Prad Nukala 1810ee1c7f
feat: add enums.pulsar.go file for PermissionScope enum (#4)
* feat: add enums.pulsar.go file for PermissionScope enum

* refactor: remove PERMISSION_SCOPE_IDENTIFIERS_ENS enum value

* feat: Add MsgRegisterService to handle service registration

The commit message for these changes would be:

feat: Add MsgRegisterService to handle service registration

This commit adds a new message type `MsgRegisterService` to the DID module's transaction proto file. This message allows users to register a new service with a given permission scope and origin URI. The domain must have a valid TXT record containing the public key.

The changes include:

- Adding the `MsgRegisterService` message type with fields for authority, origin URI, and scopes
- Adding the `MsgRegisterServiceResponse` message type to handle the response
- Updating the Msg service to include a new `RegisterService` RPC method
- Implementing the `RegisterService` method in the keeper

This feature allows users to register new services on the DID chain, which is an important part of the overall DID functionality.

* (no commit message provided)

* fix: Add ProveWitness and SyncVault RPCs

The commit message should be:

feat: Add ProveWitness and SyncVault RPCs

This change adds two new RPCs to the DID module:

1. ProveWitness: An operation to prove the controller has a valid property using ZK Accumulators.
2. SyncVault: Synchronizes the controller with the Vault Motr DWN WASM Wallet.

These new RPCs allow for more advanced DID management functionality.

* fix: Remove unused `Meta` message from `genesis.proto`

* refactor: Simplify the types and properties to keep a consistent structure for the blockchain

* (no commit message provided)

* {}

* feat: add Equal methods for AssetInfo and ChainInfo types
2024-08-10 18:27:11 -04:00

162 lines
3.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package did.v1;
option go_package = "";
import "cosmos/orm/v1/orm.proto";
import "did/v1/genesis.proto";
import "did/v1/enums.proto";
// Aliases represents the `alsoKnownAs` property associated with a DID Controller
message Aliases {
option (cosmos.orm.v1.table) = {
id: 1
primary_key: {fields: "id"}
index: { id: 1, fields: "subject", unique: true }
// The unique identifier of the alias
string id = 1;
// Origin is the Alias provider
string origin = 2;
// Subject is the user defined alias
string subject = 3;
// Controller of the alias
string controller = 4;
// Expiration of the alias
uint64 expiration = 5;
// Assertion represents strongly created credentials (e.g., Passkeys, SSH, GPG, Native Secure Enclaave)
message Assertion {
option (cosmos.orm.v1.table) = {
id: 2
primary_key: {fields: "id"}
// The unique identifier of the attestation
string id = 1;
// Key type (e.g., "passkey", "ssh", "gpg", "native-secure-enclave")
string key_type = 2;
// The value of the linked identifier
bytes credential = 3;
// Metadata is optional additional information about the assertion
map<string, string> metadata = 4;
// The controller of the attestation
string controller = 5;
// Attestation represents linked identifiers (e.g., Crypto Accounts, Github, Email, Phone)
message Attestation {
option (cosmos.orm.v1.table) = {
id: 3
primary_key: {fields: "id"}
// The unique identifier of the attestation
string id = 1;
// The type of the linked identifier (e.g., "crypto", "github", "email", "phone")
string key_type = 2;
// The value of the linked identifier
string value = 3;
// The proof or verification method for this attestation
string proof = 4;
// The controller of the attestation
string controller = 5;
// Controller represents a Sonr DWN Vault
message Controller {
option (cosmos.orm.v1.table) = {
id: 4
primary_key: {fields: "id"}
// The unique identifier of the controller
string id = 1;
// The DID of the controller
string did = 2;
// The public key of the controller
string public_key_multibase = 3;
// The vault address or identifier
string vault_cid = 4;
// Fingerprint is the Accumulator of discrete credential identifiers
bytes fingerprint = 5;
// Delegation represents IBC Account Controllers for various chains (e.g., ETH, BTC)
message Delegation {
option (cosmos.orm.v1.table) = {
id: 5
primary_key: {fields: "id"}
// The unique identifier of the delegation
string id = 1;
// The Decentralized Identifier of the delegated account
string did = 2;
// The chain type (e.g., "ETH", "BTC")
string chain_type = 3;
// The address on the target chain
string chain_address = 4;
// The controller DID
string controller_did = 5;
// The delegation proof or verification method
string public_key_multibase = 6;
// Public Key JWKS is a map of the associated public keys
map<string, string> public_key_jwks = 7;
// IBC Channel ID
uint64 channel_id = 8;
// Service represents a service in a DID Document
message Service {
option (cosmos.orm.v1.table) = {
id: 6
primary_key: {fields: "id"}
// The ID of the service
string id = 1;
// The type of the service
string service_type = 2;
// The controller DID of the service
string controller_did = 3;
// The domain name of the service
string origin_uri = 4;
// The service endpoint
map<string, string> service_endpoints = 5;
// Scopes is the Authorization Grants of the service
repeated PermissionScope scopes = 6;