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feature/1114 implement account interface (#1167) - **refactor: move session-related code to middleware package** - **refactor: update PKL build process and adjust related configurations** - **feat: integrate base.cosmos.v1 Genesis module** - **refactor: pass session context to modal rendering functions** - **refactor: move nebula package to app directory and update templ version** - **refactor: Move home section video view to dedicated directory** - **refactor: remove unused views file** - **refactor: move styles and UI components to global scope** - **refactor: Rename images.go to cdn.go** - **feat: Add Empty State Illustrations** - **refactor: Consolidate Vault Index Logic** - **fix: References to App.wasm and remove Vault Directory embedded CDN files** - **refactor: Move CDN types to Models** - **fix: Correct line numbers in templ error messages for arch_templ.go** - **refactor: use common types for peer roles** - **refactor: move common types and ORM to a shared package** - **fix: Config import dwn** - **refactor: move nebula directory to app** - **feat: Rebuild nebula** - **fix: correct file paths in panels templates** - **feat: Remove duplicate types** - **refactor: Move dwn to pkg/core** - **refactor: Binary Structure** - **feat: Introduce Crypto Pkg** - **fix: Broken Process Start** - **feat: Update pkg/* structure** - **feat: Refactor PKL Structure** - **build: update pkl build process** - **chore: Remove Empty Files** - **refactor: remove unused macaroon package** - **feat: Add WebAwesome Components** - **refactor: consolidate build and generation tasks into a single taskfile, remove redundant makefile targets** - **refactor: refactor server and move components to pkg/core/dwn** - **build: update go modules** - **refactor: move gateway logic into dedicated hway command** - **feat: Add KSS (Krawczyk-Song-Song) MPC cryptography module** - **feat: Implement MPC-based JWT signing and UCAN token generation** - **feat: add support for MPC-based JWT signing** - **feat: Implement MPC-based UCAN capabilities for smart accounts** - **feat: add address field to keyshareSource** - **feat: Add comprehensive MPC test suite for keyshares, UCAN tokens, and token attenuations** - **refactor: improve MPC keyshare management and signing process** - **feat: enhance MPC capability hierarchy documentation** - **refactor: rename GenerateKeyshares function to NewKeyshareSource for clarity** - **refactor: remove unused Ethereum address computation** - **feat: Add HasHandle and IsAuthenticated methods to HTTPContext** - **refactor: Add context.Context support to session HTTPContext** - **refactor: Resolve context interface conflicts in HTTPContext** - **feat: Add session ID context key and helper functions** - **feat: Update WebApp Page Rendering** - **refactor: Simplify context management by using single HTTPContext key** - **refactor: Simplify HTTPContext creation and context management in session middleware** - **refactor: refactor session middleware to use a single data structure** - **refactor: Simplify HTTPContext implementation and session data handling** - **refactor: Improve session context handling and prevent nil pointer errors** - **refactor: Improve session context handling with nil safety and type support** - **refactor: improve session data injection** - **feat: add full-screen modal component and update registration flow** - **chore: add .air.toml to .gitignore** - **feat: add Air to devbox and update dependencies**
2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
package bulletproof
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
feature/1121 implement ucan validation (#1176) - **refactor: remove unused auth components** - **refactor: improve devbox configuration and deployment process** - **refactor: improve devnet and testnet setup** - **fix: update templ version to v0.2.778** - **refactor: rename pkl/net.matrix to pkl/** - **refactor: migrate webapp components to nebula** - **refactor: protobuf types** - **chore: update dependencies for improved security and stability** - **feat: implement landing page and vault gateway servers** - **refactor: Migrate data models to new module structure and update related files** - **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation** - **refactor: Replace hardcoded constants with model types in attns.go** - **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation** - **chore: add origin Host struct and update main function to handle multiple hosts** - **build: remove unused static files from dwn module** - **build: remove unused static files from dwn module** - **refactor: Move DWN models to common package** - **refactor: move models to pkg/common** - **refactor: move vault web app assets to embed module** - **refactor: update session middleware import path** - **chore: configure port labels and auto-forwarding behavior** - **feat: enhance devcontainer configuration** - **feat: Add UCAN middleware for Echo with flexible token validation** - **feat: add JWT middleware for UCAN authentication** - **refactor: update package URI and versioning in PklProject files** - **fix: correct sonr.pkl import path** - **refactor: move JWT related code to auth package** - **feat: introduce vault configuration retrieval and management** - **refactor: Move vault components to gateway module and update file paths** - **refactor: remove Dexie and SQLite database implementations** - **feat: