2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/make -f
PACKAGES_SIMTEST = $( shell go list ./... | grep '/simulation' )
VERSION := $( shell echo $( shell git describe --tags) | sed 's/^v//' )
COMMIT := $( shell git log -1 --format= '%H' )
SDK_PACK := $( shell go list -m github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk | sed 's/ /\@/g' )
BINDIR ?= $( GOPATH) /bin
SIMAPP = ./app
# for dockerized protobuf tools
DOCKER := $( shell which docker)
Feature/update dockerfile (#6)
* chore: remove unused new.Dockerfile
* feat: add DID model definitions
* fix: Fix EncodePublicKey method in KeyInfo struct
* feat: Update `EncodePublicKey` to be the inverse of `DecodePublicKey`
* refactor: update AssetInfo protobuf definition
* fix: update default assets with correct asset types
* fix: Initialize IPFS client and check for mounted directories
* feat: Improve IPFS client initialization and mount checking
* feat: Add local filesystem check for IPFS and IPNS
* fix: Use Unixfs().Get() instead of Cat() for IPFS and IPNS content retrieval
* feat: Update GetCID and GetIPNS functions to read data from IPFS node
* fix: Ensure IPFS client is initialized before pinning CID
* feat: Add AddFile and AddFolder methods
* feat: add IPFS file system abstraction
* feat: Implement IPFS file, location, and filesystem abstractions
* refactor: remove unused functions and types
* refactor: remove unused FileSystem interface
* feat: add initial wasm entrypoint
* feat: add basic vault command operations
* docs: add vault module features
* test: remove test for MsgUpdateParams
* refactor: Replace PrimaryKey with Property struct in zkprop.go
* feat: Update the `CreateWitness` and `CreateAccumulator` and `VerifyWitness` and `UpdateAccumulator` to Use the new `Accumulator` and `Witness` types. Then Clean up the code in the file and refactor the marshalling methods
* <no value>
* feat: add KeyCurve and KeyType to KeyInfo in genesis
* feat: add WASM build step to devbox.json
* feat: Add zkgate.go file
* feat: Uncomment and modify zkgate code to work with Property struct
* feat: Merge zkgate.go and zkprop.go logic
* feat: implement API endpoints for profile management
* refactor: remove unused template file
* feat(orm): remove unused ORM models
* feat: add persistent SQLite database support in WASM
* fix: Update module names in protobuf files
* feat: Add method to initialize SQLite database
* fix: update go-sqlite3 dependency to version 1.14.23
* feat: introduce database layer
* feat: Implement database layer for Vault node
* feature/update-dockerfile
* feat: Add keyshares table
* fix: Reorder the SQL statements in the tables.go file
* feat: Update the `createCredentialsTable` method to match the proper Credential struct
* feat: Update createProfilesTable and add createPropertiesTable
* feat: Add constant SQL queries to queries.go and use prepared statements in db.go
* feat: Add createKeysharesTable to internal/db/db.go
* feat: Update `createPermissionsTable` to match Permissions struct
* feat: Add database enum types
* feat: Add DIDNamespace and PermissionScope enums
* feat: Add DBConfig and DBOption types
* feat: Update the db implementation to use the provided go library
* fix: update db implementation to use go-sqlite3 v0.18.2
* fix: Refactor database connection and statement handling
* feat: Simplify db.go implementation
* feat: Convert constant SQL queries to functions in queries.go and update db.go to use prepared statements
* feat: Add models.go file with database table structs
* fix: Remove unused statement map and prepare statements
diff --git a/internal/db/db.go b/internal/db/db.go
index 201d09b..d4d4d4e 100644
--- a/internal/db/db.go
+++ b/internal/db/db.go
@@ -32,11 +32,6 @@ func Open(config *DBConfig) (*DB, error) {
Conn: conn,
- if err := createTables(db); err != nil {
- conn.Close()
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tables: %w", err)
- }
return db, nil
@@ -61,114 +56,3 @@ func createTables(db *DB) error {
return nil
-// AddAccount adds a new account to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAccount(name, address string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAccountQuery(name, address))
-// AddAsset adds a new asset to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAsset(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAssetQuery(name, symbol, decimals, chainID))
-// AddChain adds a new chain to the database
-func (db *DB) AddChain(name, networkID string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertChainQuery(name, networkID))
-// AddCredential adds a new credential to the database
-func (db *DB) AddCredential(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) error {
- return db.Exec(insertCredentialQuery(
- handle,
- controller,
- attestationType,
- origin,
- credentialID,
- publicKey,
- transport,
- signCount,
- userPresent,
- userVerified,
- backupEligible,
- backupState,
- cloneWarning,
- ))
-// AddProfile adds a new profile to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProfile(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProfile"].Exec(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata,
- )
-// AddProperty adds a new property to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProperty(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProperty"].Exec(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey,
- )
-// AddPermission adds a new permission to the database
-func (db *DB) AddPermission(
- serviceID string,
- grants []DIDNamespace,
- scopes []PermissionScope,
-) error {
- grantsJSON, err := json.Marshal(grants)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- scopesJSON, err := json.Marshal(scopes)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return db.statements["insertPermission"].Exec(
- serviceID, string(grantsJSON), string(scopesJSON),
- )
-// GetPermission retrieves the permission for the given service ID
-func (db *DB) GetPermission(serviceID string) ([]DIDNamespace, []PermissionScope, error) {
- row := db.statements["getPermission"].QueryRow(serviceID)
- var grantsJSON, scopesJSON string
- if err := row.Scan(&grantsJSON, &scopesJSON); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get permission: %w", err)
- }
- var grants []DIDNamespace
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(grantsJSON), &grants); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- var scopes []PermissionScope
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(scopesJSON), &scopes); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return grants, scopes, nil
-// Close closes the database connection and finalizes all prepared statements
-func (db *DB) Close() error {
- for _, stmt := range db.statements {
- stmt.Finalize()
- }
- return db.Conn.Close()
diff --git a/internal/db/queries.go b/internal/db/queries.go
index 807d701..e69de29 100644
--- a/internal/db/queries.go
+++ b/internal/db/queries.go
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package db
-import "fmt"
-// Account queries
