Prad Nukala 31bcc21c35
feature/1121 implement ucan validation (#1176)
- **refactor: remove unused auth components**
- **refactor: improve devbox configuration and deployment process**
- **refactor: improve devnet and testnet setup**
- **fix: update templ version to v0.2.778**
- **refactor: rename pkl/net.matrix to pkl/**
- **refactor: migrate webapp components to nebula**
- **refactor: protobuf types**
- **chore: update dependencies for improved security and stability**
- **feat: implement landing page and vault gateway servers**
- **refactor: Migrate data models to new module structure and update
related files**
- **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation**
- **refactor: Replace hardcoded constants with model types in attns.go**
- **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation**
- **chore: add origin Host struct and update main function to handle
multiple hosts**
- **build: remove unused static files from dwn module**
- **build: remove unused static files from dwn module**
- **refactor: Move DWN models to common package**
- **refactor: move models to pkg/common**
- **refactor: move vault web app assets to embed module**
- **refactor: update session middleware import path**
- **chore: configure port labels and auto-forwarding behavior**
- **feat: enhance devcontainer configuration**
- **feat: Add UCAN middleware for Echo with flexible token validation**
- **feat: add JWT middleware for UCAN authentication**
- **refactor: update package URI and versioning in PklProject files**
- **fix: correct sonr.pkl import path**
- **refactor: move JWT related code to auth package**
- **feat: introduce vault configuration retrieval and management**
- **refactor: Move vault components to gateway module and update file
- **refactor: remove Dexie and SQLite database implementations**
- **feat: enhance frontend with PWA features and WASM integration**
- **feat: add Devbox features and streamline Dockerfile**
- **chore: update dependencies to include TigerBeetle**
- **chore(deps): update go version to 1.23**
- **feat: enhance devnet setup with PATH environment variable and
updated PWA manifest**
- **fix: upgrade tigerbeetle-go dependency and remove indirect
- **feat: add PostgreSQL support to devnet and testnet deployments**
- **refactor: rename keyshare cookie to token cookie**
- **feat: upgrade Go version to 1.23.3 and update dependencies**
- **refactor: update devnet and testnet configurations**
- **feat: add IPFS configuration for devnet**
- **I'll help you update the ipfs.config.pkl to include all the peers
from the shell script. Here's the updated configuration:**
- **refactor: move mpc package to crypto directory**
- **feat: add BIP32 support for various cryptocurrencies**
- **feat: enhance ATN.pkl with additional capabilities**
- **refactor: simplify smart account and vault attenuation creation**
- **feat: add new capabilities to the Attenuation type**
- **refactor: Rename MPC files for clarity and consistency**
- **feat: add DIDKey support for cryptographic operations**
- **feat: add devnet and testnet deployment configurations**
- **fix: correct key derivation in bip32 package**
- **refactor: rename crypto/bip32 package to crypto/accaddr**
- **fix: remove duplicate indirect dependency**
- **refactor: move vault package to root directory**
- **refactor: update routes for gateway and vault**
- **refactor: remove obsolete web configuration file**
- **refactor: remove unused TigerBeetle imports and update host
- **refactor: adjust styles directory path**
- **feat: add broadcastTx and simulateTx functions to gateway**
- **feat: add PinVault handler**
2024-12-02 14:27:18 -05:00

492 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

// Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package bls_sig
import (
// Implement BLS signatures on the BLS12-381 curve
// according to
// and
// this file implements signatures in G2 and public keys in G1.
// Public Keys and Signatures can be aggregated but the consumer
// must use proofs of possession to defend against rogue-key attacks.
const (
// Public key size in G1
PublicKeySize = 48
// Signature size in G2
SignatureSize = 96
// Proof of Possession in G2
ProofOfPossessionSize = 96
// Represents a public key in G1
type PublicKey struct {
value bls12381.G1
// Serialize a public key to a byte array in compressed form.
// See
func (pk PublicKey) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
out := pk.value.ToCompressed()
return out[:], nil
// Deserialize a public key from a byte array in compressed form.
