2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
module github.com/onsonr/sonr
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
2024-12-08 16:17:21 -05:00
go 1.23.3
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
// overrides
replace (
cosmossdk.io/core => cosmossdk.io/core v0.11.0
2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
github.com/ChainSafe/go-schnorrkel => github.com/ChainSafe/go-schnorrkel v0.0.0-20200405005733-88cbf1b4c40d
github.com/ChainSafe/go-schnorrkel/1 => github.com/ChainSafe/go-schnorrkel v1.0.0
github.com/gogo/protobuf => github.com/regen-network/protobuf v1.3.3-alpha.regen.1
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
github.com/prometheus/client_golang => github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.18.0
github.com/prometheus/common => github.com/prometheus/common v0.47.0
github.com/spf13/viper => github.com/spf13/viper v1.17.0 // v1.18+ breaks app overrides
2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
github.com/vedhavyas/go-subkey => github.com/strangelove-ventures/go-subkey v1.0.7
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
replace (
github.com/99designs/keyring => github.com/cosmos/keyring v1.2.0
// dgrijalva/jwt-go is deprecated and doesn't receive security updates.
// See: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/13134
github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go => github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 v4.4.2
// See: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/10409
github.com/gin-gonic/gin => github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.8.1
// pin version! 126854af5e6d has issues with the store so that queries fail
github.com/syndtr/goleveldb => github.com/syndtr/goleveldb v1.0.1-0.20210819022825-2ae1ddf74ef7
require (
2024-07-06 00:34:41 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-07-06 00:34:41 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-10-11 16:47:52 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
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2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
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2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
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2024-10-21 12:01:26 -04:00
github.com/cometbft/cometbft v0.38.12
2024-12-13 15:10:27 -05:00
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2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-07-06 00:34:41 -04:00
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2024-07-24 02:42:05 -04:00
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2024-10-11 16:47:52 -04:00
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2024-10-21 12:03:06 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
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2024-10-21 11:30:52 -04:00
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2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-09-25 19:49:16 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-12-05 20:36:58 -05:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-23 17:04:00 -04:00
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2024-12-13 15:10:27 -05:00
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2024-12-05 20:36:58 -05:00
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2024-12-13 15:10:27 -05:00
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2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
github.com/mr-tron/base58 v1.2.0
github.com/multiformats/go-multibase v0.2.0
github.com/multiformats/go-multicodec v0.9.0
2024-12-05 20:36:58 -05:00
github.com/multiformats/go-multihash v0.2.3
2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
github.com/multiformats/go-varint v0.0.7
2024-12-16 15:29:54 -05:00
github.com/ncruces/go-sqlite3 v0.21.1
2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1
2024-09-14 14:27:45 -04:00
github.com/segmentio/ksuid v1.0.4
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
github.com/spf13/cast v1.6.0
2024-10-21 12:01:26 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-10-21 12:25:38 -04:00
github.com/spf13/viper v1.19.0
2024-10-21 12:02:44 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-05 20:36:58 -05:00
github.com/stretchr/testify v1.10.0
2024-12-13 15:10:27 -05:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-12-05 20:36:58 -05:00
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2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00
lukechampine.com/blake3 v1.3.0
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
require (
2024-07-08 22:57:53 -04:00
cloud.google.com/go v0.112.1 // indirect
2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata v0.5.0 // indirect
2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
cloud.google.com/go/iam v1.1.6 // indirect
2024-07-08 22:57:53 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
github.com/99designs/go-keychain v0.0.0-20191008050251-8e49817e8af4 // indirect
github.com/99designs/keyring v1.2.1 // indirect
github.com/DataDog/datadog-go v3.2.0+incompatible // indirect
github.com/DataDog/zstd v1.5.5 // indirect
2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-13 15:10:27 -05:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-12-13 15:10:27 -05:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-07-06 00:34:41 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
github.com/cockroachdb/logtags v0.0.0-20230118201751-21c54148d20b // indirect
build(deps): bump github.com/ipfs/kubo from 0.29.0 to 0.31.0 (#1148)
Bumps [github.com/ipfs/kubo](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo) from 0.29.0
to 0.31.0.
<summary>Release notes</summary>
<p><em>Sourced from <a
<li><a href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/HEAD/#-discuss">🗣
<li><a href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/HEAD/#-highlights">🔦
Pebble Datastore</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/HEAD/#new-metrics">New
profile no longer breaks DHT announcements</a></li>
1.23, boxo 0.24 and go-libp2p 0.36.5</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/HEAD/#-changelog">📝
<p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML
omitted --></p>
<p>This release was brought to you by the <a
href="http://ipshipyard.com/">Shipyard</a> team.</p>
<p>Release v0.31.0 issue <a
<h3>🗣 Discuss</h3>
<p>If you have comments, questions, or feedback on this release, please
post <a
<p>If you experienced any bugs with the release, please <a
href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/issues/new/choose">post an
<h3>🔦 Highlights</h3>
<h4>Experimental Pebble Datastore</h4>
<!-- raw HTML omitted -->
<p><em>Pebble visits Kubo</em></p>
provides a high-performance alternative to leveldb as the datastore, and
provides a modern replacement for <a
<p>A fresh Kubo node can be initialized with <a
profile</a> via <code>ipfs init --profile pebbleds</code>.</p>
<p>There are a number of parameters available for tuning pebble's
performance to your specific needs. Default values are used for any
parameters that are not configured or are set to their zero-value.
