FROM golang:1.22-alpine AS go-builder SHELL ["/bin/sh", "-ecuxo", "pipefail"] RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates build-base git WORKDIR /code COPY go.mod go.sum ./ RUN set -eux; \ export ARCH=$(uname -m); \ WASM_VERSION=$(go list -m all | grep || true); \ if [ ! -z "${WASM_VERSION}" ]; then \ WASMVM_REPO=$(echo $WASM_VERSION | awk '{print $1}');\ WASMVM_VERS=$(echo $WASM_VERSION | awk '{print $2}');\ wget -O /lib/libwasmvm_muslc.a https://${WASMVM_REPO}/releases/download/${WASMVM_VERS}/libwasmvm_muslc.$(uname -m).a;\ fi; \ go mod download; # Copy over code COPY . /code # force it to use static lib (from above) not standard file # then log output of file /code/bin/sonrd # then ensure static linking RUN LEDGER_ENABLED=false BUILD_TAGS=muslc LINK_STATICALLY=true make build \ && file /code/build/sonrd \ && echo "Ensuring binary is statically linked ..." \ && (file /code/build/sonrd | grep "statically linked") # -------------------------------------------------------- FROM debian:11-slim COPY --from=go-builder /code/build/sonrd /usr/bin/sonrd # Install dependencies for Debian 11 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ curl \ make \ bash \ jq \ sed \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* COPY scripts/ /usr/bin/ RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/ && ./usr/bin/ WORKDIR /opt # rest server, tendermint p2p, tendermint rpc EXPOSE 1317 26656 26657 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/sonrd"]