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synced 2025-03-10 13:07:09 +00:00
- **refactor: remove unused auth components** - **refactor: improve devbox configuration and deployment process** - **refactor: improve devnet and testnet setup** - **fix: update templ version to v0.2.778** - **refactor: rename pkl/net.matrix to pkl/matrix.net** - **refactor: migrate webapp components to nebula** - **refactor: protobuf types** - **chore: update dependencies for improved security and stability** - **feat: implement landing page and vault gateway servers** - **refactor: Migrate data models to new module structure and update related files** - **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation** - **refactor: Replace hardcoded constants with model types in attns.go** - **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation** - **chore: add origin Host struct and update main function to handle multiple hosts** - **build: remove unused static files from dwn module** - **build: remove unused static files from dwn module** - **refactor: Move DWN models to common package** - **refactor: move models to pkg/common** - **refactor: move vault web app assets to embed module** - **refactor: update session middleware import path** - **chore: configure port labels and auto-forwarding behavior** - **feat: enhance devcontainer configuration** - **feat: Add UCAN middleware for Echo with flexible token validation** - **feat: add JWT middleware for UCAN authentication** - **refactor: update package URI and versioning in PklProject files** - **fix: correct sonr.pkl import path** - **refactor: move JWT related code to auth package** - **feat: introduce vault configuration retrieval and management** - **refactor: Move vault components to gateway module and update file paths** - **refactor: remove Dexie and SQLite database implementations** - **feat: enhance frontend with PWA features and WASM integration** - **feat: add Devbox features and streamline Dockerfile** - **chore: update dependencies to include TigerBeetle** - **chore(deps): update go version to 1.23** - **feat: enhance devnet setup with PATH environment variable and updated PWA manifest** - **fix: upgrade tigerbeetle-go dependency and remove indirect dependency** - **feat: add PostgreSQL support to devnet and testnet deployments** - **refactor: rename keyshare cookie to token cookie** - **feat: upgrade Go version to 1.23.3 and update dependencies** - **refactor: update devnet and testnet configurations** - **feat: add IPFS configuration for devnet** - **I'll help you update the ipfs.config.pkl to include all the peers from the shell script. Here's the updated configuration:** - **refactor: move mpc package to crypto directory** - **feat: add BIP32 support for various cryptocurrencies** - **feat: enhance ATN.pkl with additional capabilities** - **refactor: simplify smart account and vault attenuation creation** - **feat: add new capabilities to the Attenuation type** - **refactor: Rename MPC files for clarity and consistency** - **feat: add DIDKey support for cryptographic operations** - **feat: add devnet and testnet deployment configurations** - **fix: correct key derivation in bip32 package** - **refactor: rename crypto/bip32 package to crypto/accaddr** - **fix: remove duplicate indirect dependency** - **refactor: move vault package to root directory** - **refactor: update routes for gateway and vault** - **refactor: remove obsolete web configuration file** - **refactor: remove unused TigerBeetle imports and update host configuration** - **refactor: adjust styles directory path** - **feat: add broadcastTx and simulateTx functions to gateway** - **feat: add PinVault handler**
375 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File
375 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable File
// Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package core
import (
// An entry into our test table
type entry struct {
// Input
msg []byte
// Result (actual, not expected)
commit Commitment
decommit *Witness
err error
// Test inputs and placeholders for results that will be filled in
// during init()
var testResults = []entry{
{[]byte("This is a test message"), nil, nil, nil},
{[]byte("short msg"), nil, nil, nil},
{[]byte("This input field is intentionally longer than the SHA256 block size to ensure that the entire message is processed"),
nil, nil, nil},
