## v0.1.1 (2024-09-05) ### Fix - **release**: remove unnecessary quotes in tag pattern ### Refactor - remove unused image building workflow ## 0.1.0 (2024-09-05) ### Feat - add SQLite database support - Add targets for templ and vault in Makefile and use only make in devbox.json - Add models.go file with database table structs - Convert constant SQL queries to functions in queries.go and update db.go to use prepared statements - Simplify db.go implementation - Update the db implementation to use the provided go library - Add DBConfig and DBOption types - Add DIDNamespace and PermissionScope enums - Add database enum types - Update `createPermissionsTable` to match Permissions struct - Add createKeysharesTable to internal/db/db.go - Add constant SQL queries to queries.go and use prepared statements in db.go - Update createProfilesTable and add createPropertiesTable - Update the `createCredentialsTable` method to match the proper Credential struct - Add keyshares table - Implement database layer for Vault node - introduce database layer - Add method to initialize SQLite database - add persistent SQLite database support in WASM - **orm**: remove unused ORM models - implement API endpoints for profile management - Merge zkgate.go and zkprop.go logic - Uncomment and modify zkgate code to work with Property struct - Add zkgate.go file - add WASM build step to devbox.json - add KeyCurve and KeyType to KeyInfo in genesis - Update the `CreateWitness` and `CreateAccumulator` and `VerifyWitness` and `UpdateAccumulator` to Use the new `Accumulator` and `Witness` types. Then Clean up the code in the file and refactor the marshalling methods - add basic vault command operations - add initial wasm entrypoint - Implement IPFS file, location, and filesystem abstractions - add IPFS file system abstraction - Add AddFile and AddFolder methods - Update GetCID and GetIPNS functions to read data from IPFS node - Add local filesystem check for IPFS and IPNS - Improve IPFS client initialization and mount checking - Update `EncodePublicKey` to be the inverse of `DecodePublicKey` - add DID model definitions - add DID method for each coin - Expand KeyType enum and update KeyInfo message in genesis.proto - Add whitelisted key types to genesis params - Add DID grants protobuf definition - Add fields to KeyInfo struct to distinguish CBOR and standard blockchain key types - Add new message types for AssetInfo, ChainInfo, Endpoint, ExplorerInfo, FeeInfo, and KeyInfo - run sonr-node container in testnet network and make network external - Add docker-compose.yaml file to start a Sonr testnet node ### Fix - update Makefile to use sonrd instead of wasmd - Remove unused statement map and prepare statements - Refactor database connection and statement handling - update db implementation to use go-sqlite3 v0.18.2 - Reorder the SQL statements in the tables.go file - update go-sqlite3 dependency to version 1.14.23 - Update module names in protobuf files - Ensure IPFS client is initialized before pinning CID - Use Unixfs().Get() instead of Cat() for IPFS and IPNS content retrieval - Initialize IPFS client and check for mounted directories - update default assets with correct asset types - Fix EncodePublicKey method in KeyInfo struct - remove unused imports and simplify KeyInfo message - bind node ports to localhost - Update docker-compose network name to dokploy-network - Update network name to dokploy - remove unused port mapping - Update docker-compose.yaml to use correct volume path - update docker-compose volume name - Update docker-compose.yaml to use shell directly for sonrd command - replace "sh" with "/bin/sh" in docker-compose.yaml command ### Refactor - remove unused template file - Replace PrimaryKey with Property struct in zkprop.go - remove unused FileSystem interface - remove unused functions and types - update AssetInfo protobuf definition - add field to - Update KeyKind Enum to have proper naming conventions - Update `DIDNamespace` to have proper naming convention - expose ports directly in docker-compose - remove unused port mappings - streamline script execution - use CMD instead of ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile ## v0.0.1 (2024-08-28) ### Feat - configure Sonr testnet environment - Update Dockerfile to start and run a testnet - add Equal methods for AssetInfo and ChainInfo types - Add ProveWitness and SyncVault RPCs - Add MsgRegisterService to handle service registration - Add MsgRegisterService to handle service registration - add enums.pulsar.go file for PermissionScope enum ### Fix - Update runner image dependencies for debian-11 - **deps**: update golang image to 1.21 - **chains**: update nomic chain build target - Remove unused `Meta` message from `genesis.proto` - Add ProveWitness and SyncVault RPCs ### Refactor - **deps**: Upgrade Debian base image to 11 - Simplify the types and properties to keep a consistent structure for the blockchain - remove PERMISSION_SCOPE_IDENTIFIERS_ENS enum value