package app import ( "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "os" "runtime/debug" "strings" "testing" abci "" cmtproto "" dbm "" "" "" "" "" "" storetypes "" "" "" "" "" simtestutil "" simtypes "" authzkeeper "" "" simcli "" slashingtypes "" stakingtypes "" ) // SimAppChainID hardcoded chainID for simulation const SimAppChainID = "simulation-app" var FlagEnableStreamingValue bool // Get flags every time the simulator is run func init() { simcli.GetSimulatorFlags() flag.BoolVar(&FlagEnableStreamingValue, "EnableStreaming", false, "Enable streaming service") } // fauxMerkleModeOpt returns a BaseApp option to use a dbStoreAdapter instead of // an IAVLStore for faster simulation speed. func fauxMerkleModeOpt(bapp *baseapp.BaseApp) { bapp.SetFauxMerkleMode() } // interBlockCacheOpt returns a BaseApp option function that sets the persistent // inter-block write-through cache. func interBlockCacheOpt() func(*baseapp.BaseApp) { return baseapp.SetInterBlockCache(store.NewCommitKVStoreCacheManager()) } func TestFullAppSimulation(t *testing.T) { config, db, _, app := setupSimulationApp(t, "skipping application simulation") // run randomized simulation _, simParams, simErr := simulation.SimulateFromSeed( t, os.Stdout, app.BaseApp, simtestutil.AppStateFn(app.AppCodec(), app.SimulationManager(), app.DefaultGenesis()), simtypes.RandomAccounts, // Replace with own random account function if using keys other than secp256k1 simtestutil.SimulationOperations(app, app.AppCodec(), config), BlockedAddresses(), config, app.AppCodec(), ) // export state and simParams before the simulation error is checked err := simtestutil.CheckExportSimulation(app, config, simParams) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, simErr) if config.Commit { simtestutil.PrintStats(db) } } func TestAppImportExport(t *testing.T) { config, db, appOptions, app := setupSimulationApp(t, "skipping application import/export simulation") // Run randomized simulation _, simParams, simErr := simulation.SimulateFromSeed( t, os.Stdout, app.BaseApp, simtestutil.AppStateFn(app.AppCodec(), app.SimulationManager(), app.DefaultGenesis()), simtypes.RandomAccounts, // Replace with own random account function if using keys other than secp256k1 simtestutil.SimulationOperations(app, app.AppCodec(), config), BlockedAddresses(), config, app.AppCodec(), ) // export state and simParams before the simulation error is checked err := simtestutil.CheckExportSimulation(app, config, simParams) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, simErr) if config.Commit { simtestutil.PrintStats(db) } t.Log("exporting genesis...\n") exported, err := app.ExportAppStateAndValidators(false, []string{}, []string{}) require.NoError(t, err) t.Log("importing genesis...\n") newDB, newDir, _, _, err := simtestutil.SetupSimulation(config, "leveldb-app-sim-2", "Simulation-2", simcli.FlagVerboseValue, simcli.FlagEnabledValue) require.NoError(t, err, "simulation setup failed") defer func() { require.NoError(t, newDB.Close()) require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(newDir)) }() newApp := NewChainApp(log.NewNopLogger(), newDB, nil, true, appOptions, nil, fauxMerkleModeOpt, baseapp.SetChainID(SimAppChainID)) initReq := &abci.RequestInitChain{ AppStateBytes: exported.AppState, } ctxA := app.NewContextLegacy(true, cmtproto.Header{Height: app.LastBlockHeight()}) ctxB := newApp.NewContextLegacy(true, cmtproto.Header{Height: app.LastBlockHeight()}) _, err = newApp.InitChainer(ctxB, initReq) if err != nil { if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "validator