-func insertAccountQuery(name, address string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO accounts (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)`, name, address)
-// Asset queries
-func insertAssetQuery(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO assets (name, symbol, decimals, chain_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %d)`,
- name,
- symbol,
- decimals,
- chainID,
- )
-// Chain queries
-func insertChainQuery(name string, networkID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO chains (name, network_id) VALUES (%s, %d)`, name, networkID)
-// Credential queries
-func insertCredentialQuery(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO credentials (
- handle, controller, attestation_type, origin,
- credential_id, public_key, transport, sign_count,
- user_present, user_verified, backup_eligible,
- backup_state, clone_warning
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %t, %t, %t, %t, %t)`,
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin,
- credentialID, publicKey, transport, signCount,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible,
- backupState, cloneWarning)
-// Profile queries
-func insertProfileQuery(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO profiles (
- id, subject, controller, origin_uri,
- public_metadata, private_metadata
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- id, subject, controller, originURI,
- publicMetadata, privateMetadata)
-// Property queries
-func insertPropertyQuery(profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO properties (
- profile_id, key, accumulator, property_key
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey)
-// Permission queries
-func insertPermissionQuery(serviceID, grants, scopes string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO permissions (service_id, grants, scopes) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)`,
- serviceID,
- grants,
- scopes,
- )
-// GetPermission query
-func getPermissionQuery(serviceID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT grants, scopes FROM permissions WHERE service_id = %s`, serviceID)
* fix: update Makefile to use sonrd instead of wasmd
* feat: Add targets for templ and vault in Makefile and use only make in devbox.json
* feat: add SQLite database support
* bump: version 0.6.0 → 0.7.0
* refactor: upgrade actions to latest versions
2024-09-05 01:24:57 -04:00
HTTPS_GIT := github.com/onsonr/sonr.git
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
export GO111MODULE = on
# process build tags
build_tags = netgo
i f e q ( $( LEDGER_ENABLED ) , t r u e )
ifeq ( $( OS) ,Windows_NT)
GCCEXE = $( shell where gcc.exe 2> NUL)
ifeq ( $( GCCEXE) ,)
$( error gcc.exe not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED = false )
build_tags += ledger
UNAME_S = $( shell uname -s)
ifeq ( $( UNAME_S) ,OpenBSD)
$( warning OpenBSD detected, disabling ledger support ( https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/1988) )
GCC = $( shell command -v gcc 2> /dev/null)
ifeq ( $( GCC) ,)
$( error gcc not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED = false )
build_tags += ledger
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( WITH_CLEVELDB ) , y e s )
build_tags += gcc
e n d i f
build_tags += $( BUILD_TAGS)
build_tags := $( strip $( build_tags) )
whitespace :=
empty = $( whitespace) $( whitespace)
comma := ,
build_tags_comma_sep := $( subst $( empty) ,$( comma) ,$( build_tags) )
# process linker flags
2024-07-06 03:17:04 -04:00
ldflags = -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Name= sonr \
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
-X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.AppName= sonrd \
-X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Version= $( VERSION) \
-X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Commit= $( COMMIT) \
-X " github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.BuildTags= $( build_tags_comma_sep) "
i f e q ( $( WITH_CLEVELDB ) , y e s )
ldflags += -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.DBBackend= cleveldb
e n d i f
i f e q ( $( LINK_STATICALLY ) , t r u e )
ldflags += -linkmode= external -extldflags "-Wl,-z,muldefs -static"
e n d i f
ldflags += $( LDFLAGS)
ldflags := $( strip $( ldflags) )
BUILD_FLAGS := -tags " $( build_tags_comma_sep) " -ldflags '$(ldflags)' -trimpath
# The below include contains the tools and runsim targets.
i n c l u d e c o n t r i b / d e v t o o l s / M a k e f i l e
all : install lint test
build : go .sum
i f e q ( $( OS ) , W i n d o w s _ N T )
$( error wasmd server not supported. Use "make build-windows-client" for client)
exit 1
e l s e
go build -mod= readonly $( BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/sonrd ./cmd/sonrd
e n d i f
build-windows-client : go .sum
GOOS = windows GOARCH = amd64 go build -mod= readonly $( BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/sonrd.exe ./cmd/sonrd
build-contract-tests-hooks :
i f e q ( $( OS ) , W i n d o w s _ N T )
go build -mod= readonly $( BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/contract_tests.exe ./cmd/contract_tests
e l s e
go build -mod= readonly $( BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/contract_tests ./cmd/contract_tests
e n d i f
install : go .sum
go install -mod= readonly $( BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/sonrd
2024-10-02 18:01:30 -04:00
go install -mod= readonly $( BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/hway
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
### Tools & dependencies
go-mod-cache : go .sum
@echo "--> Download go modules to local cache"
@go mod download
go.sum : go .mod
@echo "--> Ensure dependencies have not been modified"
@go mod verify
draw-deps :
@# requires brew install graphviz or apt-get install graphviz
go install github.com/RobotsAndPencils/goviz@latest
@goviz -i ./cmd/sonrd -d 2 | dot -Tpng -o dependency-graph.png
clean :
rm -rf snapcraft-local.yaml build/
distclean : clean
rm -rf vendor/
### Testing
test : test -unit
test-all : test -race test -cover test -system
test-unit :
@VERSION= $( VERSION) go test -mod= readonly -tags= 'ledger test_ledger_mock' ./...
test-race :
@VERSION= $( VERSION) go test -mod= readonly -race -tags= 'ledger test_ledger_mock' ./...
test-cover :
@go test -mod= readonly -timeout 30m -race -coverprofile= coverage.txt -covermode= atomic -tags= 'ledger test_ledger_mock' ./...
benchmark :
@go test -mod= readonly -bench= . ./...
test-sim-import-export : runsim
@echo "Running application import/export simulation. This may take several minutes..."
@$( BINDIR) /runsim -Jobs= 4 -SimAppPkg= $( SIMAPP) -ExitOnFail 50 5 TestAppImportExport
test-sim-multi-seed-short : runsim
@echo "Running short multi-seed application simulation. This may take awhile!"
@$( BINDIR) /runsim -Jobs= 4 -SimAppPkg= $( SIMAPP) -ExitOnFail 50 5 TestFullAppSimulation
test-sim-deterministic : runsim
@echo "Running application deterministic simulation. This may take awhile!"
