// // Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // package gennaro import ( "fmt" "github.com/onsonr/sonr/crypto/internal" v1 "github.com/onsonr/sonr/crypto/sharing/v1" ) // Round3Bcast contains values that will be broadcast to other participants. type Round3Bcast = v1.ShareVerifier // Round3 computes the third round for Gennaro DKG // Algorithm 4 - Gennaro DKG Round 3 // bcast contains all Round2 broadcast from other participants to this participant. func (dp *Participant) Round3(bcast map[uint32]Round2Bcast) (*Round3Bcast, *v1.ShamirShare, error) { // Check participant is not empty if dp == nil || dp.curve == nil { return nil, nil, internal.ErrNilArguments } // Check participant has the correct dkg round number if dp.round != 3 { return nil, nil, internal.ErrInvalidRound } // Check the input is valid if len(bcast) == 0 { return nil, nil, internal.ErrNilArguments } // 1. SetBigInt Pk = R_i1 Pk := dp.pedersenResult.Verifiers[0] // 2. for j in 1,...,n for id := range bcast { // 3. if i = j continue if id == dp.id { continue } // 4. If FeldmanVerify(E, xji, {R_j1,...,R_jt}) = false; abort xji := dp.otherParticipantShares[id].Share vs := bcast[id] if ok, err := dp.feldman.Verify(xji, vs); !ok { if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } else { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid share for participant #{id}") } } // Store the feldman verifiers for round 4 dp.otherParticipantShares[id].Verifiers = vs // 5. Pk = Pk+R_j1 temp, err := Pk.Add(bcast[id][0]) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error in computing Pk+R_j1") } //nolint:errcheck Pk = temp } // This is a sanity check to make sure nothing went wrong // when computing the public key if !Pk.IsOnCurve() || Pk.IsIdentity() { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid public key") } // 6. Store Pk as the public verification key dp.verificationKey = Pk // Update internal state dp.round = 4 skShare := v1.ShamirShare{ Identifier: dp.id, Value: dp.skShare, } // Output Pk as the public verification key return Pk, &skShare, nil }