set is empty after InitGenesis") { t.Log("Skipping simulation as all validators have been unbonded") t.Logf("err: %s stacktrace: %s\n", err, string(debug.Stack())) return } } require.NoError(t, err) err = newApp.StoreConsensusParams(ctxB, exported.ConsensusParams) require.NoError(t, err) t.Log("comparing stores...") // skip certain prefixes skipPrefixes := map[string][][]byte{ stakingtypes.StoreKey: { stakingtypes.UnbondingQueueKey, stakingtypes.RedelegationQueueKey, stakingtypes.ValidatorQueueKey, stakingtypes.HistoricalInfoKey, stakingtypes.UnbondingIDKey, stakingtypes.UnbondingIndexKey, stakingtypes.UnbondingTypeKey, stakingtypes.ValidatorUpdatesKey, }, authzkeeper.StoreKey: {authzkeeper.GrantQueuePrefix}, feegrant.StoreKey: {feegrant.FeeAllowanceQueueKeyPrefix}, slashingtypes.StoreKey: {slashingtypes.ValidatorMissedBlockBitmapKeyPrefix}, } storeKeys := app.GetStoreKeys() require.NotEmpty(t, storeKeys) for _, appKeyA := range storeKeys { // only compare kvstores if _, ok := appKeyA.(*storetypes.KVStoreKey); !ok { continue } keyName := appKeyA.Name() appKeyB := newApp.GetKey(keyName) storeA := ctxA.KVStore(appKeyA) storeB := ctxB.KVStore(appKeyB) failedKVAs, failedKVBs := simtestutil.DiffKVStores(storeA, storeB, skipPrefixes[keyName]) if !assert.Equal(t, len(failedKVAs), len(failedKVBs), "unequal sets of key-values to compare in %q", keyName) { for _, v := range failedKVBs { t.Logf("store missmatch: %q\n", v) } t.FailNow() } t.Logf("compared %d different key/value pairs between %s and %s\n", len(failedKVAs), appKeyA, appKeyB) if !assert.Equal(t, 0, len(failedKVAs), simtestutil.GetSimulationLog(keyName, app.SimulationManager().StoreDecoders, failedKVAs, failedKVBs)) { for _, v := range failedKVAs { t.Logf("store missmatch: %q\n", v) } t.FailNow() } } } func TestAppSimulationAfterImport(t *testing.T) { config, db, appOptions, app := setupSimulationApp(t, "skipping application simulation after import") // Run randomized simulation stopEarly, simParams, simErr := simulation.SimulateFromSeed( t, os.Stdout, app.BaseApp, simtestutil.AppStateFn(app.AppCodec(), app.SimulationManager(), app.DefaultGenesis()), simtypes.RandomAccounts, // Replace with own random account function if using keys other than secp256k1 simtestutil.SimulationOperations(app, app.AppCodec(), config), BlockedAddresses(), config, app.AppCodec(), ) // export state and simParams before the simulation error is checked err := simtestutil.CheckExportSimulation(app, config, simParams) require.NoError(t, err) require.NoError(t, simErr) if config.Commit { simtestutil.PrintStats(db) } if stopEarly { fmt.Println("can't export or import a zero-validator genesis, exiting test...") return } fmt.Printf("exporting genesis...\n") exported, err := app.ExportAppStateAndValidators(true, []string{}, []string{}) require.NoError(t, err) fmt.Printf("importing genesis...\n") newDB, newDir, _, _, err := simtestutil.SetupSimulation(config, "leveldb-app-sim-2", "Simulation-2", simcli.FlagVerboseValue, simcli.FlagEnabledValue) require.NoError(t, err, "simulation setup failed") defer func() { require.NoError(t, newDB.Close()) require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(newDir)) }() newApp := NewChainApp(log.NewNopLogger(), newDB, nil, true, appOptions, nil, fauxMerkleModeOpt, baseapp.SetChainID(SimAppChainID)) _, err = newApp.InitChain(&abci.RequestInitChain{ ChainId: SimAppChainID, AppStateBytes: exported.AppState, }) require.NoError(t, err) _, _, err = simulation.SimulateFromSeed( t, os.Stdout, newApp.BaseApp, simtestutil.AppStateFn(app.AppCodec(), app.SimulationManager(), app.DefaultGenesis()), simtypes.RandomAccounts, // Replace with own random account function if using keys other than secp256k1 simtestutil.SimulationOperations(newApp, newApp.AppCodec(), config), BlockedAddresses(), config, app.AppCodec(), ) require.NoError(t, err) } func setupSimulationApp(t *testing.T, msg string) (simtypes.Config, dbm.DB, simtestutil.AppOptionsMap, *SonrApp) { config := simcli.NewConfigFromFlags() config.ChainID = SimAppChainID db, dir, logger, skip, err := simtestutil.SetupSimulation(config, "leveldb-app-sim", "Simulation", simcli.FlagVerboseValue, simcli.FlagEnabledValue) if skip { t.Skip(msg) } require.NoError(t, err, "simulation setup failed") t.Cleanup(func() { require.NoError(t, db.Close()) require.NoError(t, os.RemoveAll(dir)) }) appOptions := make(simtestutil.AppOptionsMap, 0) appOptions[flags.FlagHome] = dir // ensure a unique folder appOptions[server.FlagInvCheckPeriod] = simcli.FlagPeriodValue app := NewChainApp(logger, db, nil, true, appOptions, nil, fauxMerkleModeOpt, baseapp.SetChainID(SimAppChainID)) return config, db, appOptions, app } // TODO: Make another test for the fuzzer itself, which just has noOp txs // and doesn't depend on the application. func TestAppStateDeterminism(t *testing.T) { if !simcli.FlagEnabledValue { t.Skip("skipping application simulation") } config := simcli.NewConfigFromFlags() config.InitialBlockHeight = 1 config.ExportParamsPath = "" config.OnOperation = false config.AllInvariants = false config.ChainID = SimAppChainID numSeeds := 3 numTimesToRunPerSeed := 3 // This used to be set to 5, but we've temporarily reduced it to 3 for the sake of faster CI. appHashList := make([]json.RawMessage, numTimesToRunPerSeed) // We will be overriding the random seed and just run a single simulation on the provided seed value if config.Seed != simcli.DefaultSeedValue { numSeeds = 1 } appOptions := viper.New() if FlagEnableStreamingValue { m := make(map[string]interface{}) m["streaming.abci.keys"] = []string{"*"} m["streaming.abci.plugin"] = "abci_v1" m["streaming.abci.stop-node-on-err"] = true for key, value := range m { appOptions.SetDefault(key, value) } } appOptions.SetDefault(flags.FlagHome, t.TempDir()) // ensure a unique folder appOptions.SetDefault(server.FlagInvCheckPeriod, simcli.FlagPeriodValue) for i := 0; i < numSeeds; i++ { config.Seed += int64(i) for j := 0; j < numTimesToRunPerSeed; j++ { var logger log.Logger if simcli.FlagVerboseValue { logger = log.NewTestLogger(t) } else { logger = log.NewNopLogger() } db := dbm.NewMemDB() app := NewChainApp(logger, db, nil, true, appOptions, nil, interBlockCacheOpt(), baseapp.SetChainID(SimAppChainID)) fmt.Printf( "running non-determinism simulation; seed %d: %d/%d, attempt: %d/%d\n", config.Seed, i+1, numSeeds, j+1, numTimesToRunPerSeed, ) _, _, err := simulation.SimulateFromSeed( t, os.Stdout, app.BaseApp, simtestutil.AppStateFn(app.AppCodec(), app.SimulationManager(), app.DefaultGenesis()), simtypes.RandomAccounts, // Replace with own random account function if using keys other than secp256k1 simtestutil.SimulationOperations(app, app.AppCodec(), config), BlockedAddresses(), config, app.AppCodec(), ) require.NoError(t, err) if config.Commit { simtestutil.PrintStats(db) } appHash := app.LastCommitID().Hash appHashList[j] = appHash if j != 0 { require.Equal( t, string(appHashList[0]), string(appHashList[j]), "non-determinism in seed %d: %d/%d, attempt: %d/%d\n", config.Seed, i+1, numSeeds, j+1, numTimesToRunPerSeed, ) } } } }