Prad Nukala 4f2d342649
feature/ipfs vault allocation (#8)
* refactor: move constants to genesis.proto

* feat: add ipfs_active flag to genesis state

* feat: add IPFS connection initialization to keeper

* feat: add testnet process-compose

* refactor: rename sonr-testnet docker image to sonr-runner

* refactor: update docker-vm-release workflow to use 'latest' tag

* feat: add permission to workflows

* feat: add new service chain execution

* feat: add abstract vault class to pkl

* feat: use jetpackio/devbox image for runner

* feat: introduce dwn for local service worker

* refactor: remove unnecessary dockerfile layers

* refactor(deploy): Update Dockerfile to copy go.mod and go.sum from the parent directory

* build: move Dockerfile to root directory

* build: Add Dockerfile for deployment

* feat: Update Dockerfile to work with Go project in parent directory

* build: Update docker-compose.yaml to use relative paths

* feat: Update docker-compose to work with new image and parent git directory

* refactor: remove unnecessary test script

* <no value>

* feat: add test_node script for running node tests

* feat: add IPFS cluster to testnet

* feat: add docker image for sonr-runner

* fix: typo in export path

* feat(did): Add Localhost Registration Enabled Genesis Option

* feat: add support for Sqlite DB in vault

* feat: improve vault model JSON serialization

* feat: support querying HTMX endpoint for DID

* feat: Add primary key, unique, default, not null, auto increment, and foreign key field types

* feat: Add PublicKey model in pkl/vault.pkl

* feat: add frontend server

* refactor: move dwn.wasm to vfs directory

* feat(frontend): remove frontend server implementation

* feat: Add a frontend server and web auth protocol

* feat: implement new key types for MPC and ZK proofs

* fix: Update enum types and DefaultKeyInfos

* fix: correct typo in KeyAlgorithm enum

* feat(did): add attestation format validation

* feat: Add x/did/builder/extractor.go

* feat: Update JWK parsing in x/did/builder/extractor.go

* feat: Use package

* feat: Extract and format public keys from WebAuthn credentials

* feat: Introduce a new `mapToJWK` function to convert a map to a `types.JWK` struct

* feat: add support for extracting JWK public keys

* feat: remove VerificationMethod struct

* refactor: extract public key extraction logic

* feat: add helper functions to map COSECurveID to JWK curve names

* feat: pin initial vault
2024-09-07 18:12:58 -04:00

90 lines
2.5 KiB

FROM jetpackio/devbox:latest AS sonrvm
# Installing your devbox project
USER root:root
RUN mkdir -p /code && chown ${DEVBOX_USER}:${DEVBOX_USER} /code
COPY --chown=${DEVBOX_USER}:${DEVBOX_USER} devbox.json devbox.json
COPY --chown=${DEVBOX_USER}:${DEVBOX_USER} process-compose.yaml process-compose.yaml
RUN devbox run -- echo "Installed Packages."
ENTRYPOINT ["devbox", "run"]
# --------------------------------------------------------
FROM jetpackio/devbox:latest AS sonr-runner
USER root:root
RUN mkdir -p /code && chown ${DEVBOX_USER}:${DEVBOX_USER} /code
COPY --chown=${DEVBOX_USER}:${DEVBOX_USER} devbox.json devbox.json
COPY --chown=${DEVBOX_USER}:${DEVBOX_USER} process-compose.yaml process-compose.yaml
RUN devbox run -- echo "Installed Packages."
RUN git config --global --add /code
ENTRYPOINT ["devbox", "run", "testnet"]
# --------------------------------------------------------
FROM golang:1.22-alpine AS go-builder
SHELL ["/bin/sh", "-ecuxo", "pipefail"]
RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates build-base git
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
RUN set -eux; \
export ARCH=$(uname -m); \
WASM_VERSION=$(go list -m all | grep || true); \
if [ ! -z "${WASM_VERSION}" ]; then \
WASMVM_REPO=$(echo $WASM_VERSION | awk '{print $1}');\
WASMVM_VERS=$(echo $WASM_VERSION | awk '{print $2}');\
wget -O /lib/libwasmvm_muslc.a https://${WASMVM_REPO}/releases/download/${WASMVM_VERS}/libwasmvm_muslc.$(uname -m).a;\
fi; \
go mod download;
# Copy over code
COPY . /code
# force it to use static lib (from above) not standard file
# then log output of file /code/bin/sonrd
# then ensure static linking
&& file /code/build/sonrd \
&& echo "Ensuring binary is statically linked ..." \
&& (file /code/build/sonrd | grep "statically linked")
# --------------------------------------------------------
FROM debian:11-slim
COPY --from=go-builder /code/build/sonrd /usr/bin/sonrd
# Install dependencies for Debian 11
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
curl \
make \
bash \
jq \
sed \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
COPY scripts/ /usr/bin/
# rest server, tendermint p2p, tendermint rpc
EXPOSE 1317 26656 26657
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/sonrd"]