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Sdk usage

x/did - Auth & AuthZ

The DID module is responsible for managing the creation and management of DIDs. Controllers represent on-chain accounts backed by a MPC keypair. Controllers provide methods for Wallet Account Abstraction (WAA) and are responsible for managing the creation and management of DIDs for an individual user.


  • DID Controllers leverage the Cosmos SDK's x/accounts std interface for WAA.
  • DIDs are represented by a x/did controller and are required to state the controller's public key, and which map to the controller's capabilities.
  • General Sign/Verify methods are provides from the QueryServer for HTTP requests.
  • The Execute method is used to broadcast transactions across the network. (TODO)
  • Biscuits are used to authenticate and authorize requests between services. (TODO)



The macaroon module is responsible for issuing and verifying macaroons. Macaroons are used to authenticate and authorize requests between services. Macaroons are requested by NFT Records from x/service and granted by controllers from x/did


  • On Controller creation, a macaroon is created with an admin scope and a default expiry of 315,569,520 blocks (or ~10 years).
  • On Service registration, a macaroon is created with a service scope and a default expiry of 31,556,952 blocks (or ~1 year).
  • Macaroons contain the scope of access for a service and the expiry of the permissions in blockHeight.



The service module is responsible for managing decentralized services. Services on the Sonr network are essentially on-chain MultiSig wallets that are represented by a NFT. Service admins are represented by a x/did controller and are required to state the service's scope of access, and which map to the services' capabilities.


  • Needs a Valid Domain with .htaccess file to be whitelisted.



The vault module is responsible for managing the storage and acccess-control of Decentralized Web Nodes (DWNs) from IPFS. Vaults contain user-facing keys and are represented by a x/did controller.


  • Vaults can be created by anyone, but efforts are made to restrict 1 per user.
  • Vaults are stored in IPFS and when claimed, the bech32 Sonr Address is pinned to IPFS.
