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(i) * time.Minute)
roomName := fmt.Sprintf("My Room %d", i)
allRooms[i] = roomEvents{
roomID: fmt.Sprintf("!TestTimelines_%d:localhost", i),
name: roomName,
events: append(createRoomState(t, alice, ts), []json.RawMessage{
testutils.NewStateEvent(t, "m.room.name", "", alice, map[string]interface{}{"name": roomName}, testutils.WithTimestamp(ts.Add(3*time.Second))),
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "A"}, ts.Add(4*time.Second)),
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "B"}, ts.Add(5*time.Second)),
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "C"}, ts.Add(6*time.Second)),
latestTimestamp := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Hour)
v2.addAccount(alice, aliceToken)
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: v2JoinTimeline(allRooms...),
// most recent 4 rooms
var wantRooms []roomEvents
i := 0
for len(wantRooms) < 4 {
wantRooms = append(wantRooms, allRooms[len(allRooms)-i-1])
numTimelineEventsPerRoom := 3
t.Run("timelines load initially", testTimelineLoadInitialEvents(v3, aliceToken, len(allRooms), wantRooms, numTimelineEventsPerRoom))
// restart the server
v3.restart(t, v2, pqString)
t.Run("timelines load initially after restarts", testTimelineLoadInitialEvents(v3, aliceToken, len(allRooms), wantRooms, numTimelineEventsPerRoom))
// inject some live events
liveEvents := []roomEvents{
roomID: allRooms[0].roomID,
events: []json.RawMessage{
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "ping"}, latestTimestamp.Add(1*time.Minute)),
roomID: allRooms[1].roomID,
events: []json.RawMessage{
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "ping2"}, latestTimestamp.Add(2*time.Minute)),
// add these live events to the global view of the timeline
allRooms[0].events = append(allRooms[0].events, liveEvents[0].events...)
allRooms[1].events = append(allRooms[1].events, liveEvents[1].events...)
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: v2JoinTimeline(liveEvents...),
v2.waitUntilEmpty(t, alice)
// now we want the new live rooms and then the most recent 2 rooms from before
wantRooms = append([]roomEvents{
allRooms[1], allRooms[0],
}, wantRooms[0:2]...)
t.Run("live events are added to the timeline initially", testTimelineLoadInitialEvents(v3, aliceToken, len(allRooms), wantRooms, numTimelineEventsPerRoom))
// Create 20 rooms and send A,B,C into each. Then bump various rooms "live streamed" from v2 and ensure
// the correct delta operations are sent e.g DELETE/INSERT/UPDATE.
func TestTimelinesLiveStream(t *testing.T) {
// setup code
v2 := runTestV2Server(t)
v3 := runTestServer(t, v2, "")
defer v2.close()
defer v3.close()
alice := "@TestTimelinesLiveStream_alice:localhost"
aliceToken := "ALICE_BEARER_TOKEN_TestTimelinesLiveStream"
// make 20 rooms, last room is most recent, and send A,B,C into each room
allRooms := make([]roomEvents, 20)
latestTimestamp := time.Now()
for i := 0; i < len(allRooms); i++ {
ts := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(i) * time.Minute)
roomName := fmt.Sprintf("My Room %d", i)
allRooms[i] = roomEvents{
roomID: fmt.Sprintf("!TestTimelinesLiveStream_%d:localhost", i),
name: roomName,
events: append(createRoomState(t, alice, ts), []json.RawMessage{
testutils.NewStateEvent(t, "m.room.name", "", alice, map[string]interface{}{"name": roomName}, testutils.WithTimestamp(ts.Add(3*time.Second))),
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "A"}, ts.Add(4*time.Second)),
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "B"}, ts.Add(5*time.Second)),
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "C"}, ts.Add(6*time.Second)),
if ts.After(latestTimestamp) {
latestTimestamp = ts.Add(10 * time.Second)
v2.addAccount(alice, aliceToken)
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: v2JoinTimeline(allRooms...),
numTimelineEventsPerRoom := 3
// send a live event in allRooms[i] (always 1s newer)
bumpRoom := func(i int) {