{[]byte{0xFB, 0x1A, 0x18, 0x47, 0x39, 0x3C, 0x9F, 0x45, 0x5F, 0x29, 0x4C, 0x51, 0x42, 0x30, 0xA6, 0xB9},
nil, nil, nil},
// msg = \epsilon (empty string)
{[]byte{}, nil, nil, nil},
// msg == nil
{nil, nil, nil, nil},
// Run our inputs through commit and record the outputs
func init() {
for i := range testResults {
entry := &testResults[i]
entry.commit, entry.decommit, entry.err = Commit(entry.msg)
// Computing commitments should never produce errors
func TestCommitWithoutErrors(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
if entry.err != nil {
t.Errorf("received Commit(%v): %v", entry.msg, entry.err)
// Commitments should be 256b == 64B in length
func TestCommitmentsAreExpectedLength(t *testing.T) {
const expLen = 256 / 8
for _, entry := range testResults {
if len(entry.commit) != expLen {
t.Errorf("commitment is not expected length: %v != %v", len(entry.commit), expLen)
// Decommit cannot be nil
func TestCommmitProducesDecommit(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
if entry.decommit == nil {
t.Errorf("decommit cannot be nil: Commit(%v)", entry.msg)
// Decommit value should contain the same message
func TestCommmitProducesDecommitWithSameMessage(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
if !bytes.Equal(entry.msg, entry.decommit.Msg) {
t.Errorf("decommit.msg != msg: %v != %v", entry.msg, entry.decommit.Msg)
// Commitments should be unique
func TestCommmitProducesDistinctCommitments(t *testing.T) {
seen := make(map[[Size]byte]bool)
// Check the pre-computed commitments for uniquness
for _, entry := range testResults {
// Slices cannot be used as hash keys, so we need to copy into
// an array. Oh, go-lang.
var cee [Size]byte
copy(cee[:], entry.commit)
// Ensure each commit is unique
if seen[cee] {
t.Errorf("duplicate commit found: %v", cee)
seen[cee] = true
// Commitments should be unique even for the same message since the nonce is
// randomly selected
func TestCommmitDistinctCommitments(t *testing.T) {
seen := make(map[[Size]byte]bool)
msg := []byte("black lives matter")
const iterations = 1000
// Check the pre-computed commitments for uniquness
for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
// Compute a commitment
c, _, err := Commit(msg)
if err != nil {
// Slices cannot be used as hash keys, so copy into an array
var cee [Size]byte
copy(cee[:], []byte(c))
// Ensure each commit is unique
if seen[cee] {
t.Errorf("duplicate commit found: %v", cee)
seen[cee] = true
// Nonces must be 256b = 64B
func TestCommmitNonceIsExpectedLength(t *testing.T) {
const expLen = 256 / 8
// Check the pre-computed nonces
for _, entry := range testResults {
if len(entry.decommit.r) != expLen {
t.Errorf("nonce is not expected length: %v != %v", len(entry.decommit.r), expLen)
// Randomly selected nonces will be unique with overwhelming probability
func TestCommmitProducesDistinctNonces(t *testing.T) {
seen := make(map[[Size]byte]bool)
msg := []byte("black lives matter")
const iterations = 1000
// Check the pre-computed commitments for uniquness
for i := 0; i < iterations; i++ {
// Compute a commitment
_, dee, err := Commit(msg)
if err != nil {
// Ensure each nonce is unique
if seen[dee.r] {
t.Errorf("duplicate nonce found: %v", dee.r)
seen[dee.r] = true
func TestOpenOnValidCommitments(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
// Open each commitment
ok, err := Open(entry.commit, *entry.decommit)
// There should be no error
if err != nil {
// The commitments should verify
if !ok {
t.Errorf("commitment failed to open: %v", entry.msg)
func TestOpenOnModifiedNonce(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
dʹ := copyWitness(entry.decommit)
// Modify the nonce
dʹ.r[0] ^= 0x40
// Open and check for failure
ok, err := Open(entry.commit, *dʹ)
assertFailedOpen(t, ok, err)
func TestOpenOnZeroPrefixNonce(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
dʹ := copyWitness(entry.decommit)
// Modify the nonce
dʹ.r[0] = 0x00
dʹ.r[1] = 0x00
dʹ.r[2] = 0x00
dʹ.r[3] = 0x00
dʹ.r[4] = 0x00
dʹ.r[5] = 0x00
dʹ.r[6] = 0x00
dʹ.r[7] = 0x00
dʹ.r[8] = 0x00
dʹ.r[9] = 0x00
dʹ.r[10] = 0x00
// Open and check for failure
ok, err := Open(entry.commit, *dʹ)
assertFailedOpen(t, ok, err)
// Makes a deep copy of a Witness
func copyWitness(d *Witness) *Witness {
msg := make([]byte, len(d.Msg))
var r [Size]byte
copy(msg, d.Msg)
copy(r[:], d.r[:])
return &Witness{msg, r}
// Asserts that err != nil, and ok == false.
