// // Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // // Package bulletproof implements the zero knowledge protocol bulletproofs as defined in https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf package bulletproof import ( "github.com/gtank/merlin" "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/onsonr/sonr/crypto/core/curves" ) // InnerProductProver is the struct used to create InnerProductProofs // It specifies which curve to use and holds precomputed generators // See NewInnerProductProver() for prover initialization. type InnerProductProver struct { curve curves.Curve generators ippGenerators } // InnerProductProof contains necessary output for the inner product proof // a and b are the final input vectors of scalars, they should be of length 1 // Ls and Rs are calculated per recursion of the IPP and are necessary for verification // See section 3.1 on pg 15 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf type InnerProductProof struct { a, b curves.Scalar capLs, capRs []curves.Point curve *curves.Curve } // ippRecursion is the same as IPP but tracks recursive a', b', g', h' and Ls and Rs // It should only be used internally by InnerProductProver.Prove() // See L35 on pg 16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf type ippRecursion struct { a, b []curves.Scalar c curves.Scalar capLs, capRs []curves.Point g, h []curves.Point u, capP curves.Point transcript *merlin.Transcript } // NewInnerProductProver initializes a new prover // It uses the specified domain to generate generators for vectors of at most maxVectorLength // A prover can be used to construct inner product proofs for vectors of length less than or equal to maxVectorLength // A prover is defined by an explicit curve. func NewInnerProductProver(maxVectorLength int, domain []byte, curve curves.Curve) (*InnerProductProver, error) { generators, err := getGeneratorPoints(maxVectorLength, domain, curve) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "ipp getGenerators") } return &InnerProductProver{curve: curve, generators: *generators}, nil } // NewInnerProductProof initializes a new InnerProductProof for a specified curve // This should be used in tandem with UnmarshalBinary() to convert a marshaled proof into the struct. func NewInnerProductProof(curve *curves.Curve) *InnerProductProof { var capLs, capRs []curves.Point newProof := InnerProductProof{ a: curve.NewScalar(), b: curve.NewScalar(), capLs: capLs, capRs: capRs, curve: curve, } return &newProof } // rangeToIPP takes the output of a range proof and converts it into an inner product proof // See section 4.2 on pg 20 // The conversion specifies generators to use (g and hPrime), as well as the two vectors l, r of which the inner product is tHat // Additionally, note that the P used for the IPP is in fact P*h^-mu from the range proof. func (prover *InnerProductProver) rangeToIPP(proofG, proofH []curves.Point, l, r []curves.Scalar, tHat curves.Scalar, capPhmuinv, u curves.Point, transcript *merlin.Transcript) (*InnerProductProof, error) { // Note that P as a witness is only g^l * h^r // P needs to be in the form of g^l * h^r * u^ // Calculate the final P including the u^ term utHat := u.Mul(tHat) capP := capPhmuinv.Add(utHat) // Use params to prove inner product recursionParams := &ippRecursion{ a: l, b: r, capLs: []curves.Point{}, capRs: []curves.Point{}, c: tHat, g: proofG, h: proofH, capP: capP, u: u, transcript: transcript, } return prover.proveRecursive(recursionParams) } // getP returns the initial P value given two scalars a,b and point u // This method should only be used for testing // See (3) on page 13 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf func (prover *InnerProductProver) getP(a, b []curves.Scalar, u curves.Point) (curves.Point, error) { // Vectors must have length power of two if !isPowerOfTwo(len(a)) { return nil, errors.New("ipp vector length must be power of two") } // Generator vectors must be same length if len(prover.generators.G) != len(prover.generators.H) { return nil, errors.New("ipp generator lengths of g and h must be equal") } // Inner product requires len(a) == len(b) else error is returned c, err := innerProduct(a, b) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "ipp getInnerProduct") } // In case where len(a) is less than number of generators precomputed by prover, trim to length proofG := prover.generators.G[0:len(a)] proofH := prover.generators.H[0:len(b)] // initial P = g^a * h^b * u^(a dot b) (See (3) on page 13 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) ga := prover.curve.NewGeneratorPoint().SumOfProducts(proofG, a) hb := prover.curve.NewGeneratorPoint().SumOfProducts(proofH, b) uadotb := u.Mul(c) capP := ga.Add(hb).Add(uadotb) return capP, nil } // Prove executes the prover protocol on pg 16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf // It generates an inner product proof for vectors a and b, using u to blind the inner product in P // A transcript is used for the Fiat Shamir heuristic. func (prover *InnerProductProver) Prove(a, b []curves.Scalar, u curves.Point, transcript *merlin.Transcript) (*InnerProductProof, error) { // Vectors must have length power of two if !isPowerOfTwo(len(a)) { return nil, errors.New("ipp vector length must be power of two") } // Generator vectors must be same length if len(prover.generators.G) != len(prover.generators.H) { return nil, errors.New("ipp generator lengths of g and h must be equal") } // Inner product requires len(a) == len(b) else error is returned c, err := innerProduct(a, b) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "ipp getInnerProduct") } // Length of vectors must be less than the number of generators generated if len(a) > len(prover.generators.G) { return nil, errors.New("ipp vector length must be less than maxVectorLength") } // In case where len(a) is less than number of generators precomputed by prover, trim to length proofG := prover.generators.G[0:len(a)] proofH := prover.generators.H[0:len(b)] // initial P = g^a * h^b * u^(a dot b) (See (3) on page 13 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) ga := prover.curve.NewGeneratorPoint().SumOfProducts(proofG, a) hb := prover.curve.NewGeneratorPoint().SumOfProducts(proofH, b) uadotb := u.Mul(c) capP := ga.Add(hb).Add(uadotb) recursionParams := &ippRecursion{ a: a, b: b, capLs: []curves.Point{}, capRs: []curves.Point{}, c: c, g: proofG, h: proofH, capP: capP, u: u, transcript: transcript, } return prover.proveRecursive(recursionParams) } // proveRecursive executes the recursion on pg 16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf func (prover *InnerProductProver) proveRecursive(recursionParams *ippRecursion) (*InnerProductProof, error) { // length checks if len(recursionParams.a) != len(recursionParams.b) { return nil, errors.New("ipp proveRecursive a and b different lengths") } if len(recursionParams.g) != len(recursionParams.h) { return nil, errors.New("ipp proveRecursive g and h different lengths") } if len(recursionParams.a) != len(recursionParams.g) { return nil, errors.New("ipp proveRecursive scalar and point vectors different lengths") } // Base case (L14, pg16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) if len(recursionParams.a) == 1 { proof := &InnerProductProof{ a: recursionParams.a[0], b: recursionParams.b[0], capLs: recursionParams.capLs, capRs: recursionParams.capRs, curve: &prover.curve, } return proof, nil } // Split current state into low (first half) vs high (second half) vectors aLo, aHi, err := splitScalarVector(recursionParams.a) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams splitScalarVector") } bLo, bHi, err := splitScalarVector(recursionParams.b) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams splitScalarVector") } gLo, gHi, err := splitPointVector(recursionParams.g) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams splitPointVector") } hLo, hHi, err := splitPointVector(recursionParams.h) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams splitPointVector") } // c_l, c_r (L21,22, pg16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) cL, err := innerProduct(aLo, bHi) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams innerProduct") } cR, err := innerProduct(aHi, bLo) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams innerProduct") } // L, R (L23,24, pg16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) lga := prover.curve.Point.SumOfProducts(gHi, aLo) lhb := prover.curve.Point.SumOfProducts(hLo, bHi) ucL := recursionParams.u.Mul(cL) capL := lga.Add(lhb).Add(ucL) rga := prover.curve.Point.SumOfProducts(gLo, aHi) rhb := prover.curve.Point.SumOfProducts(hHi, bLo) ucR := recursionParams.u.Mul(cR) capR := rga.Add(rhb).Add(ucR) // Add L,R for verifier to use to calculate final g, h newL := recursionParams.capLs newL = append(newL, capL) newR := recursionParams.capRs newR = append(newR, capR) // Get x from L, R for non-interactive (See section 4.4 pg22 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) // Note this replaces the interactive model, i.e. L36-28 of pg16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf x, err := prover.calcx(capL, capR, recursionParams.transcript) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams calcx") } // Calculate recursive inputs xInv, err := x.Invert() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams x.Invert") } // g', h' (L29,30, pg16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) gLoxInverse := multiplyScalarToPointVector(xInv, gLo) gHix := multiplyScalarToPointVector(x, gHi) gPrime, err := multiplyPairwisePointVectors(gLoxInverse, gHix) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams multiplyPairwisePointVectors") } hLox := multiplyScalarToPointVector(x, hLo) hHixInv := multiplyScalarToPointVector(xInv, hHi) hPrime, err := multiplyPairwisePointVectors(hLox, hHixInv) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams multiplyPairwisePointVectors") } // P' (L31, pg16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) xSquare := x.Square() xInvSquare := xInv.Square() LxSquare := capL.Mul(xSquare) RxInvSquare := capR.Mul(xInvSquare) PPrime := LxSquare.Add(recursionParams.capP).Add(RxInvSquare) // a', b' (L33, 34, pg16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) aLox := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(x, aLo) aHixIn := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(xInv, aHi) aPrime, err := addPairwiseScalarVectors(aLox, aHixIn) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams addPairwiseScalarVectors") } bLoxInv := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(xInv, bLo) bHix := multiplyScalarToScalarVector(x, bHi) bPrime, err := addPairwiseScalarVectors(bLoxInv, bHix) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams addPairwiseScalarVectors") } // c' cPrime, err := innerProduct(aPrime, bPrime) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams innerProduct") } // Make recursive call (L35, pg16 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf) recursiveIPP := &ippRecursion{ a: aPrime, b: bPrime, capLs: newL, capRs: newR, c: cPrime, g: gPrime, h: hPrime, capP: PPrime, u: recursionParams.u, transcript: recursionParams.transcript, } out, err := prover.proveRecursive(recursiveIPP) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "recursionParams proveRecursive") } return out, nil } // calcx uses a merlin transcript for Fiat Shamir // For each recursion, it takes the current state of the transcript and appends the newly calculated L and R values // A new scalar is then read from the transcript // See section 4.4 pg22 of https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/1066.pdf func (prover *InnerProductProver) calcx(capL, capR curves.Point, transcript *merlin.Transcript) (curves.Scalar, error) { // Add the newest capL and capR values to transcript transcript.AppendMessage([]byte("addRecursiveL"), capL.ToAffineUncompressed()) transcript.AppendMessage([]byte("addRecursiveR"), capR.ToAffineUncompressed()) // Read 64 bytes from, set to scalar outBytes := transcript.ExtractBytes([]byte("getx"), 64) x, err := prover.curve.NewScalar().SetBytesWide(outBytes) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "calcx NewScalar SetBytesWide") } return x, nil } // MarshalBinary takes an inner product proof and marshals into bytes. func (proof *InnerProductProof) MarshalBinary() []byte { var out []byte out = append(out, proof.a.Bytes()...) out = append(out, proof.b.Bytes()...) for i, capLElem := range proof.capLs { capRElem := proof.capRs[i] out = append(out, capLElem.ToAffineCompressed()...) out = append(out, capRElem.ToAffineCompressed()...) } return out } // UnmarshalBinary takes bytes of a marshaled proof and writes them into an inner product proof // The inner product proof used should be from the output of NewInnerProductProof(). func (proof *InnerProductProof) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error { scalarLen := len(proof.curve.NewScalar().Bytes()) pointLen := len(proof.curve.NewGeneratorPoint().ToAffineCompressed()) ptr := 0 // Get scalars a, err := proof.curve.NewScalar().SetBytes(data[ptr : ptr+scalarLen]) if err != nil { return errors.New("innerProductProof UnmarshalBinary SetBytes") } proof.a = a ptr += scalarLen b, err := proof.curve.NewScalar().SetBytes(data[ptr : ptr+scalarLen]) if err != nil { return errors.New("innerProductProof UnmarshalBinary SetBytes") } proof.b = b ptr += scalarLen // Get points var capLs, capRs []curves.Point //nolint:prealloc // pointer arithmetic makes it too unreadable. for ptr < len(data) { capLElem, err := proof.curve.Point.FromAffineCompressed(data[ptr : ptr+pointLen]) if err != nil { return errors.New("innerProductProof UnmarshalBinary FromAffineCompressed") } capLs = append(capLs, capLElem) ptr += pointLen capRElem, err := proof.curve.Point.FromAffineCompressed(data[ptr : ptr+pointLen]) if err != nil { return errors.New("innerProductProof UnmarshalBinary FromAffineCompressed") } capRs = append(capRs, capRElem) ptr += pointLen } proof.capLs = capLs proof.capRs = capRs return nil }