# `x/oracle` Our `oracle` module serves as a ICS-20 Compliant middleware which leverages InterChain Accounts and the Transfer module to associate derived wallets with Oracles and facilitate the transfer of tokens between them. ## Concepts Describe specialized concepts and definitions used throughout the spec. ## State Specify and describe structures expected to marshalled into the store, and their keys ## State Transitions Standard state transition operations triggered by hooks, messages, etc. ## Messages Specify message structure(s) and expected state machine behaviour(s). https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/coins/list ## Begin Block Specify any begin-block operations. ## End Block Specify any end-block operations. ## Hooks Describe available hooks to be called by/from this module. ## Events List and describe event tags used. ## Client List and describe CLI commands and gRPC and REST endpoints. ## Params List all module parameters, their types (in JSON) and services. ## Future Improvements Describe future improvements of this module. ## Tests Acceptance tests. ## Appendix Supplementary details referenced elsewhere within the spec.