// See
// If successful, it will assign the public key
// otherwise it will return an error
func (pk *PublicKey) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
if len(data) != PublicKeySize {
return fmt.Errorf("public key must be %d bytes", PublicKeySize)
var blob [PublicKeySize]byte
copy(blob[:], data)
p1, err := new(bls12381.G1).FromCompressed(&blob)
if err != nil {
return err
if p1.IsIdentity() == 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("public keys cannot be zero")
pk.value = *p1
return nil
// Represents a BLS signature in G2
type Signature struct {
Value bls12381.G2
// Serialize a signature to a byte array in compressed form.
// See
func (sig Signature) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
out := sig.Value.ToCompressed()
return out[:], nil
func (sig Signature) verify(pk *PublicKey, message []byte, signDst string) (bool, error) {
return pk.verifySignature(message, &sig, signDst)
// The AggregateVerify algorithm checks an aggregated signature over
// several (PK, message) pairs.
// The Signature is the output of aggregateSignatures
// Each message must be different or this will return false
// See section 3.1.1 from
func (sig Signature) aggregateVerify(pks []*PublicKey, msgs [][]byte, signDst string) (bool, error) {
return sig.coreAggregateVerify(pks, msgs, signDst)
func (sig Signature) coreAggregateVerify(pks []*PublicKey, msgs [][]byte, signDst string) (bool, error) {
if len(pks) < 1 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("at least one key is required")
if len(msgs) < 1 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("at least one message is required")
if len(pks) != len(msgs) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("the number of public keys does not match the number of messages: %v != %v", len(pks), len(msgs))
if sig.Value.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("signature is not in the correct subgroup")
dst := []byte(signDst)
engine := new(bls12381.Engine)
// e(pk_1, H(m_1))*...*e(pk_N, H(m_N)) == e(g1, s)
// However, we use only one miller loop
// by doing the equivalent of
// e(pk_1, H(m_1))*...*e(pk_N, H(m_N)) * e(g1^-1, s) == 1
for i, pk := range pks {
if pk == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("public key at %d is nil", i)
if pk.value.IsIdentity() == 1 || pk.value.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("public key at %d is not in the correct subgroup", i)
p2 := new(bls12381.G2).Hash(native.EllipticPointHasherSha256(), msgs[i], dst)
engine.AddPair(&pk.value, p2)
engine.AddPairInvG1(new(bls12381.G1).Generator(), &sig.Value)
return engine.Check(), nil
// Deserialize a signature from a byte array in compressed form.
// See
// If successful, it will assign the Signature
// otherwise it will return an error
func (sig *Signature) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
if len(data) != SignatureSize {
return fmt.Errorf("signature must be %d bytes", SignatureSize)
var blob [SignatureSize]byte
copy(blob[:], data)
p2, err := new(bls12381.G2).FromCompressed(&blob)
if err != nil {
return err
if p2.IsIdentity() == 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("signatures cannot be zero")
sig.Value = *p2
return nil
// Get the corresponding public key from a secret key
// Verifies the public key is in the correct subgroup
func (sk SecretKey) GetPublicKey() (*PublicKey, error) {
result := new(bls12381.G1).Generator()
result.Mul(result, sk.value)
if result.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 || result.IsIdentity() == 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("point is not in correct subgroup")
return &PublicKey{value: *result}, nil
// Compute a signature from a secret key and message
// This signature is deterministic which protects against
// attacks arising from signing with bad randomness like
// the nonce reuse attack on ECDSA. `message` is
// hashed to a point in G2 as described in to
// See Section 2.6 in
// nil message is not permitted but empty slice is allowed
func (sk SecretKey) createSignature(message []byte, dst string) (*Signature, error) {
if message == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("message cannot be nil")
if sk.value.IsZero() == 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid secret key")
p2 := new(bls12381.G2).Hash(native.EllipticPointHasherSha256(), message, []byte(dst))
result := new(bls12381.G2).Mul(p2, sk.value)
if result.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("point is not on correct subgroup")
return &Signature{Value: *result}, nil
// Verify a signature is valid for the message under this public key.