enhance frontend with PWA features and WASM integration** - **feat: add Devbox features and streamline Dockerfile** - **chore: update dependencies to include TigerBeetle** - **chore(deps): update go version to 1.23** - **feat: enhance devnet setup with PATH environment variable and updated PWA manifest** - **fix: upgrade tigerbeetle-go dependency and remove indirect dependency** - **feat: add PostgreSQL support to devnet and testnet deployments** - **refactor: rename keyshare cookie to token cookie** - **feat: upgrade Go version to 1.23.3 and update dependencies** - **refactor: update devnet and testnet configurations** - **feat: add IPFS configuration for devnet** - **I'll help you update the ipfs.config.pkl to include all the peers from the shell script. Here's the updated configuration:** - **refactor: move mpc package to crypto directory** - **feat: add BIP32 support for various cryptocurrencies** - **feat: enhance ATN.pkl with additional capabilities** - **refactor: simplify smart account and vault attenuation creation** - **feat: add new capabilities to the Attenuation type** - **refactor: Rename MPC files for clarity and consistency** - **feat: add DIDKey support for cryptographic operations** - **feat: add devnet and testnet deployment configurations** - **fix: correct key derivation in bip32 package** - **refactor: rename crypto/bip32 package to crypto/accaddr** - **fix: remove duplicate indirect dependency** - **refactor: move vault package to root directory** - **refactor: update routes for gateway and vault** - **refactor: remove obsolete web configuration file** - **refactor: remove unused TigerBeetle imports and update host configuration** - **refactor: adjust styles directory path** - **feat: add broadcastTx and simulateTx functions to gateway** - **feat: add PinVault handler**
2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
feature/1114 implement account interface (#1167) - **refactor: move session-related code to middleware package** - **refactor: update PKL build process and adjust related configurations** - **feat: integrate base.cosmos.v1 Genesis module** - **refactor: pass session context to modal rendering functions** - **refactor: move nebula package to app directory and update templ version** - **refactor: Move home section video view to dedicated directory** - **refactor: remove unused views file** - **refactor: move styles and UI components to global scope** - **refactor: Rename images.go to cdn.go** - **feat: Add Empty State Illustrations** - **refactor: Consolidate Vault Index Logic** - **fix: References to App.wasm and remove Vault Directory embedded CDN files** - **refactor: Move CDN types to Models** - **fix: Correct line numbers in templ error messages for arch_templ.go** - **refactor: use common types for peer roles** - **refactor: move common types and ORM to a shared package** - **fix: Config import dwn** - **refactor: move nebula directory to app** - **feat: Rebuild nebula** - **fix: correct file paths in panels templates** - **feat: Remove duplicate types** - **refactor: Move dwn to pkg/core** - **refactor: Binary Structure** - **feat: Introduce Crypto Pkg** - **fix: Broken Process Start** - **feat: Update pkg/* structure** - **feat: Refactor PKL Structure** - **build: update pkl build process** - **chore: Remove Empty Files** - **refactor: remove unused macaroon package** - **feat: Add WebAwesome Components** - **refactor: consolidate build and generation tasks into a single taskfile, remove redundant makefile targets** - **refactor: refactor server and move components to pkg/core/dwn** - **build: update go modules** - **refactor: move gateway logic into dedicated hway command** - **feat: Add KSS (Krawczyk-Song-Song) MPC cryptography module** - **feat: Implement MPC-based JWT signing and UCAN token generation** - **feat: add support for MPC-based JWT signing** - **feat: Implement MPC-based UCAN capabilities for smart accounts** - **feat: add address field to keyshareSource** - **feat: Add comprehensive MPC test suite for keyshares, UCAN tokens, and token attenuations** - **refactor: improve MPC keyshare management and signing process** - **feat: enhance MPC capability hierarchy documentation** - **refactor: rename GenerateKeyshares function to NewKeyshareSource for clarity** - **refactor: remove unused Ethereum address computation** - **feat: Add HasHandle and IsAuthenticated methods to HTTPContext** - **refactor: Add context.Context support to session HTTPContext** - **refactor: Resolve context interface conflicts in HTTPContext** - **feat: Add session ID context key and helper functions** - **feat: Update WebApp Page Rendering** - **refactor: Simplify context management by using single HTTPContext key** - **refactor: Simplify HTTPContext creation and context management in session middleware** - **refactor: refactor session middleware to use a single data structure** - **refactor: Simplify HTTPContext implementation and session data handling** - **refactor: Improve session context handling and prevent nil pointer errors** - **refactor: Improve session context handling with nil safety and type support** - **refactor: improve session data injection** - **feat: add full-screen modal component and update registration flow** - **chore: add .air.toml to .gitignore** - **feat: add Air to devbox and update dependencies**
2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
// BatchProve proves that a list of scalars v are in the range n.