func assertFailedOpen(t *testing.T, ok bool, err error) {
// There should be no error
if err != nil {
// But the commitments should fail
if ok {
t.Error("commitment was verified but was expected to fail")
// An unrelated message should fail on open
func TestOpenOnNewMessage(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
dʹ := copyWitness(entry.decommit)
// Use a distinct message
dʹ.Msg = []byte("no one expects the spanish inquisition")
// Open and check for failure
ok, err := Open(entry.commit, *dʹ)
assertFailedOpen(t, ok, err)
// An appended message should fail on open
func TestOpenOnAppendedMessage(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
dʹ := copyWitness(entry.decommit)
// Modify the message
dʹ.Msg = []byte("no one expects the spanish inquisition")
// Open and check for failure
ok, err := Open(entry.commit, *dʹ)
assertFailedOpen(t, ok, err)
// A modified message should fail on open
func TestOpenOnModifiedMessage(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
// Skip the empty string message for this test case
if len(entry.msg) == 0 {
// Modify the message _in situ_
dʹ := copyWitness(entry.decommit)
dʹ.Msg[1] ^= 0x99
// Open and check for failure
ok, err := Open(entry.commit, *dʹ)
assertFailedOpen(t, ok, err)
// A modified commitment should fail on open
func TestOpenOnModifiedCommitment(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
// Copy and then modify the commitment
cʹ := make([]byte, Size)
copy(cʹ[:], entry.commit)
cʹ[6] ^= 0x33
// Open and check for failure
ok, err := Open(cʹ, *entry.decommit)
assertFailedOpen(t, ok, err)
// An empty decommit should fail to open
func TestOpenOnDefaultDecommitObject(t *testing.T) {
for _, entry := range testResults {
// Open and check for failure
ok, err := Open(entry.commit, Witness{})
assertFailedOpen(t, ok, err)
// A nil commit should return an error
func TestOpenOnNilCommitment(t *testing.T) {
_, err := Open(nil, Witness{})
assertError(t, err)
// Verifies that err != nil
func assertError(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err == nil {
t.Error("expected an error but received nil")
// Ill-formed commitment should produce an error
func TestOpenOnLongCommitment(t *testing.T) {
tooLong := make([]byte, Size+1)
_, err := Open(tooLong, Witness{})
assertError(t, err)
// Ill-formed commitment should produce an error
func TestOpenOnShortCommitment(t *testing.T) {
tooShort := make([]byte, Size-1)
_, err := Open(tooShort, Witness{})
assertError(t, err)
// Tests that marshal-unmarshal is the identity function
func TestWitnessMarshalRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
expected := &Witness{
[]byte("I'm the dude. So that's what you call me"),
// Marhal and test
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(expected)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, jsonBytes)
// Unmarshal and test
actual := &Witness{}
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, actual))
require.Equal(t, expected.Msg, actual.Msg)
require.Equal(t, expected.r, actual.r)
// Tests that marshal-unmarshal is the identity function
func TestCommitmentMarshalRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
expected := Commitment([]byte("That or uh his-dudeness or duder or el duderino."))
// Marhal and test
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(expected)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, jsonBytes)
// Unmarshal and test
actual := Commitment{}
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, &actual))
require.Equal(t, []byte(expected), []byte(actual))