// See Section 2.7 in
func (pk PublicKey) verifySignature(message []byte, signature *Signature, dst string) (bool, error) {
if signature == nil || message == nil || pk.value.IsIdentity() == 1 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("signature and message and public key cannot be nil or zero")
if signature.Value.IsIdentity() == 1 || signature.Value.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("signature is not in the correct subgroup")
engine := new(bls12381.Engine)
p2 := new(bls12381.G2).Hash(native.EllipticPointHasherSha256(), message, []byte(dst))
// e(pk, H(m)) == e(g1, s)
// However, we can reduce the number of miller loops
// by doing the equivalent of
// e(pk^-1, H(m)) * e(g1, s) == 1
engine.AddPair(&pk.value, p2)
engine.AddPairInvG1(new(bls12381.G1).Generator(), &signature.Value)
return engine.Check(), nil
// Combine public keys into one aggregated key
func aggregatePublicKeys(pks ...*PublicKey) (*PublicKey, error) {
if len(pks) < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("at least one public key is required")
result := new(bls12381.G1).Identity()
for i, k := range pks {
if k == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("key at %d is nil, keys cannot be nil", i)
if k.value.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("key at %d is not in the correct subgroup", i)
result.Add(result, &k.value)
return &PublicKey{value: *result}, nil
// Combine signatures into one aggregated signature
func aggregateSignatures(sigs ...*Signature) (*Signature, error) {
if len(sigs) < 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("at least one signature is required")
result := new(bls12381.G2).Identity()
for i, s := range sigs {
if s == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("signature at %d is nil, signature cannot be nil", i)
if s.Value.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("signature at %d is not in the correct subgroup", i)
result.Add(result, &s.Value)
return &Signature{Value: *result}, nil
// A proof of possession scheme uses a separate public key validation
// step, called a proof of possession, to defend against rogue key
// attacks. This enables an optimization to aggregate signature
// verification for the case that all signatures are on the same
// message.
type ProofOfPossession struct {
value bls12381.G2
// Generates a proof-of-possession (PoP) for this secret key. The PoP signature should be verified before
// before accepting any aggregate signatures related to the corresponding pubkey.
func (sk SecretKey) createProofOfPossession(popDst string) (*ProofOfPossession, error) {
pk, err := sk.GetPublicKey()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
msg, err := pk.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sig, err := sk.createSignature(msg, popDst)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &ProofOfPossession{value: sig.Value}, nil
// Serialize a proof of possession to a byte array in compressed form.
// See
func (pop ProofOfPossession) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
out := pop.value.ToCompressed()
return out[:], nil
// Deserialize a proof of possession from a byte array in compressed form.
// See
// If successful, it will assign the Signature
// otherwise it will return an error
func (pop *ProofOfPossession) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
p2 := new(Signature)
err := p2.UnmarshalBinary(data)
if err != nil {
return err
pop.value = p2.Value
return nil
// Verifies that PoP is valid for this pubkey. In order to prevent rogue key attacks, a PoP must be validated
// for each pubkey in an aggregated signature.
func (pop ProofOfPossession) verify(pk *PublicKey, popDst string) (bool, error) {
if pk == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("public key cannot be nil")
msg, err := pk.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return false, err
return pk.verifySignature(msg, &Signature{Value: pop.value}, popDst)
// Represents an MultiSignature in G2. A multisignature is used when multiple signatures
// are calculated over the same message vs an aggregate signature where each message signed
// is a unique.
type MultiSignature struct {
value bls12381.G2
// Serialize a multi-signature to a byte array in compressed form.
// See
func (sig MultiSignature) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
out := sig.value.ToCompressed()
return out[:], nil
// Check a multisignature is valid for a multipublickey and a message
func (sig MultiSignature) verify(pk *MultiPublicKey, message []byte, signDst string) (bool, error) {
if pk == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("public key cannot be nil")
p := PublicKey{value: pk.value}
return p.verifySignature(message, &Signature{Value: sig.value}, signDst)
// Deserialize a signature from a byte array in compressed form.
