root = "." testdata_dir = "testdata" tmp_dir = "tmp" [build] # Array of commands to run before each build pre_cmd = ["task templ"] # Just plain old shell command. You could use `make` as well. cmd = "go build -o ./tmp/vltd ./cmd/vltd" # Array of commands to run after ^C bin = "tmp/vltd" # Watch these filename extensions. include_ext = ["go", "proto", "templ"] # Ignore these filename extensions or directories. exclude_dir = ["api", "crypto", "pkl", "scripts", "tmp", ".github"] # Watch these directories if you specified. include_dir = ["pkg", "x", "internal", ".github"] # Watch these files. include_file = [] # Exclude files. exclude_file = [] # Exclude specific regular expressions. exclude_regex = ["_test\\.go"] # Exclude unchanged files. exclude_unchanged = true # Follow symlink for directories follow_symlink = true # This log file places in your tmp_dir. log = "air.log" # Poll files for changes instead of using fsnotify. poll = false # Poll interval (defaults to the minimum interval of 500ms). poll_interval = 500 # ms # It's not necessary to trigger build each time file changes if it's too frequent. delay = 0 # ms # Stop running old binary when build errors occur. stop_on_error = true # Send Interrupt signal before killing process (windows does not support this feature) send_interrupt = false # Delay after sending Interrupt signal kill_delay = 500 # nanosecond # Rerun binary or not rerun = false # Delay after each execution rerun_delay = 500 [log] # Show log time time = false # Only show main log (silences watcher, build, runner) main_only = false [color] # Customize each part's color. If no color found, use the raw app log. main = "magenta" watcher = "cyan" build = "yellow" runner = "green" [misc] # Delete tmp directory on exit clean_on_exit = true [screen] clear_on_rebuild = true keep_scroll = true # Enable live-reloading on the browser. [proxy] enabled = true proxy_port = 8090 app_port = 8080