// // Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // // This file implements the key refresh protocol of [DKLs18](https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/499.pdf). // The key refresh protocol is defined as follows: // 1. Key Share: // 1.1. alice generates k_A <-- F_q; writes it to merlin transcript. sends it to bob. // 1.2. bob receives k_A and writes it to merlin transcript. generates k_B <-- F_q and writes it to merlin transcript. reads k out of merlin transcript. overwrites sk_B *= k. sends k_B to Alice. // 1.3. alice writes k_B to merlin transcript. reads k from it. overwrites sk_A *= k^{-1}. // 2. OT: Redo OT (as it is done in the DKG) package refresh import ( "crypto/rand" "github.com/gtank/merlin" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/onsonr/sonr/crypto/core/curves" "github.com/onsonr/sonr/crypto/ot/base/simplest" "github.com/onsonr/sonr/crypto/ot/extension/kos" "github.com/onsonr/sonr/crypto/tecdsa/dklsv1/dkg" "github.com/onsonr/sonr/crypto/zkp/schnorr" ) // Alice struct encoding Alice's state during one execution of the overall signing algorithm. // At the end of the joint computation, Alice will NOT obtain the signature. type Alice struct { // receiver is the base OT receiver. receiver *simplest.Receiver // secretKeyShare is Alice's secret key for the joint public key. secretKeyShare curves.Scalar // publicKey is the joint public key of Alice and Bob. publicKey curves.Point curve *curves.Curve transcript *merlin.Transcript } // Bob struct encoding Bob's state during one execution of the overall signing algorithm. // At the end of the joint computation, Bob will obtain the signature. type Bob struct { // sender is the base OT sender. sender *simplest.Sender // secretKeyShare is Bob's secret key for the joint public key. secretKeyShare curves.Scalar // publicKey is the joint public key of Alice and Bob. publicKey curves.Point curve *curves.Curve transcript *merlin.Transcript } type RefreshRound2Output struct { SeedOTRound1Output *schnorr.Proof BobMultiplier curves.Scalar } // NewAliceRefresh creates a party that can participate in 2-of-2 key refresh. func NewAlice(curve *curves.Curve, dkgOutput *dkg.AliceOutput) *Alice { return &Alice{ curve: curve, secretKeyShare: dkgOutput.SecretKeyShare, publicKey: dkgOutput.PublicKey, transcript: merlin.NewTranscript("Coinbase_DKLs_Refresh"), } } // NewBobRefresh creates a party that can participate in 2-of-2 key refresh. func NewBob(curve *curves.Curve, dkgOutput *dkg.BobOutput) *Bob { return &Bob{ curve: curve, secretKeyShare: dkgOutput.SecretKeyShare, publicKey: dkgOutput.PublicKey, transcript: merlin.NewTranscript("Coinbase_DKLs_Refresh"), } } func (alice *Alice) Round1RefreshGenerateSeed() curves.Scalar { refreshSeed := alice.curve.Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) alice.transcript.AppendMessage([]byte("alice refresh seed"), refreshSeed.Bytes()) return refreshSeed } func (bob *Bob) Round2RefreshProduceSeedAndMultiplyAndStartOT(aliceSeed curves.Scalar) (*RefreshRound2Output, error) { bob.transcript.AppendMessage([]byte("alice refresh seed"), aliceSeed.Bytes()) bobSeed := bob.curve.Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) bob.transcript.AppendMessage([]byte("bob refresh seed"), bobSeed.Bytes()) k, err := bob.curve.NewScalar().SetBytes( bob.transcript.ExtractBytes([]byte("secret key share multiplier"), simplest.DigestSize), ) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't produce bob's secret key share multiplier") } bob.secretKeyShare = bob.secretKeyShare.Mul(k) uniqueSessionId := [simplest.DigestSize]byte{} // note: will use and re-use this below for sub-session IDs. copy(uniqueSessionId[:], bob.transcript.ExtractBytes([]byte("salt for simplest OT"), simplest.DigestSize)) bob.sender, err = simplest.NewSender(bob.curve, kos.Kappa, uniqueSessionId) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "bob constructing new OT sender in refresh round 2") } seedOTRound1Output, err := bob.sender.Round1ComputeAndZkpToPublicKey() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "bob computing round 1 of seed OT within refresh round 2") } return &RefreshRound2Output{ SeedOTRound1Output: seedOTRound1Output, BobMultiplier: bobSeed, }, nil } func (alice *Alice) Round3RefreshMultiplyRound2Ot(input *RefreshRound2Output) ([]simplest.ReceiversMaskedChoices, error) { alice.transcript.AppendMessage([]byte("bob refresh seed"), input.BobMultiplier.Bytes()) k, err := alice.curve.NewScalar().SetBytes( alice.transcript.ExtractBytes([]byte("secret key share multiplier"), simplest.DigestSize), ) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't produce bob's secret key share multiplier") } kInverse, err := k.Invert() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't produce k inverse (alice's secret key share)") } alice.secretKeyShare = alice.secretKeyShare.Mul(kInverse) uniqueSessionId := [simplest.DigestSize]byte{} // note: will use and re-use this below for sub-session IDs. copy(uniqueSessionId[:], alice.transcript.ExtractBytes([]byte("salt for simplest OT"), simplest.DigestSize)) alice.receiver, err = simplest.NewReceiver(alice.curve, kos.Kappa, uniqueSessionId) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't construct OT receiver") } return alice.receiver.Round2VerifySchnorrAndPadTransfer(input.SeedOTRound1Output) } func (bob *Bob) Round4RefreshRound3Ot(compressedReceiversMaskedChoice []simplest.ReceiversMaskedChoices) ([]simplest.OtChallenge, error) { return bob.sender.Round3PadTransfer(compressedReceiversMaskedChoice) } func (alice *Alice) Round5RefreshRound4Ot(challenge []simplest.OtChallenge) ([]simplest.OtChallengeResponse, error) { return alice.receiver.Round4RespondToChallenge(challenge) } func (bob *Bob) Round6RefreshRound5Ot(challengeResponses []simplest.OtChallengeResponse) ([]simplest.ChallengeOpening, error) { return bob.sender.Round5Verify(challengeResponses) } func (alice *Alice) Round7DkgRound6Ot(challengeOpenings []simplest.ChallengeOpening) error { return alice.receiver.Round6Verify(challengeOpenings) } func (alice *Alice) Output() *dkg.AliceOutput { return &dkg.AliceOutput{ PublicKey: alice.publicKey, SecretKeyShare: alice.secretKeyShare, SeedOtResult: alice.receiver.Output, } } func (bob *Bob) Output() *dkg.BobOutput { return &dkg.BobOutput{ PublicKey: bob.publicKey, SecretKeyShare: bob.secretKeyShare, SeedOtResult: bob.sender.Output, } }