// It implements the aggregating logarithmic proofs defined on pg21.
// Instead of taking a single value and a single blinding factor, BatchProve takes in a list of values and list of
// blinding factors.
func (prover *RangeProver) BatchProve(v, gamma []curves.Scalar, n int, proofGenerators RangeProofGenerators, transcript *merlin.Transcript) (*RangeProof, error) {
// Define nm as the total bits required for secrets, calculated as number of secrets * n
m := len(v)
nm := n * m
// nm must be less than or equal to the number of generators generated
if nm > len(prover.generators.G) {
return nil, errors.New("ipp vector length must be less than or equal to maxVectorLength")
// In case where nm is less than number of generators precomputed by prover, trim to length
proofG := prover.generators.G[0:nm]
proofH := prover.generators.H[0:nm]
// Check that each elem in v is in range [0, 2^n]
for _, vi := range v {
checkedRange := checkRange(vi, n)
if checkedRange != nil {
return nil, checkedRange
// L40 on pg19
aL, err := getaLBatched(v, n, prover.curve)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
onenm := get1nVector(nm, prover.curve)
// L41 on pg19
aR, err := subtractPairwiseScalarVectors(aL, onenm)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
alpha := prover.curve.Scalar.Random(crand.Reader)
// Calc A (L44, pg19)
halpha := proofGenerators.h.Mul(alpha)
gaL := prover.curve.Point.SumOfProducts(proofG, aL)
haR := prover.curve.Point.SumOfProducts(proofH, aR)
capA := halpha.Add(gaL).Add(haR)
// L45, 46, pg19
sL := getBlindingVector(nm, prover.curve)
sR := getBlindingVector(nm, prover.curve)
rho := prover.curve.Scalar.Random(crand.Reader)
// Calc S (L47, pg19)
hrho := proofGenerators.h.Mul(rho)
gsL := prover.curve.Point.SumOfProducts(proofG, sL)
hsR := prover.curve.Point.SumOfProducts(proofH, sR)
capS := hrho.Add(gsL).Add(hsR)
// Fiat Shamir for y,z (L49, pg19)
capV := getcapVBatched(v, gamma, proofGenerators.g, proofGenerators.h)
y, z, err := calcyzBatched(capV, capA, capS, transcript, prover.curve)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
// Calc t_1, t_2
// See the l(X), r(X), equations on pg 21
// Use l(X)'s and r(X)'s constant and linear terms to derive t_1 and t_2
// (a_l - z*1^n)
zonenm := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(z, onenm)
constantTerml, err := subtractPairwiseScalarVectors(aL, zonenm)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
linearTerml := sL
// zSum term, see equation 71 on pg21
zSum := getSumTermrXBatched(z, n, len(v), prover.curve)
// a_r + z*1^nm
aRPluszonenm, err := addPairwiseScalarVectors(aR, zonenm)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
ynm := getknVector(y, nm, prover.curve)
hadamard, err := multiplyPairwiseScalarVectors(ynm, aRPluszonenm)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
constantTermr, err := addPairwiseScalarVectors(hadamard, zSum)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
linearTermr, err := multiplyPairwiseScalarVectors(ynm, sR)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
// t_1 (as the linear coefficient) is the sum of the dot products of l(X)'s linear term dot r(X)'s constant term
// and r(X)'s linear term dot l(X)'s constant term
t1FirstTerm, err := innerProduct(linearTerml, constantTermr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
