# `sonr` - Sonr Chain

## Overview
Sonr is a combination of decentralized primitives. Fundamentally, it is a peer-to-peer identity and asset management system that leverages DID documents, Webauthn, and IPFS—providing users with a secure, portable decentralized identity.
## Stats

## Acknowledgements
Sonr would not have been possible without the direct and indirect support of the following individuals:
- **Juan Benet**: For the IPFS Ecosystem.
- **Satoshi Nakamoto**: For Bitcoin.
- **Steve Jobs**: For User first UX.
- **Tim Berners-Lee**: For the Internet.
## Community & Support
- [Forum](https://github.com/onsonr/sonr/discussions)
- [Issues](https://github.com/onsonr/sonr/issues)
- [Twitter](https://sonr.io/twitter)
- [Dev Chat](https://sonr.io/discord)