refactor: Update credential logging with transport and ID type
2024-12-09 14:59:35 -05:00
refactor: Update register handler to use protocol.CredentialDescriptor struct
2024-12-09 14:59:25 -05:00
refactor: Update credential handling to use protocol.CredentialDescriptor
2024-12-09 14:59:24 -05:00
feat: Add credential parsing and logging in register finish handler
2024-12-09 14:55:31 -05:00
feat: Add credential details row with icon after passkey creation
2024-12-09 14:53:59 -05:00
feat: Add form validation for passkey credential input
2024-12-09 14:51:59 -05:00
feat: implement passkey registration flow
2024-12-09 14:51:12 -05:00
feat: Add hidden input to store passkey credential data for form submission
2024-12-09 14:45:02 -05:00
refactor: improve profile card styling and functionality
2024-12-09 14:42:07 -05:00
feat: add CI workflow for deploying network
2024-12-09 13:37:55 -05:00
feat: add hway binary support and Homebrew formula
2024-12-09 11:49:20 -05:00
feat: remove username from passkey creation
2024-12-08 23:30:17 -05:00
feat: implement passkey registration flow
2024-12-08 23:10:40 -05:00
feat: add passkey creation functionality
2024-12-08 22:53:04 -05:00
fix: remove line-clamp from tailwind config
2024-12-08 21:45:37 -05:00
refactor: Simplify session management and browser information extraction
2024-12-08 19:46:19 -05:00
refactor: Update PeerInfo to extract and store comprehensive device information
2024-12-08 19:45:14 -05:00
docs: Update CNAME to point to www.onsonr.dev
2024-12-08 18:48:44 -05:00
refactor: improve address display in property details
2024-12-08 18:48:04 -05:00
refactor: remove unused documentation generation script
2024-12-08 17:55:36 -05:00
refactor: replace sonr/pkg/styles/layout with nebula/ui/layout
2024-12-08 16:17:46 -05:00
refactor: migrate UI components to nebula module
2024-12-08 16:17:21 -05:00
feat: add CNAME for onsonr.dev domain
2024-12-08 14:52:40 -05:00
docs: Force update of GitHub Pages deployment
2024-12-08 13:36:53 -05:00
docs(github): update workflow to remove redundant branch configuration
2024-12-08 13:35:40 -05:00
fix: remove unnecessary background and restart settings from process-compose.yaml
2024-12-08 13:00:38 -05:00
fix: suppress process-compose server output and log to file
2024-12-08 12:42:39 -05:00
docs: Add keywords to improve documentation searchability
2024-12-08 12:29:59 -05:00
build: add newline for better readability
2024-12-08 11:59:25 -05:00
refactor: improve scopes.json structure and update scripts for better usability
2024-12-07 17:32:11 -05:00
docs: remove --force flag from mkdocs gh-deploy
2024-12-06 21:36:37 -05:00
bump: version 0.5.19 → 0.5.20
2024-12-07 02:34:23 +00:00
feature/data persistence ( #1180 )
- **feat: add documentation and GitHub Actions workflow for publishing
- **docs(concepts): add documentation for chain modules**
- **refactor: Simplify session management with SQLite storage and remove
deprecated code**
- **refactor: Simplify database initialization and remove
- **refactor: move connection handling logic to resolver package**
- **feat: implement session management with database persistence**
- **feat: Ensure config directory exists when creating database path**
- **feat: Add SetUserHandle function to set user handle in session**
- **feat: Add public methods to set session fields with database save**
- **refactor: Remove unused session setter functions**
- **feat: Add getter methods for all Session Model properties**
- **feat: enhance Session model with user name details**
- **feat: add Motr support and update UI elements**
- **<no value>**
- **feat: Add unique handle constraint and method to check handle
- **docs: update site URL to onsonr.dev**
- **fix: correct import statement for database package**
- **test: updated CI to run tests on pull requests and merge groups**
- **docs: remove reference to develop branch in workflow**
- **feat: add WebAuthn support for user registration**
- **fix: correct smart account attenuation preset name**
- **feat: add ComputeIssuerDID and ComputeSonrAddr functions to ucan
- **test: add unit tests for MPC keyset and keyshare**
- **feat: introduce new script to streamline GitHub issue creation**
2024-12-06 21:31:20 -05:00
chore: fix some function names in comment ( #1178 )