t1SecondTerm, err := innerProduct(linearTermr, constantTerml)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
t1 := t1FirstTerm.Add(t1SecondTerm)
// t_2 (as the quadratic coefficient) is the dot product of l(X)'s and r(X)'s linear terms
t2, err := innerProduct(linearTerml, linearTermr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
// L52, pg20
tau1 := prover.curve.Scalar.Random(crand.Reader)
tau2 := prover.curve.Scalar.Random(crand.Reader)
// T_1, T_2 (L53, pg20)
capT1 := proofGenerators.g.Mul(t1).Add(proofGenerators.h.Mul(tau1))
capT2 := proofGenerators.g.Mul(t2).Add(proofGenerators.h.Mul(tau2))
// Fiat shamir for x (L55, pg20)
x, err := calcx(capT1, capT2, transcript, prover.curve)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
// Calc l
// Instead of using the expression in the line, evaluate l() at x
sLx := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(x, linearTerml)
l, err := addPairwiseScalarVectors(constantTerml, sLx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
// Calc r
// Instead of using the expression in the line, evaluate r() at x
ynsRx := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(x, linearTermr)
r, err := addPairwiseScalarVectors(constantTermr, ynsRx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
// Calc t hat
// For efficiency, instead of calculating the dot product, evaluate t() at x
zm := getknVector(z, m, prover.curve)
zsquarezm := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(z.Square(), zm)
sumv := prover.curve.Scalar.Zero()
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
elem := zsquarezm[i].Mul(v[i])
sumv = sumv.Add(elem)
deltayzBatched, err := deltayzBatched(y, z, n, m, prover.curve)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
t0 := sumv.Add(deltayzBatched)
tLinear := t1.Mul(x)
tQuadratic := t2.Mul(x.Square())
tHat := t0.Add(tLinear).Add(tQuadratic)
// Calc tau_x (L61, pg20)
tau2xsquare := tau2.Mul(x.Square())
tau1x := tau1.Mul(x)
zsum := prover.curve.Scalar.Zero()
zExp := z.Clone()
for j := 1; j < m+1; j++ {
zExp = zExp.Mul(z)
zsum = zsum.Add(zExp.Mul(gamma[j-1]))
taux := tau2xsquare.Add(tau1x).Add(zsum)
// Calc mu (L62, pg20)
mu := alpha.Add(rho.Mul(x))
// Calc IPP (See section 4.2)
hPrime, err := gethPrime(proofH, y, prover.curve)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
// P is redefined in batched case, see bottom equation on pg21.
capPhmu := getPhmuBatched(proofG, hPrime, proofGenerators.h, capA, capS, x, y, z, mu, n, m, prover.curve)
wBytes := transcript.ExtractBytes([]byte("getw"), 64)
w, err := prover.curve.NewScalar().SetBytesWide(wBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
ipp, err := prover.ippProver.rangeToIPP(proofG, hPrime, l, r, tHat, capPhmu, proofGenerators.u.Mul(w), transcript)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "rangeproof prove")
out := &RangeProof{
capA: capA,
capS: capS,
capT1: capT1,
capT2: capT2,
taux: taux,
mu: mu,
tHat: tHat,
ipp: ipp,
curve: &prover.curve,
return out, nil
// See final term of L71 on pg 21
// Sigma_{j=1}^{m} z^{1+j} * (0^{(j-1)*n} || 2^{n} || 0^{(m-j)*n}).
func getSumTermrXBatched(z curves.Scalar, n, m int, curve curves.Curve) []curves.Scalar {
twoN := get2nVector(n, curve)
var out []curves.Scalar
// The final power should be one more than m
zExp := z.Clone()
for j := 0; j < m; j++ {
zExp = zExp.Mul(z)
elem := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(zExp, twoN)
out = append(out, elem...)