latestTimestamp = latestTimestamp.Add(1 * time.Second)
ev := testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": fmt.Sprintf("bump %d", i)}, latestTimestamp)
allRooms[i].events = append(allRooms[i].events, ev)
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: v2JoinTimeline(roomEvents{
roomID: allRooms[i].roomID,
events: []json.RawMessage{ev},
v2.waitUntilEmpty(t, alice)
// most recent 4 rooms
var wantRooms []roomEvents
i := 0
for len(wantRooms) < 4 {
wantRooms = append(wantRooms, allRooms[len(allRooms)-i-1])
// first request => rooms 19,18,17,16
res := v3.mustDoV3Request(t, aliceToken, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, int64(len(wantRooms) - 1)}, // first N rooms
TimelineLimit: int64(numTimelineEventsPerRoom),
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Count(len(allRooms)), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3SyncOp(func(op *sync3.ResponseOpRange) error {
if len(op.Rooms) != len(wantRooms) {
return fmt.Errorf("want %d rooms, got %d", len(wantRooms), len(op.Rooms))
for i := range wantRooms {
err := wantRooms[i].MatchRoom(
MatchRoomTimelineMostRecent(numTimelineEventsPerRoom, wantRooms[i].events),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// next request, DELETE 3; INSERT 0 7;
res = v3.mustDoV3RequestWithPos(t, aliceToken, res.Pos, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, int64(len(wantRooms) - 1)}, // first N rooms
// sticky remember the timeline_limit
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Count(len(allRooms)), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3DeleteOp(0, 3),
0, 0, allRooms[7].roomID,
MatchRoomTimelineMostRecent(numTimelineEventsPerRoom, allRooms[7].events),
// next request, UPDATE 0 7;
res = v3.mustDoV3RequestWithPos(t, aliceToken, res.Pos, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, int64(len(wantRooms) - 1)}, // first N rooms
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Count(len(allRooms)), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3UpdateOp(0, 0, allRooms[7].roomID),
// next request, DELETE 2; INSERT 0 18;
res = v3.mustDoV3RequestWithPos(t, aliceToken, res.Pos, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, int64(len(wantRooms) - 1)}, // first N rooms
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Count(len(allRooms)), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3DeleteOp(0, 2),
0, 0, allRooms[18].roomID,
MatchRoomTimelineMostRecent(numTimelineEventsPerRoom, allRooms[18].events),
func TestInitialFlag(t *testing.T) {
pqString := testutils.PrepareDBConnectionString()
// setup code
v2 := runTestV2Server(t)
v3 := runTestServer(t, v2, pqString)
defer v2.close()
defer v3.close()
alice := "@TestInitialFlag_alice:localhost"
aliceToken := "ALICE_BEARER_TOKEN_TestInitialFlag"
v2.addAccount(alice, aliceToken)
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: v2JoinTimeline(roomEvents{
roomID: "!a:localhost",
state: createRoomState(t, alice, time.Now()),
res := v3.mustDoV3Request(t, aliceToken, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 10},
TimelineLimit: 10,
MatchResponse(t, res, func(res *sync3.Response) error {
if !res.Initial {
return fmt.Errorf("initial flag was not set")
return nil
res = v3.mustDoV3RequestWithPos(t, aliceToken, res.Pos, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, 10},
MatchResponse(t, res, func(res *sync3.Response) error {
if res.Initial {
return fmt.Errorf("initial flag was set")
return nil
// Regression test for https://github.com/matrix-org/sliding-sync/commit/39d6e99f967e55b609f8ef8b4271c04ebb053d37
// Request a timeline_limit of 0 for the room list. Sometimes when a new event arrives it causes an
// unrelated room to be sent to the client (e.g tracking rooms [5,10] and room 15 bumps to room 2,
// causing all the rooms to shift so you're now actually tracking [4,9] - the client knows 5-9 but
// room 4 is new, so you notify about that room and not the one which had a new event (room 15).