// See
// If successful, it will assign the Signature
// otherwise it will return an error
func (sig *MultiSignature) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
if len(data) != SignatureSize {
return fmt.Errorf("multi signature must be %v bytes", SignatureSize)
s2 := new(Signature)
err := s2.UnmarshalBinary(data)
if err != nil {
return err
sig.value = s2.Value
return nil
// Represents accumulated multiple Public Keys in G1 for verifying a multisignature
type MultiPublicKey struct {
value bls12381.G1
// Serialize a public key to a byte array in compressed form.
// See
func (pk MultiPublicKey) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
out := pk.value.ToCompressed()
return out[:], nil
// Deserialize a public key from a byte array in compressed form.
// See
// If successful, it will assign the public key
// otherwise it will return an error
func (pk *MultiPublicKey) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
if len(data) != PublicKeySize {
return fmt.Errorf("multi public key must be %v bytes", PublicKeySize)
p1 := new(PublicKey)
err := p1.UnmarshalBinary(data)
if err != nil {
return err
pk.value = p1.value
return nil
// Check a multisignature is valid for a multipublickey and a message
func (pk MultiPublicKey) verify(message []byte, sig *MultiSignature, signDst string) (bool, error) {
return sig.verify(&pk, message, signDst)
// PartialSignature represents threshold Gap Diffie-Hellman BLS signature
// that can be combined with other partials to yield a completed BLS signature
// See section 3.2 in <>
type PartialSignature struct {
Identifier byte
Signature bls12381.G2
// partialSign creates a partial signature that can be combined with other partial signatures
// to yield a complete signature
func (sks SecretKeyShare) partialSign(message []byte, signDst string) (*PartialSignature, error) {
if len(message) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("message cannot be empty or nil")
p2 := new(bls12381.G2).Hash(native.EllipticPointHasherSha256(), message, []byte(signDst))
var blob [SecretKeySize]byte
copy(blob[:], internal.ReverseScalarBytes(sks.value))
s, err := bls12381.Bls12381FqNew().SetBytes(&blob)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := new(bls12381.G2).Mul(p2, s)
if result.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("point is not on correct subgroup")
return &PartialSignature{Identifier: sks.identifier, Signature: *result}, nil
// combineSigs gathers partial signatures and yields a complete signature
func combineSigs(partials []*PartialSignature) (*Signature, error) {
if len(partials) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must have at least 2 partial signatures")
if len(partials) > 255 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported to combine more than 255 signatures")
// Don't know the actual values so put the minimum
xVars, yVars, err := splitXY(partials)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sTmp := new(bls12381.G2).Identity()
sig := new(bls12381.G2).Identity()
// Lagrange interpolation
basis := bls12381.Bls12381FqNew().SetOne()
for i, xi := range xVars {
for j, xj := range xVars {
if i == j {
num := bls12381.Bls12381FqNew().Neg(xj) // - x_m
den := bls12381.Bls12381FqNew().Sub(xi, xj) // x_j - x_m
_, wasInverted := den.Invert(den)
// wasInverted == false if den == 0
if !wasInverted {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("signatures cannot be recombined")
basis.Mul(basis, num.Mul(num, den))
sTmp.Mul(yVars[i], basis)
sig.Add(sig, sTmp)
if sig.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("signature is not in the correct subgroup")
return &Signature{Value: *sig}, nil
// Ensure no duplicates x values and convert x values to field elements
func splitXY(partials []*PartialSignature) ([]*native.Field, []*bls12381.G2, error) {
x := make([]*native.Field, len(partials))
y := make([]*bls12381.G2, len(partials))
dup := make(map[byte]bool)
for i, sp := range partials {
if sp == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("partial signature cannot be nil")
if _, exists := dup[sp.Identifier]; exists {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate signature included")
if sp.Signature.InCorrectSubgroup() == 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("signature is not in the correct subgroup")
dup[sp.Identifier] = true
x[i] = bls12381.Bls12381FqNew().SetUint64(uint64(sp.Identifier))
y[i] = &sp.Signature
return x, y, nil