# UCAN Tokens in Go ![UCAN](https://img.shields.io/badge/UCAN-v0.7.0-blue) Originally by @b5 as one of the first from scratch implementations of UCAN outside of the Fission teams initial work in TypeScript / Haskell. **If you're interested in updating this codebase to the 1.0 version of the UCAN spec, [get involved in the discussion ยป](https://github.com/orgs/ucan-wg/discussions/163)** ## About UCAN Tokens User Controlled Authorization Networks (UCANs) are a way of doing authorization where users are fully in control. OAuth is designed for a centralized world, UCAN is the distributed user controlled version. ### UCAN Gopher ![](https://ipfs.runfission.com/ipfs/QmRFXjMjVNwnYki8jGwFBh3zcY5m7zo5oAcNoyS1PSgzAY/ucan-gopher.png) Artwork by [Bruno Monts](https://www.instagram.com/bruno_monts). Thank you [Renee French](http://reneefrench.blogspot.com/) for creating the [Go Gopher](https://blog.golang.org/gopher)