// Code generated from Pkl module `sonr.hway.Env`. DO NOT EDIT. package config import ( "context" "github.com/apple/pkl-go/pkl" ) type Env interface { GetServePort() int GetConfigDir() string GetSqliteFile() string GetChainId() string GetIpfsGatewayUrl() string GetSonrApiUrl() string GetSonrGrpcUrl() string GetSonrRpcUrl() string GetTurnstileSiteKey() string } var _ Env = (*EnvImpl)(nil) type EnvImpl struct { ServePort int `pkl:"servePort"` ConfigDir string `pkl:"configDir"` SqliteFile string `pkl:"sqliteFile"` ChainId string `pkl:"chainId"` IpfsGatewayUrl string `pkl:"ipfsGatewayUrl"` SonrApiUrl string `pkl:"sonrApiUrl"` SonrGrpcUrl string `pkl:"sonrGrpcUrl"` SonrRpcUrl string `pkl:"sonrRpcUrl"` TurnstileSiteKey string `pkl:"turnstileSiteKey"` } func (rcv *EnvImpl) GetServePort() int { return rcv.ServePort } func (rcv *EnvImpl) GetConfigDir() string { return rcv.ConfigDir } func (rcv *EnvImpl) GetSqliteFile() string { return rcv.SqliteFile } func (rcv *EnvImpl) GetChainId() string { return rcv.ChainId } func (rcv *EnvImpl) GetIpfsGatewayUrl() string { return rcv.IpfsGatewayUrl } func (rcv *EnvImpl) GetSonrApiUrl() string { return rcv.SonrApiUrl } func (rcv *EnvImpl) GetSonrGrpcUrl() string { return rcv.SonrGrpcUrl } func (rcv *EnvImpl) GetSonrRpcUrl() string { return rcv.SonrRpcUrl } func (rcv *EnvImpl) GetTurnstileSiteKey() string { return rcv.TurnstileSiteKey } // LoadFromPath loads the pkl module at the given path and evaluates it into a Env func LoadFromPath(ctx context.Context, path string) (ret Env, err error) { evaluator, err := pkl.NewEvaluator(ctx, pkl.PreconfiguredOptions) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer func() { cerr := evaluator.Close() if err == nil { err = cerr } }() ret, err = Load(ctx, evaluator, pkl.FileSource(path)) return ret, err } // Load loads the pkl module at the given source and evaluates it with the given evaluator into a Env func Load(ctx context.Context, evaluator pkl.Evaluator, source *pkl.ModuleSource) (Env, error) { var ret EnvImpl if err := evaluator.EvaluateModule(ctx, source, &ret); err != nil { return nil, err } return &ret, nil }