2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
# Run this script to quickly install, setup, and run the current version of the network without docker.
# Examples:
# CHAIN_ID="local-1" HOME_DIR="~/.core" BLOCK_TIME="1000ms" CLEAN=true sh scripts/test_node.sh
# CHAIN_ID="local-2" HOME_DIR="~/.core" CLEAN=true RPC=36657 REST=2317 PROFF=6061 P2P=36656 GRPC=8090 GRPC_WEB=8091 ROSETTA=8081 BLOCK_TIME="500ms" sh scripts/test_node.sh
export KEY = "user1"
export KEY2 = "user2"
2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
export CHAIN_ID = ${ CHAIN_ID :- "sonr-testnet-1" }
export MONIKER = "florence"
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
export KEYALGO = "secp256k1"
export KEYRING = ${ KEYRING :- "test" }
2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
export HOME_DIR = $( eval echo " ${ HOME_DIR :- "~/.sonr" } " )
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
export BINARY = ${ BINARY :- sonrd }
export DENOM = ${ DENOM :- usnr }
2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
export CLEAN = ${ CLEAN :- "true" }
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
export RPC = ${ RPC :- "26657" }
export REST = ${ REST :- "1317" }
export PROFF = ${ PROFF :- "6060" }
export P2P = ${ P2P :- "26656" }
export GRPC = ${ GRPC :- "9090" }
export GRPC_WEB = ${ GRPC_WEB :- "9091" }
export ROSETTA = ${ ROSETTA :- "8080" }
export BLOCK_TIME = ${ BLOCK_TIME :- "5s" }
# if which binary does not exist, exit
if [ -z ` which $BINARY ` ] ; then
echo " Ensure $BINARY is installed and in your PATH "
exit 1
alias BINARY = " $BINARY --home= $HOME_DIR "
command -v $BINARY > /dev/null 2>& 1 || { echo >& 2 " $BINARY command not found. Ensure this is setup / properly installed in your GOPATH (make install). " ; exit 1; }
command -v jq > /dev/null 2>& 1 || { echo >& 2 "jq not installed. More info: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/" ; exit 1; }
set_config( ) {
$BINARY config set client chain-id $CHAIN_ID
$BINARY config set client keyring-backend $KEYRING
from_scratch ( ) {
# Fresh install on current branch
make install
# remove existing daemon files.
if [ ${# HOME_DIR } -le 2 ] ; then
echo "HOME_DIR must be more than 2 characters long"
rm -rf $HOME_DIR && echo " Removed $HOME_DIR "
# reset values if not set already after whipe
add_key( ) {
key = $1
mnemonic = $2
echo $mnemonic | BINARY keys add $key --keyring-backend $KEYRING --algo $KEYALGO --recover
# idx1efd63aw40lxf3n4mhf7dzhjkr453axur9vjt6y
add_key $KEY "decorate bright ozone fork gallery riot bus exhaust worth way bone indoor calm squirrel merry zero scheme cotton until shop any excess stage laundry"
# idx1hj5fveer5cjtn4wd6wstzugjfdxzl0xpecp0nd
add_key $KEY2 "wealth flavor believe regret funny network recall kiss grape useless pepper cram hint member few certain unveil rather brick bargain curious require crowd raise"
# chain initial setup
BINARY init $MONIKER --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --default-denom $DENOM
update_test_genesis ( ) {
cat $HOME_DIR /config/genesis.json | jq " $1 " > $HOME_DIR /config/tmp_genesis.json && mv $HOME_DIR /config/tmp_genesis.json $HOME_DIR /config/genesis.json
# === CORE MODULES ===
# Block
update_test_genesis '.consensus_params["block"]["max_gas"]="100000000"'
# Gov
update_test_genesis ` printf '.app_state["gov"]["params"]["min_deposit"]=[{"denom":"%s","amount":"1000000"}]' $DENOM `
update_test_genesis '.app_state["gov"]["params"]["voting_period"]="30s"'
update_test_genesis '.app_state["gov"]["params"]["expedited_voting_period"]="15s"'
# staking
update_test_genesis ` printf '.app_state["staking"]["params"]["bond_denom"]="%s"' $DENOM `
update_test_genesis '.app_state["staking"]["params"]["min_commission_rate"]="0.050000000000000000"'
# mint
update_test_genesis ` printf '.app_state["mint"]["params"]["mint_denom"]="%s"' $DENOM `
# crisis
update_test_genesis ` printf '.app_state["crisis"]["constant_fee"]={"denom":"%s","amount":"1000"}' $DENOM `
# globalfee
update_test_genesis ` printf '.app_state["globalfee"]["params"]["minimum_gas_prices"]=[{"amount":"0.000000000000000000","denom":"%s"}]' $DENOM `
# tokenfactory
update_test_genesis '.app_state["tokenfactory"]["params"]["denom_creation_fee"]=[]'
update_test_genesis '.app_state["tokenfactory"]["params"]["denom_creation_gas_consume"]=100000'
# poa
update_test_genesis '.app_state["poa"]["params"]["admins"]=["idx10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j9kqcfa"]'
# Allocate genesis accounts
2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
BINARY genesis add-genesis-account $KEY 10000000$DENOM ,900snr --keyring-backend $KEYRING
BINARY genesis add-genesis-account $KEY2 10000000$DENOM ,800snr --keyring-backend $KEYRING
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
# Sign genesis transaction
BINARY genesis gentx $KEY 1000000$DENOM --keyring-backend $KEYRING --chain-id $CHAIN_ID
BINARY genesis collect-gentxs
BINARY genesis validate-genesis
err = $?
if [ $err -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Failed to validate genesis"
# check if CLEAN is not set to false
if [ " $CLEAN " != "false" ] ; then
echo "Starting from a clean state"
echo "Starting node..."
# Opens the RPC endpoint to outside connections
sed -i 's/laddr = "tcp:\/\/"/c\laddr = "tcp:\/\/' $RPC '"/g' $HOME_DIR /config/config.toml
sed -i 's/cors_allowed_origins = \[\]/cors_allowed_origins = \["\*"\]/g' $HOME_DIR /config/config.toml
# REST endpoint
sed -i 's/address = "tcp:\/\/localhost:1317"/address = "tcp:\/\/' $REST '"/g' $HOME_DIR /config/app.toml
sed -i 's/enable = false/enable = true/g' $HOME_DIR /config/app.toml
# peer exchange
sed -i 's/pprof_laddr = "localhost:6060"/pprof_laddr = "localhost:' $PROFF_LADDER '"/g' $HOME_DIR /config/config.toml
sed -i 's/laddr = "tcp:\/\/"/laddr = "tcp:\/\/' $P2P '"/g' $HOME_DIR /config/config.toml
sed -i 's/address = "localhost:9090"/address = "' $GRPC '"/g' $HOME_DIR /config/app.toml
sed -i 's/address = "localhost:9091"/address = "' $GRPC_WEB '"/g' $HOME_DIR /config/app.toml
# Rosetta Api
sed -i 's/address = ":8080"/address = "' $ROSETTA '"/g' $HOME_DIR /config/app.toml
# Faster blocks
sed -i 's/timeout_commit = "5s"/timeout_commit = "' $BLOCK_TIME '"/g' $HOME_DIR /config/config.toml
# Start the node with 0 gas fees
2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
BINARY start --pruning= nothing --minimum-gas-prices= 0$DENOM --rpc.laddr= " tcp:// $RPC "