<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above -->
## Description
fix some function names in comment
## Related Issue(s)
<!--- This project only accepts pull requests related to open issues -->
<!--- If suggesting a new feature or change, please discuss it in an
issue first -->
<!--- If fixing a bug, there should be an issue describing it with steps
to reproduce -->
<!--- Please link to the issue here: -->
## Motivation and Context
<!--- Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? -->
<!--- If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. -->
## How Has This Been Tested?
<!--- Please describe in detail how you tested your changes. -->
<!--- Include details of your testing environment, and the tests you ran
to -->
<!--- see how your change affects other areas of the code, etc. -->
## Screenshots (if appropriate):
Signed-off-by: cuiyourong <cuiyourong@gmail.com>
2024-12-06 13:40:49 -05:00
refactor: simplify CI workflow by removing redundant asset publishing steps
2024-12-05 21:00:26 -05:00
docs: remove unnecessary metadata from UCAN spec
2024-12-05 20:59:16 -05:00
bump: version 0.5.18 → 0.5.19
2024-12-06 01:43:06 +00:00
Merge branch 'develop'
2024-12-05 20:38:27 -05:00
feature/1115 execute ucan token ( #1177 )
- **deps: remove tigerbeetle-go dependency**
- **refactor: remove unused landing page components and models**
- **feat: add pin and publish vault handlers**
- **refactor: move payment and credential services to webui browser
- **refactor: remove unused credentials management components**
- **feat: add landing page components and middleware for credentials and
- **refactor: remove unused imports in vault config**
- **refactor: remove unused bank, DID, and DWN gRPC clients**
- **refactor: rename client files and improve code structure**
- **feat: add session middleware helpers and landing page components**
- **feat: add user profile registration flow**
- **feat: Implement WebAuthn registration flow**
- **feat: add error view for users without WebAuthn devices**
- **chore: update htmx to include extensions**
- **refactor: rename pin handler to claim handler and update routes**
- **chore: update import paths after moving UI components and styles**
- **fix: address potential server errors by handling and logging them
- **refactor: move vault config to gateway package and update related
- **style: simplify form styling and remove unnecessary components**
- **feat: improve UI design for registration flow**
- **feat: implement passkey-based authentication**
- **refactor: migrate registration forms to use reusable form
- **refactor: remove tailwindcss setup and use CDN instead**
- **style: update submit button style to use outline variant**
- **refactor: refactor server and IPFS client, remove MPC encryption**
- **refactor: Abstract keyshare functionality and improve message
- **refactor: improve keyset JSON marshaling and error handling**
- **feat: add support for digital signatures using MPC keys**
- **fix: Refactor MarshalJSON to use standard json.Marshal for Message
- **fix: Encode messages before storing in keyshare structs**
- **style: update form input styles for improved user experience**
- **refactor: improve code structure in registration handlers**
- **refactor: consolidate signer middleware and IPFS interaction**
- **refactor: rename MPC signing and refresh protocol functions**
- **refactor: update hway configuration loading mechanism**
- **feat: integrate database support for sessions and users**
- **refactor: remove devnet infrastructure and simplify build process**
- **docs(guides): add Sonr DID module guide**
- **feat: integrate progress bar into registration form**
- **refactor: migrate WebAuthn dependencies to protocol package**
- **feat: enhance user registration with passkey integration and
improved form styling**
- **refactor: move gateway view handlers to internal pages package**
- **refactor: Move address package to MPC module**
- **feat: integrate turnstile for registration**
- **style: remove unnecessary size attribute from buttons**
- **refactor: rename cookie package to session/cookie**
- **refactor: remove unnecessary types.Session dependency**
- **refactor: rename pkg/core to pkg/chain**
- **refactor: simplify deployment process by removing testnet-specific
Taskfile and devbox configuration**
- **feat: add error redirect functionality and improve routes**
- **feat: implement custom error handling for gateway**
- **chore: update version number to 0.0.7 in template**
- **feat: add IPFS client implementation**
- **feat: Implement full IPFS client interface with comprehensive
- **refactor: improve IPFS client path handling**
- **refactor: Move UCAN middleware to controller package**
- **feat: add UCAN middleware to motr**
- **refactor: update libp2p dependency**
- **docs: add UCAN specification document**
- **refactor: move UCAN controller logic to common package**
- **refactor: rename exports.go to common.go**
- **feat: add UCAN token support**
- **refactor: migrate UCAN token parsing to dedicated package**
- **refactor: improve CometBFT and app config initialization**
- **refactor: improve deployment scripts and documentation**
- **feat: integrate IPFS and producer middleware**
- **refactor: rename agent directory to aider**
- **fix: correct libp2p import path**
- **refactor: remove redundant dependency**
- **cleanup: remove unnecessary test files**
- **refactor: move attention types to crypto/ucan package**
- **feat: expand capabilities and resource types for UCANs**
- **refactor: rename sonr.go to codec.go and update related imports**
- **feat: add IPFS-based token store**
- **feat: Implement IPFS-based token store with caching and UCAN
- **feat: Add dynamic attenuation constructor for UCAN presets**
- **fix: Handle missing or invalid attenuation data with
- **fix: Update UCAN attenuation tests with correct capability types**
- **feat: integrate UCAN-based authorization into the producer
- **refactor: remove unused dependency on go-ucan**
- **refactor: Move address handling logic to DID module**
- **feat: Add support for compressed and uncompressed Secp256k1 public
