Prad Nukala 89989fa102
feature/1114 implement account interface (#1167)
- **refactor: move session-related code to middleware package**
- **refactor: update PKL build process and adjust related
- **feat: integrate base.cosmos.v1 Genesis module**
- **refactor: pass session context to modal rendering functions**
- **refactor: move nebula package to app directory and update templ
- **refactor: Move home section video view to dedicated directory**
- **refactor: remove unused views file**
- **refactor: move styles and UI components to global scope**
- **refactor: Rename images.go to cdn.go**
- **feat: Add Empty State Illustrations**
- **refactor: Consolidate Vault Index Logic**
- **fix: References to App.wasm and remove Vault Directory embedded CDN
- **refactor: Move CDN types to Models**
- **fix: Correct line numbers in templ error messages for
- **refactor: use common types for peer roles**
- **refactor: move common types and ORM to a shared package**
- **fix: Config import dwn**
- **refactor: move nebula directory to app**
- **feat: Rebuild nebula**
- **fix: correct file paths in panels templates**
- **feat: Remove duplicate types**
- **refactor: Move dwn to pkg/core**
- **refactor: Binary Structure**
- **feat: Introduce Crypto Pkg**
- **fix: Broken Process Start**
- **feat: Update pkg/* structure**
- **feat: Refactor PKL Structure**
- **build: update pkl build process**
- **chore: Remove Empty Files**
- **refactor: remove unused macaroon package**
- **feat: Add WebAwesome Components**
- **refactor: consolidate build and generation tasks into a single
taskfile, remove redundant makefile targets**
- **refactor: refactor server and move components to pkg/core/dwn**
- **build: update go modules**
- **refactor: move gateway logic into dedicated hway command**
- **feat: Add KSS (Krawczyk-Song-Song) MPC cryptography module**
- **feat: Implement MPC-based JWT signing and UCAN token generation**
- **feat: add support for MPC-based JWT signing**
- **feat: Implement MPC-based UCAN capabilities for smart accounts**
- **feat: add address field to keyshareSource**
- **feat: Add comprehensive MPC test suite for keyshares, UCAN tokens,
and token attenuations**
- **refactor: improve MPC keyshare management and signing process**
- **feat: enhance MPC capability hierarchy documentation**
- **refactor: rename GenerateKeyshares function to NewKeyshareSource for
- **refactor: remove unused Ethereum address computation**
- **feat: Add HasHandle and IsAuthenticated methods to HTTPContext**
- **refactor: Add context.Context support to session HTTPContext**
- **refactor: Resolve context interface conflicts in HTTPContext**
- **feat: Add session ID context key and helper functions**
- **feat: Update WebApp Page Rendering**
- **refactor: Simplify context management by using single HTTPContext
- **refactor: Simplify HTTPContext creation and context management in
session middleware**
- **refactor: refactor session middleware to use a single data
- **refactor: Simplify HTTPContext implementation and session data
- **refactor: Improve session context handling and prevent nil pointer
- **refactor: Improve session context handling with nil safety and type
- **refactor: improve session data injection**
- **feat: add full-screen modal component and update registration flow**
- **chore: add .air.toml to .gitignore**
- **feat: add Air to devbox and update dependencies**
2024-11-23 01:28:58 -05:00

276 lines
3.8 KiB

@go.Package { name = "" }
module common.types.ORM
import "package://"
// Enums
typealias AssetType = "native"|"wrapped"|"staking"|"pool"|"ibc"|"cw20"
typealias DIDMethod = "ipfs"|"sonr"|"bitcoin"|"ethereum"|"ibc"|"webauthn"|"dwn"|"service"
typealias KeyAlgorithm = "es256"|"es384"|"es512"|"eddsa"|"es256k"|"ecdsa"
typealias KeyCurve = "p256"|"p384"|"p521"|"x25519"|"x448"|"ed25519"|"ed448"|"secp256k1"|"bls12381"|"keccak256"
typealias KeyEncoding = "raw"|"hex"|"multibase"
typealias KeyRole = "authentication"|"assertion"|"delegation"|"invocation"
typealias KeyType = "octet"|"elliptic"|"rsa"|"symmetric"|"hmac"|"mpc"|"zk"|"webauthn"|"bip32"
typealias KeyShareRole = "user"|"validator"
typealias PermissionGrant = "none"|"read"|"write"|"verify"|"broadcast"|"admin"
typealias PermissionScope = "profile"|"metadata"|"permissions"|"wallets"|"transactions"|"user"|"validator"
typealias Base58 = String
typealias Base64 = String
typealias Bech32 = String
typealias Keccak = String
typealias ChainCode = UInt
typealias Scope = String
typealias Hex = String
class PrimaryKey extends go.Field {
structTags {
["json"] = "%{name},omitempty"
["query"] = "%{name}"
class JsonField extends go.Field {
structTags {
["json"] = "%{name},omitempty"
class Account {
id: String
name: String
address: Bech32|Keccak|String
publicKey: Base58
chainCode: ChainCode
index: Int
controller: Bech32
createdAt: String?
class Asset {
id: String
name: String
symbol: String
decimals: Int
chainCode: ChainCode
createdAt: String?
class Chain {
id: String
name: String
networkId: String
chainCode: ChainCode
createdAt: String?
class Credential {
id: String
subject: String
controller: Bech32
attestationType: String
origin: String
label: String?
deviceId: String?
credentialId: Base64
publicKey: Base64
transport: List<String>
signCount: UInt
userPresent: Boolean
userVerified: Boolean
backupEligible: Boolean
backupState: Boolean
cloneWarning: Boolean
createdAt: String?
updatedAt: String?
class DID {
id: String
role: KeyRole
algorithm: KeyAlgorithm
encoding: KeyEncoding
curve: KeyCurve
key_type: KeyType
raw: Base64
jwk: JWK
class JWK {
kty: String
crv: String
x: String
y: String
n: String
e: String
class Grant {
id: UInt
subject: String
controller: Bech32
origin: String
token: String
scopes: List<String>
createdAt: String?
updatedAt: String?
class Keyshare {
id: String
data: Base64
role: Int
createdAt: String?
lastRefreshed: String?
class Profile {
id: String
subject: String
controller: Bech32
originUri: String?
publicMetadata: String?
privateMetadata: String?
createdAt: String?
updatedAt: String?
db_name: String = "vault"
db_version: Int = 1