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package context
import (
// InitSession initializes or loads an existing session
func (s *HTTPContext) InitSession() error {
sessionID := s.getOrCreateSessionID()
// Try to load existing session
var sess sessions.Session
result := s.db.Where("id = ?", sessionID).First(&sess)
if result.Error != nil {
// Create new session if not found
bn, bv, arch, plat, platVer, model := extractBrowserInfo(s.Context)
sess = sessions.Session{
ID: sessionID,
BrowserName: bn,
BrowserVersion: bv,
UserArchitecture: arch,
Platform: plat,
PlatformVersion: platVer,
DeviceModel: model,
if err := s.db.Create(&sess).Error; err != nil {
return err
s.sess = &sess
return nil
func (s *HTTPContext) getOrCreateSessionID() string {
if ok := common.CookieExists(s.Context, common.SessionID); !ok {
sessionID := ksuid.New().String()
common.WriteCookie(s.Context, common.SessionID, sessionID)
return sessionID
sessionID, err := common.ReadCookie(s.Context, common.SessionID)
if err != nil {
sessionID = ksuid.New().String()
common.WriteCookie(s.Context, common.SessionID, sessionID)
return sessionID
func extractBrowserInfo(c echo.Context) (string, string, string, string, string, string) {
// Extract all relevant headers
browserName := common.HeaderRead(c, common.UserAgent)
arch := common.HeaderRead(c, common.Architecture)
platform := common.HeaderRead(c, common.Platform)
platformVer := common.HeaderRead(c, common.PlatformVersion)
model := common.HeaderRead(c, common.Model)
fullVersionList := common.HeaderRead(c, common.FullVersionList)
// Default values if headers are empty
if browserName == "" {
browserName = "N/A"
if arch == "" {
arch = "unknown"
if platform == "" {
platform = "unknown"
if platformVer == "" {
platformVer = "unknown"
if model == "" {
model = "unknown"
// Extract browser version from full version list
version := "-1"
if fullVersionList != "" {
entries := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(fullVersionList), ",")
for _, entry := range entries {
entry = strings.TrimSpace(entry)
re := regexp.MustCompile(`"([^"]+)";v="([^"]+)"`)
matches := re.FindStringSubmatch(entry)
if len(matches) == 3 {
browserName = matches[1]
version = matches[2]
if browserName != "Not.A/Brand" &&
browserName != "Chromium" {
return browserName, version, arch, platform, platformVer, model