@$( BINDIR) /runsim -Jobs= 4 -SimAppPkg= $( SIMAPP) -ExitOnFail 1 1 TestAppStateDeterminism
test-system : install
$( MAKE) -C tests/system/ test
### Linting ###
format-tools :
go install mvdan.cc/gofumpt@v0.4.0
go install github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell@v0.3.4
go install github.com/daixiang0/gci@v0.11.2
lint : format -tools
golangci-lint run --tests= false
find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "./tests/system/vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "*_test.go" | xargs gofumpt -d
format : format -tools
find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "./tests/system/vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "./client/lcd/statik/statik.go" | xargs gofumpt -w
find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "./tests/system/vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "./client/lcd/statik/statik.go" | xargs misspell -w
find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "./tests/system/vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "./client/lcd/statik/statik.go" | xargs gci write --skip-generated -s standard -s default -s "prefix(cosmossdk.io)" -s "prefix(github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk)" -s "prefix(github.com/CosmWasm/wasmd)" --custom-order
mod-tidy :
go mod tidy
cd interchaintest && go mod tidy
.PHONY : format -tools lint format mod -tidy
### Protobuf ###
protoVer = 0.13.2
protoImageName = ghcr.io/cosmos/proto-builder:$( protoVer)
protoImage = $( DOCKER) run --rm -v $( CURDIR) :/workspace --workdir /workspace $( protoImageName)
proto-gen :
@echo "Generating Protobuf files"
@go install cosmossdk.io/orm/cmd/protoc-gen-go-cosmos-orm@latest
@$( protoImage) sh ./scripts/protocgen.sh
spawn stub-gen
proto-format :
@echo "Formatting Protobuf files"
@$( protoImage) find ./ -name "*.proto" -exec clang-format -i { } \;
proto-lint :
@$( protoImage) buf lint --error-format= json
proto-check-breaking :
2024-09-29 15:18:11 -04:00
@$( protoImage) buf breaking --against $( HTTPS_GIT) #branch=master
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
.PHONY : all install install -debug \
go-mod-cache draw-deps clean build format \
test test-all test-build test-cover test-unit test-race \
test-sim-import-export build-windows-client \
## --- Testnet Utilities ---
get-localic :
@echo "Installing local-interchain"
Feature/update dockerfile (#6)
* chore: remove unused new.Dockerfile
* feat: add DID model definitions
* fix: Fix EncodePublicKey method in KeyInfo struct
* feat: Update `EncodePublicKey` to be the inverse of `DecodePublicKey`
* refactor: update AssetInfo protobuf definition
* fix: update default assets with correct asset types
* fix: Initialize IPFS client and check for mounted directories
* feat: Improve IPFS client initialization and mount checking
* feat: Add local filesystem check for IPFS and IPNS
* fix: Use Unixfs().Get() instead of Cat() for IPFS and IPNS content retrieval
* feat: Update GetCID and GetIPNS functions to read data from IPFS node
* fix: Ensure IPFS client is initialized before pinning CID
* feat: Add AddFile and AddFolder methods
* feat: add IPFS file system abstraction
* feat: Implement IPFS file, location, and filesystem abstractions
* refactor: remove unused functions and types
* refactor: remove unused FileSystem interface
* feat: add initial wasm entrypoint
* feat: add basic vault command operations
* docs: add vault module features
* test: remove test for MsgUpdateParams
* refactor: Replace PrimaryKey with Property struct in zkprop.go
* feat: Update the `CreateWitness` and `CreateAccumulator` and `VerifyWitness` and `UpdateAccumulator` to Use the new `Accumulator` and `Witness` types. Then Clean up the code in the file and refactor the marshalling methods
* <no value>
* feat: add KeyCurve and KeyType to KeyInfo in genesis
* feat: add WASM build step to devbox.json
* feat: Add zkgate.go file
* feat: Uncomment and modify zkgate code to work with Property struct
* feat: Merge zkgate.go and zkprop.go logic
* feat: implement API endpoints for profile management
* refactor: remove unused template file
* feat(orm): remove unused ORM models
* feat: add persistent SQLite database support in WASM
* fix: Update module names in protobuf files
* feat: Add method to initialize SQLite database
* fix: update go-sqlite3 dependency to version 1.14.23
* feat: introduce database layer
* feat: Implement database layer for Vault node
* feature/update-dockerfile
* feat: Add keyshares table
* fix: Reorder the SQL statements in the tables.go file
* feat: Update the `createCredentialsTable` method to match the proper Credential struct
* feat: Update createProfilesTable and add createPropertiesTable
* feat: Add constant SQL queries to queries.go and use prepared statements in db.go
* feat: Add createKeysharesTable to internal/db/db.go
* feat: Update `createPermissionsTable` to match Permissions struct
* feat: Add database enum types
* feat: Add DIDNamespace and PermissionScope enums
* feat: Add DBConfig and DBOption types
* feat: Update the db implementation to use the provided go library
* fix: update db implementation to use go-sqlite3 v0.18.2
* fix: Refactor database connection and statement handling
* feat: Simplify db.go implementation
* feat: Convert constant SQL queries to functions in queries.go and update db.go to use prepared statements
* feat: Add models.go file with database table structs
* fix: Remove unused statement map and prepare statements
diff --git a/internal/db/db.go b/internal/db/db.go
index 201d09b..d4d4d4e 100644
--- a/internal/db/db.go
+++ b/internal/db/db.go
@@ -32,11 +32,6 @@ func Open(config *DBConfig) (*DB, error) {
Conn: conn,
- if err := createTables(db); err != nil {
- conn.Close()
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tables: %w", err)
- }
return db, nil
@@ -61,114 +56,3 @@ func createTables(db *DB) error {
return nil
-// AddAccount adds a new account to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAccount(name, address string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAccountQuery(name, address))
-// AddAsset adds a new asset to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAsset(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAssetQuery(name, symbol, decimals, chainID))
-// AddChain adds a new chain to the database
-func (db *DB) AddChain(name, networkID string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertChainQuery(name, networkID))
-// AddCredential adds a new credential to the database
-func (db *DB) AddCredential(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) error {
- return db.Exec(insertCredentialQuery(
- handle,
- controller,
- attestationType,
- origin,
- credentialID,
- publicKey,
- transport,
- signCount,
- userPresent,
- userVerified,
- backupEligible,
- backupState,
- cloneWarning,
- ))
-// AddProfile adds a new profile to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProfile(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProfile"].Exec(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata,
- )
-// AddProperty adds a new property to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProperty(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProperty"].Exec(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey,
- )
-// AddPermission adds a new permission to the database
-func (db *DB) AddPermission(
- serviceID string,
- grants []DIDNamespace,
- scopes []PermissionScope,
-) error {
- grantsJSON, err := json.Marshal(grants)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- scopesJSON, err := json.Marshal(scopes)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return db.statements["insertPermission"].Exec(
- serviceID, string(grantsJSON), string(scopesJSON),
- )
-// GetPermission retrieves the permission for the given service ID
-func (db *DB) GetPermission(serviceID string) ([]DIDNamespace, []PermissionScope, error) {
- row := db.statements["getPermission"].QueryRow(serviceID)
- var grantsJSON, scopesJSON string
- if err := row.Scan(&grantsJSON, &scopesJSON); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get permission: %w", err)
- }
- var grants []DIDNamespace
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(grantsJSON), &grants); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- var scopes []PermissionScope
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(scopesJSON), &scopes); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return grants, scopes, nil
-// Close closes the database connection and finalizes all prepared statements
-func (db *DB) Close() error {
- for _, stmt := range db.statements {
- stmt.Finalize()
- }
- return db.Conn.Close()
diff --git a/internal/db/queries.go b/internal/db/queries.go
index 807d701..e69de29 100644
--- a/internal/db/queries.go
+++ b/internal/db/queries.go
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package db
-import "fmt"
-// Account queries
-func insertAccountQuery(name, address string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO accounts (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)`, name, address)
-// Asset queries
-func insertAssetQuery(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO assets (name, symbol, decimals, chain_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %d)`,
- name,
- symbol,
- decimals,
- chainID,
- )
-// Chain queries
-func insertChainQuery(name string, networkID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO chains (name, network_id) VALUES (%s, %d)`, name, networkID)
-// Credential queries
-func insertCredentialQuery(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO credentials (
- handle, controller, attestation_type, origin,
- credential_id, public_key, transport, sign_count,
- user_present, user_verified, backup_eligible,
- backup_state, clone_warning
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %t, %t, %t, %t, %t)`,
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin,
- credentialID, publicKey, transport, signCount,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible,
- backupState, cloneWarning)
-// Profile queries
-func insertProfileQuery(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO profiles (
- id, subject, controller, origin_uri,
- public_metadata, private_metadata
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- id, subject, controller, originURI,
- publicMetadata, privateMetadata)
-// Property queries
-func insertPropertyQuery(profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO properties (
- profile_id, key, accumulator, property_key
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey)
-// Permission queries
-func insertPermissionQuery(serviceID, grants, scopes string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO permissions (service_id, grants, scopes) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)`,
- serviceID,
- grants,
- scopes,
- )
-// GetPermission query
-func getPermissionQuery(serviceID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT grants, scopes FROM permissions WHERE service_id = %s`, serviceID)
* fix: update Makefile to use sonrd instead of wasmd
* feat: Add targets for templ and vault in Makefile and use only make in devbox.json
* feat: add SQLite database support
* bump: version 0.6.0 → 0.7.0
* refactor: upgrade actions to latest versions
2024-09-05 01:24:57 -04:00
git clone --branch v8.7.0 https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/interchaintest.git interchaintest-downloader
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
cd interchaintest-downloader/local-interchain && make install
@echo ✅ local-interchain installed $( shell which local-ic)
is-localic-installed :
i f e q ( , $( shell which local -ic ) )
make get-localic
e n d i f
get-heighliner :
git clone https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/heighliner.git
cd heighliner && go install
local-image :
i f e q ( , $( shell which heighliner ) )
echo 'heighliner' binary not found. Consider running ` make get-heighliner`
e l s e
Feature/update dockerfile (#6)
* chore: remove unused new.Dockerfile
* feat: add DID model definitions
* fix: Fix EncodePublicKey method in KeyInfo struct
* feat: Update `EncodePublicKey` to be the inverse of `DecodePublicKey`
* refactor: update AssetInfo protobuf definition
* fix: update default assets with correct asset types
* fix: Initialize IPFS client and check for mounted directories
* feat: Improve IPFS client initialization and mount checking
* feat: Add local filesystem check for IPFS and IPNS
* fix: Use Unixfs().Get() instead of Cat() for IPFS and IPNS content retrieval
* feat: Update GetCID and GetIPNS functions to read data from IPFS node
* fix: Ensure IPFS client is initialized before pinning CID
* feat: Add AddFile and AddFolder methods
* feat: add IPFS file system abstraction
* feat: Implement IPFS file, location, and filesystem abstractions
* refactor: remove unused functions and types
* refactor: remove unused FileSystem interface
* feat: add initial wasm entrypoint
* feat: add basic vault command operations
* docs: add vault module features
* test: remove test for MsgUpdateParams
* refactor: Replace PrimaryKey with Property struct in zkprop.go
* feat: Update the `CreateWitness` and `CreateAccumulator` and `VerifyWitness` and `UpdateAccumulator` to Use the new `Accumulator` and `Witness` types. Then Clean up the code in the file and refactor the marshalling methods
* <no value>
* feat: add KeyCurve and KeyType to KeyInfo in genesis
* feat: add WASM build step to devbox.json
* feat: Add zkgate.go file
* feat: Uncomment and modify zkgate code to work with Property struct
* feat: Merge zkgate.go and zkprop.go logic
* feat: implement API endpoints for profile management
* refactor: remove unused template file
* feat(orm): remove unused ORM models
* feat: add persistent SQLite database support in WASM
* fix: Update module names in protobuf files
* feat: Add method to initialize SQLite database
* fix: update go-sqlite3 dependency to version 1.14.23
* feat: introduce database layer
* feat: Implement database layer for Vault node
* feature/update-dockerfile
* feat: Add keyshares table
* fix: Reorder the SQL statements in the tables.go file
* feat: Update the `createCredentialsTable` method to match the proper Credential struct
* feat: Update createProfilesTable and add createPropertiesTable
* feat: Add constant SQL queries to queries.go and use prepared statements in db.go
* feat: Add createKeysharesTable to internal/db/db.go
* feat: Update `createPermissionsTable` to match Permissions struct
* feat: Add database enum types
* feat: Add DIDNamespace and PermissionScope enums
* feat: Add DBConfig and DBOption types
* feat: Update the db implementation to use the provided go library
* fix: update db implementation to use go-sqlite3 v0.18.2
* fix: Refactor database connection and statement handling
* feat: Simplify db.go implementation
* feat: Convert constant SQL queries to functions in queries.go and update db.go to use prepared statements
* feat: Add models.go file with database table structs
* fix: Remove unused statement map and prepare statements
diff --git a/internal/db/db.go b/internal/db/db.go
index 201d09b..d4d4d4e 100644
--- a/internal/db/db.go
+++ b/internal/db/db.go
@@ -32,11 +32,6 @@ func Open(config *DBConfig) (*DB, error) {
Conn: conn,
- if err := createTables(db); err != nil {
- conn.Close()
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tables: %w", err)
- }
return db, nil
@@ -61,114 +56,3 @@ func createTables(db *DB) error {
return nil
-// AddAccount adds a new account to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAccount(name, address string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAccountQuery(name, address))
-// AddAsset adds a new asset to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAsset(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAssetQuery(name, symbol, decimals, chainID))
-// AddChain adds a new chain to the database
-func (db *DB) AddChain(name, networkID string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertChainQuery(name, networkID))
-// AddCredential adds a new credential to the database
-func (db *DB) AddCredential(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) error {
- return db.Exec(insertCredentialQuery(
- handle,
- controller,
- attestationType,
- origin,
- credentialID,
- publicKey,
- transport,
- signCount,
- userPresent,
- userVerified,
- backupEligible,
- backupState,
- cloneWarning,
- ))
-// AddProfile adds a new profile to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProfile(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProfile"].Exec(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata,
- )
-// AddProperty adds a new property to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProperty(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProperty"].Exec(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey,
- )
-// AddPermission adds a new permission to the database
-func (db *DB) AddPermission(
- serviceID string,
- grants []DIDNamespace,
- scopes []PermissionScope,
-) error {
- grantsJSON, err := json.Marshal(grants)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- scopesJSON, err := json.Marshal(scopes)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return db.statements["insertPermission"].Exec(
- serviceID, string(grantsJSON), string(scopesJSON),
- )
-// GetPermission retrieves the permission for the given service ID
-func (db *DB) GetPermission(serviceID string) ([]DIDNamespace, []PermissionScope, error) {
- row := db.statements["getPermission"].QueryRow(serviceID)
- var grantsJSON, scopesJSON string
- if err := row.Scan(&grantsJSON, &scopesJSON); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get permission: %w", err)
- }
- var grants []DIDNamespace
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(grantsJSON), &grants); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- var scopes []PermissionScope
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(scopesJSON), &scopes); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return grants, scopes, nil
-// Close closes the database connection and finalizes all prepared statements
-func (db *DB) Close() error {
- for _, stmt := range db.statements {
- stmt.Finalize()
- }
- return db.Conn.Close()
diff --git a/internal/db/queries.go b/internal/db/queries.go
index 807d701..e69de29 100644
--- a/internal/db/queries.go
+++ b/internal/db/queries.go
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package db
-import "fmt"
-// Account queries
-func insertAccountQuery(name, address string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO accounts (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)`, name, address)
-// Asset queries
-func insertAssetQuery(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO assets (name, symbol, decimals, chain_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %d)`,
- name,
- symbol,
- decimals,
- chainID,
- )
-// Chain queries
-func insertChainQuery(name string, networkID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO chains (name, network_id) VALUES (%s, %d)`, name, networkID)
-// Credential queries
-func insertCredentialQuery(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO credentials (
- handle, controller, attestation_type, origin,
- credential_id, public_key, transport, sign_count,
- user_present, user_verified, backup_eligible,
- backup_state, clone_warning
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %t, %t, %t, %t, %t)`,
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin,
- credentialID, publicKey, transport, signCount,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible,
- backupState, cloneWarning)
-// Profile queries
-func insertProfileQuery(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO profiles (
- id, subject, controller, origin_uri,
- public_metadata, private_metadata
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- id, subject, controller, originURI,
- publicMetadata, privateMetadata)
-// Property queries
-func insertPropertyQuery(profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO properties (
- profile_id, key, accumulator, property_key
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey)
-// Permission queries
-func insertPermissionQuery(serviceID, grants, scopes string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO permissions (service_id, grants, scopes) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)`,
- serviceID,
- grants,
- scopes,
- )
-// GetPermission query
-func getPermissionQuery(serviceID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT grants, scopes FROM permissions WHERE service_id = %s`, serviceID)
* fix: update Makefile to use sonrd instead of wasmd
* feat: Add targets for templ and vault in Makefile and use only make in devbox.json
* feat: add SQLite database support
* bump: version 0.6.0 → 0.7.0
* refactor: upgrade actions to latest versions
2024-09-05 01:24:57 -04:00
heighliner build -c sonrd --local -f chains.yaml
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
e n d i f
.PHONY : get -heighliner local -image is -localic -installed
### e2e ###
ictest-basic :
@echo "Running basic interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestBasicChain .
ictest-ibc :
@echo "Running IBC interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestIBC .
ictest-wasm :
@echo "Running cosmwasm interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestCosmWasmIntegration .
ictest-packetforward :
@echo "Running packet forward middleware interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestPacketForwardMiddleware .
ictest-poa :
@echo "Running proof of authority interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestPOA .
ictest-tokenfactory :
@echo "Running token factory interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestTokenFactory .
### testnet ###
setup-testnet : mod -tidy is -localic -installed install local -image set -testnet -configs setup -testnet -keys
# Run this before testnet keys are added
# chainid-1 is used in the testnet.json
set-testnet-configs :
2024-07-06 03:17:04 -04:00
sonrd config set client chain-id sonr-testnet-1
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
sonrd config set client keyring-backend test
sonrd config set client output text
# import keys from testnet.json into test keyring
setup-testnet-keys :
-` echo "decorate bright ozone fork gallery riot bus exhaust worth way bone indoor calm squirrel merry zero scheme cotton until shop any excess stage laundry" | sonrd keys add acc0 --recover`
-` echo "wealth flavor believe regret funny network recall kiss grape useless pepper cram hint member few certain unveil rather brick bargain curious require crowd raise" | sonrd keys add acc1 --recover`
# default testnet is with IBC
testnet : setup -testnet
spawn local-ic start ibc-testnet
testnet-basic : setup -testnet
spawn local-ic start testnet
sh-testnet : mod -tidy
2024-07-06 03:17:04 -04:00
CHAIN_ID = "sonr-testnet-1" BLOCK_TIME = "1000ms" CLEAN = true sh scripts/test_node.sh
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
2024-10-07 21:15:25 -04:00
.PHONY : setup -testnet set -testnet -configs testnet testnet -basic sh -testnet
2024-10-07 20:13:38 -04:00
Feature/update dockerfile (#6)
* chore: remove unused new.Dockerfile
* feat: add DID model definitions
* fix: Fix EncodePublicKey method in KeyInfo struct
* feat: Update `EncodePublicKey` to be the inverse of `DecodePublicKey`
* refactor: update AssetInfo protobuf definition
* fix: update default assets with correct asset types
* fix: Initialize IPFS client and check for mounted directories
* feat: Improve IPFS client initialization and mount checking
* feat: Add local filesystem check for IPFS and IPNS
* fix: Use Unixfs().Get() instead of Cat() for IPFS and IPNS content retrieval
* feat: Update GetCID and GetIPNS functions to read data from IPFS node
* fix: Ensure IPFS client is initialized before pinning CID
* feat: Add AddFile and AddFolder methods
* feat: add IPFS file system abstraction
* feat: Implement IPFS file, location, and filesystem abstractions
* refactor: remove unused functions and types
* refactor: remove unused FileSystem interface
* feat: add initial wasm entrypoint
* feat: add basic vault command operations
* docs: add vault module features
* test: remove test for MsgUpdateParams
* refactor: Replace PrimaryKey with Property struct in zkprop.go
* feat: Update the `CreateWitness` and `CreateAccumulator` and `VerifyWitness` and `UpdateAccumulator` to Use the new `Accumulator` and `Witness` types. Then Clean up the code in the file and refactor the marshalling methods
* <no value>
* feat: add KeyCurve and KeyType to KeyInfo in genesis
* feat: add WASM build step to devbox.json
* feat: Add zkgate.go file
* feat: Uncomment and modify zkgate code to work with Property struct
* feat: Merge zkgate.go and zkprop.go logic
* feat: implement API endpoints for profile management
* refactor: remove unused template file
* feat(orm): remove unused ORM models
* feat: add persistent SQLite database support in WASM
* fix: Update module names in protobuf files
* feat: Add method to initialize SQLite database
* fix: update go-sqlite3 dependency to version 1.14.23
* feat: introduce database layer
* feat: Implement database layer for Vault node
* feature/update-dockerfile
* feat: Add keyshares table
* fix: Reorder the SQL statements in the tables.go file
* feat: Update the `createCredentialsTable` method to match the proper Credential struct
* feat: Update createProfilesTable and add createPropertiesTable
* feat: Add constant SQL queries to queries.go and use prepared statements in db.go
* feat: Add createKeysharesTable to internal/db/db.go
* feat: Update `createPermissionsTable` to match Permissions struct
* feat: Add database enum types
* feat: Add DIDNamespace and PermissionScope enums
* feat: Add DBConfig and DBOption types
* feat: Update the db implementation to use the provided go library
* fix: update db implementation to use go-sqlite3 v0.18.2
* fix: Refactor database connection and statement handling
* feat: Simplify db.go implementation
* feat: Convert constant SQL queries to functions in queries.go and update db.go to use prepared statements
* feat: Add models.go file with database table structs
* fix: Remove unused statement map and prepare statements
diff --git a/internal/db/db.go b/internal/db/db.go
index 201d09b..d4d4d4e 100644
--- a/internal/db/db.go
+++ b/internal/db/db.go
@@ -32,11 +32,6 @@ func Open(config *DBConfig) (*DB, error) {
Conn: conn,
- if err := createTables(db); err != nil {
- conn.Close()
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tables: %w", err)
- }
return db, nil
@@ -61,114 +56,3 @@ func createTables(db *DB) error {
return nil
-// AddAccount adds a new account to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAccount(name, address string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAccountQuery(name, address))
-// AddAsset adds a new asset to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAsset(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAssetQuery(name, symbol, decimals, chainID))
-// AddChain adds a new chain to the database
-func (db *DB) AddChain(name, networkID string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertChainQuery(name, networkID))
-// AddCredential adds a new credential to the database
-func (db *DB) AddCredential(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) error {
- return db.Exec(insertCredentialQuery(
- handle,
- controller,
- attestationType,
- origin,
- credentialID,
- publicKey,
- transport,
- signCount,
- userPresent,
- userVerified,
- backupEligible,
- backupState,
- cloneWarning,
- ))
-// AddProfile adds a new profile to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProfile(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProfile"].Exec(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata,
- )
-// AddProperty adds a new property to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProperty(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProperty"].Exec(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey,
- )
-// AddPermission adds a new permission to the database
-func (db *DB) AddPermission(
- serviceID string,
- grants []DIDNamespace,
- scopes []PermissionScope,
-) error {
- grantsJSON, err := json.Marshal(grants)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- scopesJSON, err := json.Marshal(scopes)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return db.statements["insertPermission"].Exec(
- serviceID, string(grantsJSON), string(scopesJSON),
- )
-// GetPermission retrieves the permission for the given service ID
-func (db *DB) GetPermission(serviceID string) ([]DIDNamespace, []PermissionScope, error) {
- row := db.statements["getPermission"].QueryRow(serviceID)
- var grantsJSON, scopesJSON string
- if err := row.Scan(&grantsJSON, &scopesJSON); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get permission: %w", err)
- }
- var grants []DIDNamespace
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(grantsJSON), &grants); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- var scopes []PermissionScope
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(scopesJSON), &scopes); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return grants, scopes, nil
-// Close closes the database connection and finalizes all prepared statements
-func (db *DB) Close() error {
- for _, stmt := range db.statements {
- stmt.Finalize()
- }
- return db.Conn.Close()
diff --git a/internal/db/queries.go b/internal/db/queries.go
index 807d701..e69de29 100644
--- a/internal/db/queries.go
+++ b/internal/db/queries.go
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package db
-import "fmt"
-// Account queries
-func insertAccountQuery(name, address string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO accounts (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)`, name, address)
-// Asset queries
-func insertAssetQuery(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO assets (name, symbol, decimals, chain_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %d)`,
- name,
- symbol,
- decimals,
- chainID,
- )
-// Chain queries
-func insertChainQuery(name string, networkID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO chains (name, network_id) VALUES (%s, %d)`, name, networkID)
-// Credential queries
-func insertCredentialQuery(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO credentials (
- handle, controller, attestation_type, origin,
- credential_id, public_key, transport, sign_count,
- user_present, user_verified, backup_eligible,
- backup_state, clone_warning
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %t, %t, %t, %t, %t)`,
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin,
- credentialID, publicKey, transport, signCount,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible,
- backupState, cloneWarning)
-// Profile queries
-func insertProfileQuery(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO profiles (
- id, subject, controller, origin_uri,
- public_metadata, private_metadata
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- id, subject, controller, originURI,
- publicMetadata, privateMetadata)
-// Property queries
-func insertPropertyQuery(profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO properties (
- profile_id, key, accumulator, property_key
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey)
-// Permission queries
-func insertPermissionQuery(serviceID, grants, scopes string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO permissions (service_id, grants, scopes) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)`,
- serviceID,
- grants,
- scopes,
- )
-// GetPermission query
-func getPermissionQuery(serviceID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT grants, scopes FROM permissions WHERE service_id = %s`, serviceID)
* fix: update Makefile to use sonrd instead of wasmd
* feat: Add targets for templ and vault in Makefile and use only make in devbox.json
* feat: add SQLite database support
* bump: version 0.6.0 → 0.7.0
* refactor: upgrade actions to latest versions
2024-09-05 01:24:57 -04:00
2024-10-07 20:13:38 -04:00
### custom generation ###
Feature/update dockerfile (#6)
* chore: remove unused new.Dockerfile
* feat: add DID model definitions
* fix: Fix EncodePublicKey method in KeyInfo struct
* feat: Update `EncodePublicKey` to be the inverse of `DecodePublicKey`
* refactor: update AssetInfo protobuf definition
* fix: update default assets with correct asset types
* fix: Initialize IPFS client and check for mounted directories
* feat: Improve IPFS client initialization and mount checking
* feat: Add local filesystem check for IPFS and IPNS
* fix: Use Unixfs().Get() instead of Cat() for IPFS and IPNS content retrieval
* feat: Update GetCID and GetIPNS functions to read data from IPFS node
* fix: Ensure IPFS client is initialized before pinning CID
* feat: Add AddFile and AddFolder methods
* feat: add IPFS file system abstraction
* feat: Implement IPFS file, location, and filesystem abstractions
* refactor: remove unused functions and types
* refactor: remove unused FileSystem interface
* feat: add initial wasm entrypoint
* feat: add basic vault command operations
* docs: add vault module features
* test: remove test for MsgUpdateParams
* refactor: Replace PrimaryKey with Property struct in zkprop.go
* feat: Update the `CreateWitness` and `CreateAccumulator` and `VerifyWitness` and `UpdateAccumulator` to Use the new `Accumulator` and `Witness` types. Then Clean up the code in the file and refactor the marshalling methods
* <no value>
* feat: add KeyCurve and KeyType to KeyInfo in genesis
* feat: add WASM build step to devbox.json
* feat: Add zkgate.go file
* feat: Uncomment and modify zkgate code to work with Property struct
* feat: Merge zkgate.go and zkprop.go logic
* feat: implement API endpoints for profile management
* refactor: remove unused template file
* feat(orm): remove unused ORM models
* feat: add persistent SQLite database support in WASM
* fix: Update module names in protobuf files
* feat: Add method to initialize SQLite database
* fix: update go-sqlite3 dependency to version 1.14.23
* feat: introduce database layer
* feat: Implement database layer for Vault node
* feature/update-dockerfile
* feat: Add keyshares table
* fix: Reorder the SQL statements in the tables.go file
* feat: Update the `createCredentialsTable` method to match the proper Credential struct
* feat: Update createProfilesTable and add createPropertiesTable
* feat: Add constant SQL queries to queries.go and use prepared statements in db.go
* feat: Add createKeysharesTable to internal/db/db.go
* feat: Update `createPermissionsTable` to match Permissions struct
* feat: Add database enum types
* feat: Add DIDNamespace and PermissionScope enums
* feat: Add DBConfig and DBOption types
* feat: Update the db implementation to use the provided go library
* fix: update db implementation to use go-sqlite3 v0.18.2
* fix: Refactor database connection and statement handling
* feat: Simplify db.go implementation
* feat: Convert constant SQL queries to functions in queries.go and update db.go to use prepared statements
* feat: Add models.go file with database table structs
* fix: Remove unused statement map and prepare statements
diff --git a/internal/db/db.go b/internal/db/db.go
index 201d09b..d4d4d4e 100644
--- a/internal/db/db.go
+++ b/internal/db/db.go
@@ -32,11 +32,6 @@ func Open(config *DBConfig) (*DB, error) {
Conn: conn,
- if err := createTables(db); err != nil {
- conn.Close()
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tables: %w", err)
- }
return db, nil
@@ -61,114 +56,3 @@ func createTables(db *DB) error {
return nil
-// AddAccount adds a new account to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAccount(name, address string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAccountQuery(name, address))
-// AddAsset adds a new asset to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAsset(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAssetQuery(name, symbol, decimals, chainID))
-// AddChain adds a new chain to the database
-func (db *DB) AddChain(name, networkID string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertChainQuery(name, networkID))
-// AddCredential adds a new credential to the database
-func (db *DB) AddCredential(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) error {
- return db.Exec(insertCredentialQuery(
- handle,
- controller,
- attestationType,
- origin,
- credentialID,
- publicKey,
- transport,
- signCount,
- userPresent,
- userVerified,
- backupEligible,
- backupState,
- cloneWarning,
- ))
-// AddProfile adds a new profile to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProfile(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProfile"].Exec(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata,
- )
-// AddProperty adds a new property to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProperty(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProperty"].Exec(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey,
- )
-// AddPermission adds a new permission to the database
-func (db *DB) AddPermission(
- serviceID string,
- grants []DIDNamespace,
- scopes []PermissionScope,
-) error {
- grantsJSON, err := json.Marshal(grants)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- scopesJSON, err := json.Marshal(scopes)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return db.statements["insertPermission"].Exec(
- serviceID, string(grantsJSON), string(scopesJSON),
- )
-// GetPermission retrieves the permission for the given service ID
-func (db *DB) GetPermission(serviceID string) ([]DIDNamespace, []PermissionScope, error) {
- row := db.statements["getPermission"].QueryRow(serviceID)
- var grantsJSON, scopesJSON string
- if err := row.Scan(&grantsJSON, &scopesJSON); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get permission: %w", err)
- }
- var grants []DIDNamespace
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(grantsJSON), &grants); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- var scopes []PermissionScope
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(scopesJSON), &scopes); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return grants, scopes, nil
-// Close closes the database connection and finalizes all prepared statements
-func (db *DB) Close() error {
- for _, stmt := range db.statements {
- stmt.Finalize()
- }
- return db.Conn.Close()
diff --git a/internal/db/queries.go b/internal/db/queries.go
index 807d701..e69de29 100644
--- a/internal/db/queries.go
+++ b/internal/db/queries.go
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package db
-import "fmt"
-// Account queries
-func insertAccountQuery(name, address string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO accounts (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)`, name, address)
-// Asset queries
-func insertAssetQuery(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO assets (name, symbol, decimals, chain_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %d)`,
- name,
- symbol,
- decimals,
- chainID,
- )
-// Chain queries
-func insertChainQuery(name string, networkID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO chains (name, network_id) VALUES (%s, %d)`, name, networkID)
-// Credential queries
-func insertCredentialQuery(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO credentials (
- handle, controller, attestation_type, origin,
- credential_id, public_key, transport, sign_count,
- user_present, user_verified, backup_eligible,
- backup_state, clone_warning
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %t, %t, %t, %t, %t)`,
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin,
- credentialID, publicKey, transport, signCount,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible,
- backupState, cloneWarning)
-// Profile queries
-func insertProfileQuery(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO profiles (
- id, subject, controller, origin_uri,
- public_metadata, private_metadata
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- id, subject, controller, originURI,
- publicMetadata, privateMetadata)
-// Property queries
-func insertPropertyQuery(profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO properties (
- profile_id, key, accumulator, property_key
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey)
-// Permission queries
-func insertPermissionQuery(serviceID, grants, scopes string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO permissions (service_id, grants, scopes) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)`,
- serviceID,
- grants,
- scopes,
- )
-// GetPermission query
-func getPermissionQuery(serviceID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT grants, scopes FROM permissions WHERE service_id = %s`, serviceID)
* fix: update Makefile to use sonrd instead of wasmd
* feat: Add targets for templ and vault in Makefile and use only make in devbox.json
* feat: add SQLite database support
* bump: version 0.6.0 → 0.7.0
* refactor: upgrade actions to latest versions
2024-09-05 01:24:57 -04:00
2024-10-07 20:13:38 -04:00
.PHONY : gen -templ gen -pkl
2024-09-19 02:04:22 -04:00
2024-10-07 10:48:57 -04:00
gen-templ :
2024-09-21 21:42:51 -04:00
@echo "(templ) Generating templ files"
templ generate
2024-10-07 10:48:57 -04:00
gen-pkl :
2024-09-21 21:42:51 -04:00
@echo "(pkl) Building PKL"
2024-10-05 12:41:47 -04:00
go run github.com/apple/pkl-go/cmd/pkl-gen-go ./pkl/DWN.pkl
go run github.com/apple/pkl-go/cmd/pkl-gen-go ./pkl/ORM.pkl
go run github.com/apple/pkl-go/cmd/pkl-gen-go ./pkl/Txns.pkl
go run github.com/apple/pkl-go/cmd/pkl-gen-go ./pkl/UIUX.pkl
2024-09-19 02:04:22 -04:00
2024-09-26 15:58:49 -04:00
2024-10-07 20:13:38 -04:00
### motr, hway & nebula ###
.PHONY : build -motr build -hway build -nebula
build-hway : gen -templ gen -pkl
@echo "(motr) Building Highway gateway"
2024-10-07 21:15:25 -04:00
go run github.com/syumai/workers/cmd/workers-assets-gen@v0.23.1 -o ./web/build -mode go
GOOS = js GOARCH = wasm go build -o ./web/build/app.wasm ./web/server.go
2024-10-07 20:13:38 -04:00
build-motr : gen -templ gen -pkl
@echo "(dwn) Building motr.wasm -> Service Worker IPFS Vault"
2024-10-08 17:22:14 -04:00
GOOS = js GOARCH = wasm go build -o ./pkg/dwn/app.wasm ./cmd/motr/main.go
2024-10-07 20:13:38 -04:00
build-nebula :
@echo "(nebula) Building nebula"
2024-10-07 23:14:06 -04:00
cd pkg/nebula && bun install && bun run build
2024-10-07 20:13:38 -04:00
2024-09-26 15:58:49 -04:00
Feature/update dockerfile (#6)
* chore: remove unused new.Dockerfile
* feat: add DID model definitions
* fix: Fix EncodePublicKey method in KeyInfo struct
* feat: Update `EncodePublicKey` to be the inverse of `DecodePublicKey`
* refactor: update AssetInfo protobuf definition
* fix: update default assets with correct asset types
* fix: Initialize IPFS client and check for mounted directories
* feat: Improve IPFS client initialization and mount checking
* feat: Add local filesystem check for IPFS and IPNS
* fix: Use Unixfs().Get() instead of Cat() for IPFS and IPNS content retrieval
* feat: Update GetCID and GetIPNS functions to read data from IPFS node
* fix: Ensure IPFS client is initialized before pinning CID
* feat: Add AddFile and AddFolder methods
* feat: add IPFS file system abstraction
* feat: Implement IPFS file, location, and filesystem abstractions
* refactor: remove unused functions and types
* refactor: remove unused FileSystem interface
* feat: add initial wasm entrypoint
* feat: add basic vault command operations
* docs: add vault module features
* test: remove test for MsgUpdateParams
* refactor: Replace PrimaryKey with Property struct in zkprop.go
* feat: Update the `CreateWitness` and `CreateAccumulator` and `VerifyWitness` and `UpdateAccumulator` to Use the new `Accumulator` and `Witness` types. Then Clean up the code in the file and refactor the marshalling methods
* <no value>
* feat: add KeyCurve and KeyType to KeyInfo in genesis
* feat: add WASM build step to devbox.json
* feat: Add zkgate.go file
* feat: Uncomment and modify zkgate code to work with Property struct
* feat: Merge zkgate.go and zkprop.go logic
* feat: implement API endpoints for profile management
* refactor: remove unused template file
* feat(orm): remove unused ORM models
* feat: add persistent SQLite database support in WASM
* fix: Update module names in protobuf files
* feat: Add method to initialize SQLite database
* fix: update go-sqlite3 dependency to version 1.14.23
* feat: introduce database layer
* feat: Implement database layer for Vault node
* feature/update-dockerfile
