2024-09-14 12:47:25 -04:00
// Code generated by templ - DO NOT EDIT.
2024-09-21 21:42:51 -04:00
// templ: version: v0.2.778
2024-09-18 02:22:17 -04:00
package blocks
2024-09-14 12:47:25 -04:00
//lint:file-ignore SA4006 This context is only used if a nested component is present.
import "github.com/a-h/templ"
import templruntime "github.com/a-h/templ/runtime"
func Tabs ( ) templ . Component {
return templruntime . GeneratedTemplate ( func ( templ_7745c5c3_Input templruntime . GeneratedComponentInput ) ( templ_7745c5c3_Err error ) {
templ_7745c5c3_W , ctx := templ_7745c5c3_Input . Writer , templ_7745c5c3_Input . Context
2024-09-21 21:42:51 -04:00
if templ_7745c5c3_CtxErr := ctx . Err ( ) ; templ_7745c5c3_CtxErr != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_CtxErr
2024-09-14 12:47:25 -04:00
templ_7745c5c3_Buffer , templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer := templruntime . GetBuffer ( templ_7745c5c3_W )
if ! templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer {
defer func ( ) {
templ_7745c5c3_BufErr := templruntime . ReleaseBuffer ( templ_7745c5c3_Buffer )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err == nil {
templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_BufErr
} ( )
ctx = templ . InitializeContext ( ctx )
templ_7745c5c3_Var1 := templ . GetChildren ( ctx )
if templ_7745c5c3_Var1 == nil {
templ_7745c5c3_Var1 = templ . NopComponent
ctx = templ . ClearChildren ( ctx )
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "<div x-data=\"{\n tabSelected: 1,\n tabId: $id('tabs'),\n tabButtonClicked(tabButton){\n this.tabSelected = tabButton.id.replace(this.tabId + '-', '');\n this.tabRepositionMarker(tabButton);\n },\n tabRepositionMarker(tabButton){\n this.$refs.tabMarker.style.width=tabButton.offsetWidth + 'px';\n this.$refs.tabMarker.style.height=tabButton.offsetHeight + 'px';\n this.$refs.tabMarker.style.left=tabButton.offsetLeft + 'px';\n },\n tabContentActive(tabContent){\n return this.tabSelected == tabContent.id.replace(this.tabId + '-content-', '');\n },\n tabButtonActive(tabContent){\n const tabId = tabContent.id.split('-').slice(-1);\n return this.tabSelected == tabId;\n }\n }\" x-init=\"tabRepositionMarker($refs.tabButtons.firstElementChild);\" class=\"relative w-full max-w-sm\"><div x-ref=\"tabButtons\" class=\"relative inline-grid items-center justify-center w-full h-10 grid-cols-3 p-1 text-gray-500 bg-white border border-gray-100 rounded-lg select-none\"><button :id=\"$id(tabId)\" @click=\"tabButtonClicked($el);\" type=\"button\" :class=\"{ 'bg-gray-100 text-gray-700' : tabButtonActive($el) }\" class=\"relative z-20 inline-flex items-center justify-center w-full h-8 px-3 text-sm font-medium transition-all rounded-md cursor-pointer whitespace-nowrap\">Tab1</button> <button :id=\"$id(tabId)\" @click=\"tabButtonClicked($el);\" type=\"button\" :class=\"{ 'bg-gray-100 text-gray-700' : tabButtonActive($el) }\" class=\"relative z-20 inline-flex items-center justify-center w-full h-8 px-3 text-sm font-medium transition-all rounded-md cursor-pointer whitespace-nowrap\">Tab2</button> <button :id=\"$id(tabId)\" @click=\"tabButtonClicked($el);\" type=\"button\" :class=\"{ 'bg-gray-100 text-gray-700' : tabButtonActive($el) }\" class=\"relative z-20 inline-flex items-center justify-center w-full h-8 px-3 text-sm font-medium transition-all rounded-md cursor-pointer whitespace-nowrap\">Tab3</button><div x-ref=\"tabMarker\" class=\"absolute left-0 z-10 w-1/2 h-full duration-300 ease-out\" x-cloak><div class=\"w-full h-full bg-gray-100 rounded-md shadow-sm\"></div></div></div><div class=\"relative flex items-center justify-center w-full p-5 mt-2 text-xs text-gray-400 border rounded-md content border-gray-200/70\"><div :id=\"$id(tabId + '-content')\" x-show=\"tabContentActive($el)\" class=\"relative\">" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
templ_7745c5c3_Err = Table ( ) . Render ( ctx , templ_7745c5c3_Buffer )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "</div><div :id=\"$id(tabId + '-content')\" x-show=\"tabContentActive($el)\" class=\"relative\" x-cloak>And, this is the content for Tab2</div><div :id=\"$id(tabId + '-content')\" x-show=\"tabContentActive($el)\" class=\"relative\" x-cloak>Finally, this is the content for Tab3</div></div></div>" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