// Ensure that room 4 is given to the client. In the past, this would panic when timeline limit = 0
// as the timeline was loaded using the timeline limit of the client, and an unchecked array access
// into the timeline
func TestTimelineMiddleWindowZeroTimelineLimit(t *testing.T) {
// setup code
v2 := runTestV2Server(t)
v3 := runTestServer(t, v2, "")
defer v2.close()
defer v3.close()
alice := "@TestTimelineMiddleWindowZeroTimelineLimit_alice:localhost"
aliceToken := "ALICE_BEARER_TOKEN_TestTimelineMiddleWindowZeroTimelineLimit"
// make 20 rooms, first room is most recent, and send A,B,C into each room
allRooms := make([]roomEvents, 20)
for i := 0; i < len(allRooms); i++ {
ts := time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Duration(i) * time.Minute)
roomName := fmt.Sprintf("My Room %d", i)
allRooms[i] = roomEvents{
roomID: fmt.Sprintf("!TestTimelineMiddleWindowZeroTimelineLimit_%d:localhost", i),
name: roomName,
events: append(createRoomState(t, alice, ts), []json.RawMessage{
testutils.NewStateEvent(t, "m.room.name", "", alice, map[string]interface{}{"name": roomName}, testutils.WithTimestamp(ts.Add(3*time.Second))),
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "A"}, ts.Add(4*time.Second)),
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "B"}, ts.Add(5*time.Second)),
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "C"}, ts.Add(6*time.Second)),
v2.addAccount(alice, aliceToken)
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: v2JoinTimeline(allRooms...),
// Request rooms 5-10 with a 0 timeline limit
res := v3.mustDoV3Request(t, aliceToken, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{5, 10},
TimelineLimit: 0,
wantRooms := allRooms[5:11]
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Count(len(allRooms)), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3SyncOp(func(op *sync3.ResponseOpRange) error {
if len(op.Rooms) != len(wantRooms) {
return fmt.Errorf("want %d rooms, got %d", len(wantRooms), len(op.Rooms))
for i := range wantRooms {
err := wantRooms[i].MatchRoom(
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// bump room 15 to 2
v2.queueResponse(alice, sync2.SyncResponse{
Rooms: sync2.SyncRoomsResponse{
Join: v2JoinTimeline(roomEvents{
roomID: allRooms[15].roomID,
events: []json.RawMessage{
testutils.NewEvent(t, "m.room.message", alice, map[string]interface{}{"body": "bump"}, time.Now()),
v2.waitUntilEmpty(t, alice)
// should see room 4, the server should not panic
res = v3.mustDoV3RequestWithPos(t, aliceToken, res.Pos, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{5, 10},
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Count(len(allRooms)), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3DeleteOp(0, 10),
MatchV3InsertOp(0, 5, allRooms[4].roomID),
// Executes a sync v3 request without a ?pos and asserts that the count, rooms and timeline events match the inputs given.
func testTimelineLoadInitialEvents(v3 *testV3Server, token string, count int, wantRooms []roomEvents, numTimelineEventsPerRoom int) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
res := v3.mustDoV3Request(t, token, sync3.Request{
Lists: []sync3.RequestList{{
Ranges: sync3.SliceRanges{
[2]int64{0, int64(len(wantRooms) - 1)}, // first N rooms
TimelineLimit: int64(numTimelineEventsPerRoom),
MatchResponse(t, res, MatchV3Count(count), MatchV3Ops(
MatchV3SyncOp(func(op *sync3.ResponseOpRange) error {
if len(op.Rooms) != len(wantRooms) {
return fmt.Errorf("want %d rooms, got %d", len(wantRooms), len(op.Rooms))
for i := range wantRooms {
err := wantRooms[i].MatchRoom(
MatchRoomTimelineMostRecent(numTimelineEventsPerRoom, wantRooms[i].events),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil