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synced 2025-03-10 21:09:11 +00:00
* feat: add new supported attestation formats to genesis * feat: refactor keyType to keytype enum * refactor: remove unused imports and code * refactor: update main.go to use src package * refactor: move web-related structs from to * refactor: move client middleware package to root * refactor: remove unused IndexedDB dependency * feat: update worker implementation to use * feat: add Caddyfile and Caddy configuration for vault service * refactor(config): move keyshare and address to Motr config * fix: validate service origin in AllocateVault * chore: remove IndexedDB configuration * feat: add support for IPNS-based vault access
64 lines
1.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
64 lines
1.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package did.v1;
import "did/v1/genesis.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
option go_package = "github.com/onsonr/sonr/x/did/types";
// Query provides defines the gRPC querier service.
service Query {
// Params queries all parameters of the module.
rpc Params(QueryRequest) returns (QueryParamsResponse) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/params";
// Resolve queries the DID document by its id.
rpc Resolve(QueryRequest) returns (QueryResolveResponse) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/did/{did}";
// Sync queries the DID document by its id. And returns the required PKL information
rpc Sync(SyncRequest) returns (SyncResponse) {
option (google.api.http).post = "/sync";
// Queryequest is the request type for the Query/Params RPC method.
message QueryRequest {
string did = 1;
string origin = 2;
string key = 3;
string asset = 4;
// QueryResolveResponse is the response type for the Query/Resolve RPC method.
message QueryResponse {
bool success = 1;
string query = 2;
Document document = 3;
Params params = 5;
// QueryParamsResponse is the response type for the Query/Params RPC method.
message QueryParamsResponse {
// params defines the parameters of the module.
Params params = 1;
// QueryResolveResponse is the response type for the Query/Resolve RPC method.
message QueryResolveResponse {
// document is the DID document
Document document = 1;
// SyncRequest is the request type for the Sync RPC method.
message SyncRequest {
string did = 1;
// SyncResponse is the response type for the Sync RPC method.
message SyncResponse {
bool success = 1;