} )
func Table ( ) templ . Component {
return templruntime . GeneratedTemplate ( func ( templ_7745c5c3_Input templruntime . GeneratedComponentInput ) ( templ_7745c5c3_Err error ) {
templ_7745c5c3_W , ctx := templ_7745c5c3_Input . Writer , templ_7745c5c3_Input . Context
2024-09-21 21:42:51 -04:00
if templ_7745c5c3_CtxErr := ctx . Err ( ) ; templ_7745c5c3_CtxErr != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_CtxErr
2024-09-14 12:47:25 -04:00
templ_7745c5c3_Buffer , templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer := templruntime . GetBuffer ( templ_7745c5c3_W )
if ! templ_7745c5c3_IsBuffer {
defer func ( ) {
templ_7745c5c3_BufErr := templruntime . ReleaseBuffer ( templ_7745c5c3_Buffer )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err == nil {
templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_BufErr
} ( )
ctx = templ . InitializeContext ( ctx )
templ_7745c5c3_Var2 := templ . GetChildren ( ctx )
if templ_7745c5c3_Var2 == nil {
templ_7745c5c3_Var2 = templ . NopComponent
ctx = templ . ClearChildren ( ctx )
_ , templ_7745c5c3_Err = templ_7745c5c3_Buffer . WriteString ( "<div class=\"flex flex-col\"><div class=\"overflow-x-auto\"><div class=\"inline-block min-w-full\"><div class=\"overflow-hidden\"><table class=\"min-w-full divide-y divide-neutral-200\"><thead><tr class=\"text-neutral-500\"><th class=\"px-5 py-3 text-xs font-medium text-left uppercase\">Name</th><th class=\"px-5 py-3 text-xs font-medium text-left uppercase\">Age</th><th class=\"px-5 py-3 text-xs font-medium text-left uppercase\">Address</th><th class=\"px-5 py-3 text-xs font-medium text-right uppercase\">Action</th></tr></thead> <tbody class=\"divide-y divide-neutral-200\"><tr class=\"text-neutral-800\"><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium whitespace-nowrap\">Richard Hendricks</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">30</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">Pied Piper HQ, Palo Alto</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium text-right whitespace-nowrap\"><a class=\"text-blue-600 hover:text-blue-700\" href=\"#\">Edit</a></td></tr><tr class=\"text-neutral-800\"><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium whitespace-nowrap\">Erlich Bachman</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">40</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">5230 Penfield Ave, Woodland Hills</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium text-right whitespace-nowrap\"><a class=\"text-blue-600 hover:text-blue-700\" href=\"#\">Edit</a></td></tr><tr class=\"text-neutral-800\"><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium whitespace-nowrap\">Monica Hall</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">35</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">2030 Stewart Drive, Sunnyvale</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium text-right whitespace-nowrap\"><a class=\"text-blue-600 hover:text-blue-700\" href=\"#\">Edit</a></td></tr><tr class=\"text-neutral-800\"><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium whitespace-nowrap\">Dinesh Chugtai</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">28</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">Pied Piper HQ, Palo Alto</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium text-right whitespace-nowrap\"><a class=\"text-blue-600 hover:text-blue-700\" href=\"#\">Edit</a></td></tr><tr class=\"text-neutral-800\"><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium whitespace-nowrap\">Gilfoyle</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">32</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm whitespace-nowrap\">Pied Piper HQ, Palo Alto</td><td class=\"px-5 py-4 text-sm font-medium text-right whitespace-nowrap\"><a class=\"text-blue-600 hover:text-blue-700\" href=\"#\">Edit</a></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></div>" )
if templ_7745c5c3_Err != nil {
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
return templ_7745c5c3_Err
} )
var _ = templruntime . GeneratedTemplate