
The Vault module is responsible for the management of IPFS deployed Decentralized Web Nodes (DWNs) and their associated data.


The Vault module introduces several key concepts:

  1. Decentralized Web Node (DWN): A distributed network for storing and sharing data.
  2. Schema: A structure defining the format of various data types in the vault.
  3. IPFS Integration: The module can interact with IPFS for decentralized data storage.


The Vault module maintains the following state:

DWN State

The DWN state is stored using the following structure:

message DWN {
  uint64 id = 1;
  string alias = 2;
  string cid = 3;
  string resolver = 4;

This state is indexed by ID, alias, and CID for efficient querying.

Params State

The module parameters are stored in the following structure:

message Params {
  bool ipfs_active = 1;
  bool local_registration_enabled = 2;
  Schema schema = 4;

Schema State

The Schema state defines the structure for various data types:

message Schema {
  int32 version = 1;
  string account = 2;
  string asset = 3;
  string chain = 4;
  string credential = 5;
  string did = 6;
  string jwk = 7;
  string grant = 8;
  string keyshare = 9;
  string profile = 10;

State Transitions

State transitions in the Vault module are primarily triggered by:

  1. Updating module parameters
  2. Allocating new vaults
  3. Syncing DID documents


The Vault module defines the following message:

  1. MsgUpdateParams: Used to update the module parameters.
message MsgUpdateParams {
  string authority = 1;
  Params params = 2;

Begin Block

No specific begin-block operations are defined for this module.

End Block

No specific end-block operations are defined for this module.


The Vault module does not define any hooks.


The Vault module does not explicitly define any events. However, standard Cosmos SDK events may be emitted during state transitions.


The Vault module provides the following gRPC query endpoints:

  1. Params: Queries all parameters of the module.
  2. Schema: Queries the DID document schema.
  3. Allocate: Initializes a Target Vault available for claims.
  4. Sync: Queries the DID document by its ID and returns required information.


The module parameters include:

  • ipfs_active (bool): Indicates if IPFS integration is active.
  • local_registration_enabled (bool): Indicates if local registration is enabled.
  • schema (Schema): Defines the structure for various data types in the vault.

Future Improvements

Potential future improvements could include:

  1. Enhanced IPFS integration features.
  2. Additional authentication mechanisms beyond WebAuthn.
  3. Improved DID document management and querying capabilities.


Acceptance tests should cover:

  1. Parameter updates
  2. DWN state management
  3. Schema queries
  4. Vault allocation process
  5. DID document syncing


Concept Description
Decentralized Web Node (DWN) A decentralized, distributed, and secure network of nodes that store and share data. It is a decentralized alternative to traditional web hosting services.
Decentralized Identifier (DID) A unique identifier that is created, owned, and controlled by the user. It is used to establish a secure and verifiable digital identity.
HTMX (Hypertext Markup Language eXtensions) A set of extensions to HTML that allow for the creation of interactive web pages. It is used to enhance the user experience and provide additional functionality to web applications.
IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) A decentralized, peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data. It is a distributed file system that allows for the creation and sharing of content across a network of nodes.
WebAuthn (Web Authentication) A set of APIs that allow websites to request user authentication using biometric or non-biometric factors.
WebAssembly (Web Assembly) A binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine.
Verifiable Credential (VC) A digital statement that can be cryptographically verified.