keys in didkey**
- **test: Add test for generating DID key from MPC keyshares**
- **feat: Add methods for extracting compressed and uncompressed public
keys in share types**
- **feat: Add BaseKeyshare struct with public key conversion methods**
- **refactor: Use compressed and uncompressed public keys in keyshare,
fix public key usage in tests and verification**
- **feat: add support for key generation policy type**
- **fix: correct typo in VaultPermissions constant**
- **refactor: move JWT related code to ucan package**
- **refactor: move UCAN JWT and source code to spec package**
2024-12-05 20:36:58 -05:00
refactor: rename accaddr package to address
2024-12-02 14:53:41 -05:00
feature/1121 implement ucan validation ( #1176 )
- **refactor: remove unused auth components**
- **refactor: improve devbox configuration and deployment process**
- **refactor: improve devnet and testnet setup**
- **fix: update templ version to v0.2.778**
- **refactor: rename pkl/net.matrix to pkl/matrix.net**
- **refactor: migrate webapp components to nebula**
- **refactor: protobuf types**
- **chore: update dependencies for improved security and stability**
- **feat: implement landing page and vault gateway servers**
- **refactor: Migrate data models to new module structure and update
related files**
- **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation**
- **refactor: Replace hardcoded constants with model types in attns.go**
- **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation**
- **chore: add origin Host struct and update main function to handle
multiple hosts**
- **build: remove unused static files from dwn module**
- **build: remove unused static files from dwn module**
- **refactor: Move DWN models to common package**
- **refactor: move models to pkg/common**
- **refactor: move vault web app assets to embed module**
- **refactor: update session middleware import path**
- **chore: configure port labels and auto-forwarding behavior**
- **feat: enhance devcontainer configuration**
- **feat: Add UCAN middleware for Echo with flexible token validation**
- **feat: add JWT middleware for UCAN authentication**
- **refactor: update package URI and versioning in PklProject files**
- **fix: correct sonr.pkl import path**
- **refactor: move JWT related code to auth package**
- **feat: introduce vault configuration retrieval and management**
- **refactor: Move vault components to gateway module and update file
- **refactor: remove Dexie and SQLite database implementations**
- **feat: enhance frontend with PWA features and WASM integration**
- **feat: add Devbox features and streamline Dockerfile**
- **chore: update dependencies to include TigerBeetle**
- **chore(deps): update go version to 1.23**
- **feat: enhance devnet setup with PATH environment variable and
updated PWA manifest**
- **fix: upgrade tigerbeetle-go dependency and remove indirect
- **feat: add PostgreSQL support to devnet and testnet deployments**
- **refactor: rename keyshare cookie to token cookie**
- **feat: upgrade Go version to 1.23.3 and update dependencies**
- **refactor: update devnet and testnet configurations**
- **feat: add IPFS configuration for devnet**
- **I'll help you update the ipfs.config.pkl to include all the peers
from the shell script. Here's the updated configuration:**
- **refactor: move mpc package to crypto directory**
- **feat: add BIP32 support for various cryptocurrencies**
- **feat: enhance ATN.pkl with additional capabilities**
- **refactor: simplify smart account and vault attenuation creation**
- **feat: add new capabilities to the Attenuation type**
- **refactor: Rename MPC files for clarity and consistency**
- **feat: add DIDKey support for cryptographic operations**
- **feat: add devnet and testnet deployment configurations**
- **fix: correct key derivation in bip32 package**
- **refactor: rename crypto/bip32 package to crypto/accaddr**
- **fix: remove duplicate indirect dependency**
- **refactor: move vault package to root directory**
- **refactor: update routes for gateway and vault**
- **refactor: remove obsolete web configuration file**
- **refactor: remove unused TigerBeetle imports and update host
- **refactor: adjust styles directory path**
- **feat: add broadcastTx and simulateTx functions to gateway**
- **feat: add PinVault handler**
2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00
Merge branch 'feature/1149-vault-allocation-error' into develop
2024-11-27 19:37:41 -05:00
refactor: rename layout component to root
2024-11-27 18:31:52 -05:00
feat: add new button components and layout improvements
2024-11-27 18:24:14 -05:00
refactor: refactor authentication pages into their own modules
2024-11-27 13:37:07 -05:00
feature/1149 vault allocation error ( #1173 )
- **refactor: update devbox configuration and scripts**
- **refactor: remove web documentation**
- **refactor: move resolver formatter to services package**
- **refactor: Rename x/vault -> x/dwn and x/service -> x/svc**
- **refactor: remove unused dependencies and simplify module imports**
- **refactor: remove dependency on DWN.pkl**
- **refactor: Move IPFS interaction functions to common package**
- **refactor: remove unused TUI components**
- **feat: add gum package and update devbox configuration**
- **refactor: rename Assertion to Account and update related code**
- **fix: resolve rendering issue in login modal**
- **refactor: migrate build system from Taskfile to Makefile**
- **refactor: Deployment setup**
- **refactor: Update Credential table to match WebAuthn Credential
- **feat: add fast reflection methods for Capability and Resource**
- **fix: update devbox lockfile**
- **feat: add support for parent field and resources list in Capability
- **feature/1149-vault-allocation-error**
- **fix: adjust fullscreen modal close button margin**
2024-11-26 22:05:50 -05:00
fix: adjust fullscreen modal close button margin
2024-11-26 21:48:31 -05:00
2024-11-26 21:23:14 -05:00
feat: add support for parent field and resources list in Capability message
2024-11-26 20:51:58 -05:00
fix: update devbox lockfile
2024-11-26 17:09:07 -05:00