return out
func getcapVBatched(v, gamma []curves.Scalar, g, h curves.Point) []curves.Point {
out := make([]curves.Point, len(v))
for i, vi := range v {
out[i] = getcapV(vi, gamma[i], g, h)
return out
func getaLBatched(v []curves.Scalar, n int, curve curves.Curve) ([]curves.Scalar, error) {
var aL []curves.Scalar
for _, vi := range v {
aLi, err := getaL(vi, n, curve)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
aL = append(aL, aLi...)
return aL, nil
func calcyzBatched(capV []curves.Point, capA, capS curves.Point, transcript *merlin.Transcript, curve curves.Curve) (curves.Scalar, curves.Scalar, error) {
// Add the A,S values to transcript
for _, capVi := range capV {
transcript.AppendMessage([]byte("addV"), capVi.ToAffineUncompressed())
transcript.AppendMessage([]byte("addcapA"), capA.ToAffineUncompressed())
transcript.AppendMessage([]byte("addcapS"), capS.ToAffineUncompressed())
// Read 64 bytes twice from, set to scalar for y and z
yBytes := transcript.ExtractBytes([]byte("gety"), 64)
y, err := curve.NewScalar().SetBytesWide(yBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "calcyz NewScalar SetBytesWide")
zBytes := transcript.ExtractBytes([]byte("getz"), 64)
z, err := curve.NewScalar().SetBytesWide(zBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "calcyz NewScalar SetBytesWide")
return y, z, nil
func deltayzBatched(y, z curves.Scalar, n, m int, curve curves.Curve) (curves.Scalar, error) {
// z - z^2
zMinuszsquare := z.Sub(z.Square())
// 1^(n*m)
onenm := get1nVector(n*m, curve)
// <1^nm, y^nm>
onenmdotynm, err := innerProduct(onenm, getknVector(y, n*m, curve))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "deltayz")
// (z - z^2)*<1^n, y^n>
termFirst := zMinuszsquare.Mul(onenmdotynm)
// <1^n, 2^n>
onendottwon, err := innerProduct(get1nVector(n, curve), get2nVector(n, curve))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "deltayz")
termSecond := curve.Scalar.Zero()
zExp := z.Square()
for j := 1; j < m+1; j++ {
zExp = zExp.Mul(z)
elem := zExp.Mul(onendottwon)
termSecond = termSecond.Add(elem)
// (z - z^2)*<1^n, y^n> - z^3*<1^n, 2^n>
out := termFirst.Sub(termSecond)
return out, nil
// Bottom equation on pg21.
func getPhmuBatched(proofG, proofHPrime []curves.Point, h, capA, capS curves.Point, x, y, z, mu curves.Scalar, n, m int, curve curves.Curve) curves.Point {
twoN := get2nVector(n, curve)
// h'^(z*y^n + z^2*2^n)
lastElem := curve.NewIdentityPoint()
zExp := z.Clone()
for j := 1; j < m+1; j++ {
// Get subvector of h
hSubvector := proofHPrime[(j-1)*n : j*n]
// z^(j+1)
zExp = zExp.Mul(z)
exp := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(zExp, twoN)
// Final elem
elem := curve.Point.SumOfProducts(hSubvector, exp)
lastElem = lastElem.Add(elem)
zynm := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(z, getknVector(y, n*m, curve))
hPrimezynm := curve.Point.SumOfProducts(proofHPrime, zynm)
lastElem = lastElem.Add(hPrimezynm)
// S^x
capSx := capS.Mul(x)
// g^-z --> -z*<1,g>
onenm := get1nVector(n*m, curve)
zNeg := z.Neg()
zinvonen := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(zNeg, onenm)
zgdotonen := curve.Point.SumOfProducts(proofG, zinvonen)
// L66 on pg20
P := capA.Add(capSx).Add(zgdotonen).Add(lastElem)
hmu := h.Mul(mu)
Phmu := P.Sub(hmu)
return Phmu