* feat: Add keyshares table
* fix: Reorder the SQL statements in the tables.go file
* feat: Update the `createCredentialsTable` method to match the proper Credential struct
* feat: Update createProfilesTable and add createPropertiesTable
* feat: Add constant SQL queries to queries.go and use prepared statements in db.go
* feat: Add createKeysharesTable to internal/db/db.go
* feat: Update `createPermissionsTable` to match Permissions struct
* feat: Add database enum types
* feat: Add DIDNamespace and PermissionScope enums
* feat: Add DBConfig and DBOption types
* feat: Update the db implementation to use the provided go library
* fix: update db implementation to use go-sqlite3 v0.18.2
* fix: Refactor database connection and statement handling
* feat: Simplify db.go implementation
* feat: Convert constant SQL queries to functions in queries.go and update db.go to use prepared statements
* feat: Add models.go file with database table structs
* fix: Remove unused statement map and prepare statements
diff --git a/internal/db/db.go b/internal/db/db.go
index 201d09b..d4d4d4e 100644
--- a/internal/db/db.go
+++ b/internal/db/db.go
@@ -32,11 +32,6 @@ func Open(config *DBConfig) (*DB, error) {
Conn: conn,
- if err := createTables(db); err != nil {
- conn.Close()
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tables: %w", err)
- }
return db, nil
@@ -61,114 +56,3 @@ func createTables(db *DB) error {
return nil
-// AddAccount adds a new account to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAccount(name, address string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAccountQuery(name, address))
-// AddAsset adds a new asset to the database
-func (db *DB) AddAsset(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) error {
- return db.Exec(insertAssetQuery(name, symbol, decimals, chainID))
-// AddChain adds a new chain to the database
-func (db *DB) AddChain(name, networkID string) error {
- return db.Exec(insertChainQuery(name, networkID))
-// AddCredential adds a new credential to the database
-func (db *DB) AddCredential(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) error {
- return db.Exec(insertCredentialQuery(
- handle,
- controller,
- attestationType,
- origin,
- credentialID,
- publicKey,
- transport,
- signCount,
- userPresent,
- userVerified,
- backupEligible,
- backupState,
- cloneWarning,
- ))
-// AddProfile adds a new profile to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProfile(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProfile"].Exec(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata,
- )
-// AddProperty adds a new property to the database
-func (db *DB) AddProperty(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string,
-) error {
- return db.statements["insertProperty"].Exec(
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey,
- )
-// AddPermission adds a new permission to the database
-func (db *DB) AddPermission(
- serviceID string,
- grants []DIDNamespace,
- scopes []PermissionScope,
-) error {
- grantsJSON, err := json.Marshal(grants)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- scopesJSON, err := json.Marshal(scopes)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return db.statements["insertPermission"].Exec(
- serviceID, string(grantsJSON), string(scopesJSON),
- )
-// GetPermission retrieves the permission for the given service ID
-func (db *DB) GetPermission(serviceID string) ([]DIDNamespace, []PermissionScope, error) {
- row := db.statements["getPermission"].QueryRow(serviceID)
- var grantsJSON, scopesJSON string
- if err := row.Scan(&grantsJSON, &scopesJSON); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get permission: %w", err)
- }
- var grants []DIDNamespace
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(grantsJSON), &grants); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal grants: %w", err)
- }
- var scopes []PermissionScope
- if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(scopesJSON), &scopes); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal scopes: %w", err)
- }
- return grants, scopes, nil
-// Close closes the database connection and finalizes all prepared statements
-func (db *DB) Close() error {
- for _, stmt := range db.statements {
- stmt.Finalize()
- }
- return db.Conn.Close()
diff --git a/internal/db/queries.go b/internal/db/queries.go
index 807d701..e69de29 100644
--- a/internal/db/queries.go
+++ b/internal/db/queries.go
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package db
-import "fmt"
-// Account queries
-func insertAccountQuery(name, address string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO accounts (name, address) VALUES (%s, %s)`, name, address)
-// Asset queries
-func insertAssetQuery(name, symbol string, decimals int, chainID int64) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO assets (name, symbol, decimals, chain_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %d)`,
- name,
- symbol,
- decimals,
- chainID,
- )
-// Chain queries
-func insertChainQuery(name string, networkID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO chains (name, network_id) VALUES (%s, %d)`, name, networkID)
-// Credential queries
-func insertCredentialQuery(
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin string,
- credentialID, publicKey []byte,
- transport string,
- signCount uint32,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible, backupState, cloneWarning bool,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO credentials (
- handle, controller, attestation_type, origin,
- credential_id, public_key, transport, sign_count,
- user_present, user_verified, backup_eligible,
- backup_state, clone_warning
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %t, %t, %t, %t, %t)`,
- handle, controller, attestationType, origin,
- credentialID, publicKey, transport, signCount,
- userPresent, userVerified, backupEligible,
- backupState, cloneWarning)
-// Profile queries
-func insertProfileQuery(
- id, subject, controller, originURI, publicMetadata, privateMetadata string,
-) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO profiles (
- id, subject, controller, origin_uri,
- public_metadata, private_metadata
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- id, subject, controller, originURI,
- publicMetadata, privateMetadata)
-// Property queries
-func insertPropertyQuery(profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`INSERT INTO properties (
- profile_id, key, accumulator, property_key
- ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)`,
- profileID, key, accumulator, propertyKey)
-// Permission queries
-func insertPermissionQuery(serviceID, grants, scopes string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(
- `INSERT INTO permissions (service_id, grants, scopes) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)`,
- serviceID,
- grants,
- scopes,
- )
-// GetPermission query
-func getPermissionQuery(serviceID string) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT grants, scopes FROM permissions WHERE service_id = %s`, serviceID)
* fix: update Makefile to use sonrd instead of wasmd
* feat: Add targets for templ and vault in Makefile and use only make in devbox.json
* feat: add SQLite database support
* bump: version 0.6.0 → 0.7.0
* refactor: upgrade actions to latest versions
2024-09-05 01:24:57 -04:00
### help ###
help :
@echo "Usage: make <target>"
@echo ""
@echo "Available targets:"
@echo " install : Install the binary"
@echo " local-image : Install the docker image"
@echo " proto-gen : Generate code from proto files"
@echo " testnet : Local devnet with IBC"
@echo " sh-testnet : Shell local devnet"
@echo " ictest-basic : Basic end-to-end test"
@echo " ictest-ibc : IBC end-to-end test"
@echo " templ : Generate templ files"
@echo " vault : Build vault.wasm"
.PHONY : help