For a description of the available tuning parameters, see <a
<h4>New metrics</h4>
<li>Added 3 new go metrics: <code>go_gc_gogc_percent</code>,
<code>go_gc_gomemlimit_bytes</code> and
<code>go_sched_gomaxprocs_threads</code> as those are <a
by the Go team</a></li>
<li>Added <a
usage metrics</a>: <code>process_network_receive_bytes_total</code> and
<li>Removed <code>go_memstat_lookups_total</code> metric <a
was always 0</a></li>
<h4><code>lowpower</code> profile no longer breaks DHT
<p>We've notices users were applying <code>lowpower</code> profile, and
then reporting content routing issues. This was because
<code>lowpower</code> disabled reprovider system and locally hosted data
was no longer announced on Amino DHT.</p>
<p>This release changes <a
profile</a> to not change reprovider settings, ensuring the new users
are not sabotaging themselves. It also adds <a
and <a
profiles for controlling announcement settings separately.</p>
<!-- raw HTML omitted -->
<p>... (truncated)</p>
Merge pull request <a
from ipfs/release-v0.31.0</li>
Add full changelog to release changelog</li>
update version for release</li>
chore: 0.31.0-rc2</li>
fix: go 1.23(.2) (<a
chore: typo</li>
chore: go-libp2p v0.36.5 (<a
chore: bump version to v0.31.0-rc1</li>
feat(routing/http): support IPIP-484 and streaming (<a
fix(daemon): webui URL when rpc is catch-all (<a
<li>Additional commits viewable in <a
<br />
Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't
alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting
`@dependabot rebase`.
[//]: # (dependabot-automerge-start)
[//]: # (dependabot-automerge-end)
<summary>Dependabot commands and options</summary>
<br />
You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:
- `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR
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- `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating
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- `@dependabot show <dependency name> ignore conditions` will show all
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Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen
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- `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop
Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen
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- `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop
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Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-10-21 12:00:00 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-10-21 12:01:26 -04:00
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2024-12-13 15:10:27 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-07-06 00:34:41 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-12-13 15:10:27 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-10-21 11:30:52 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-07-08 22:57:53 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-10-21 11:30:52 -04:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-05 20:36:58 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-07-08 22:57:53 -04:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-07-06 00:34:41 -04:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
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2024-07-05 22:20:13 -04:00
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2024-07-26 12:14:20 -04:00
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2024-10-21 12:01:26 -04:00
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build(deps): bump github.com/ipfs/kubo from 0.29.0 to 0.31.0 (#1148)
Bumps [github.com/ipfs/kubo](https://github.com/ipfs/kubo) from 0.29.0
to 0.31.0.
<summary>Release notes</summary>
<p><em>Sourced from <a
<li><a href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/HEAD/#-discuss">🗣
<li><a href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/HEAD/#-highlights">🔦
Pebble Datastore</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/HEAD/#new-metrics">New
profile no longer breaks DHT announcements</a></li>
1.23, boxo 0.24 and go-libp2p 0.36.5</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/blob/HEAD/#-changelog">📝
<p><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML
omitted --></p>
<p>This release was brought to you by the <a
href="http://ipshipyard.com/">Shipyard</a> team.</p>
<p>Release v0.31.0 issue <a
<h3>🗣 Discuss</h3>
<p>If you have comments, questions, or feedback on this release, please
post <a
<p>If you experienced any bugs with the release, please <a
href="https://github.com/ipfs/kubo/issues/new/choose">post an
<h3>🔦 Highlights</h3>
<h4>Experimental Pebble Datastore</h4>
<!-- raw HTML omitted -->
<p><em>Pebble visits Kubo</em></p>
provides a high-performance alternative to leveldb as the datastore, and
provides a modern replacement for <a
<p>A fresh Kubo node can be initialized with <a
profile</a> via <code>ipfs init --profile pebbleds</code>.</p>
<p>There are a number of parameters available for tuning pebble's
performance to your specific needs. Default values are used for any
parameters that are not configured or are set to their zero-value.
For a description of the available tuning parameters, see <a
<h4>New metrics</h4>
<li>Added 3 new go metrics: <code>go_gc_gogc_percent</code>,
<code>go_gc_gomemlimit_bytes</code> and
<code>go_sched_gomaxprocs_threads</code> as those are <a
by the Go team</a></li>
<li>Added <a
usage metrics</a>: <code>process_network_receive_bytes_total</code> and
<li>Removed <code>go_memstat_lookups_total</code> metric <a
was always 0</a></li>
<h4><code>lowpower</code> profile no longer breaks DHT
<p>We've notices users were applying <code>lowpower</code> profile, and
then reporting content routing issues. This was because
<code>lowpower</code> disabled reprovider system and locally hosted data
was no longer announced on Amino DHT.</p>
<p>This release changes <a
profile</a> to not change reprovider settings, ensuring the new users
are not sabotaging themselves. It also adds <a
and <a
profiles for controlling announcement settings separately.</p>
<!-- raw HTML omitted -->
<p>... (truncated)</p>
Merge pull request <a
from ipfs/release-v0.31.0</li>
Add full changelog to release changelog</li>
update version for release</li>
chore: 0.31.0-rc2</li>
fix: go 1.23(.2) (<a
chore: typo</li>
chore: go-libp2p v0.36.5 (<a
chore: bump version to v0.31.0-rc1</li>
feat(routing/http): support IPIP-484 and streaming (<a
fix(daemon): webui URL when rpc is catch-all (<a
<li>Additional commits viewable in <a
<br />
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`@dependabot rebase`.
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2024-10-21 12:00:00 -04:00
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