mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 21:09:11 +00:00
- **deps: remove tigerbeetle-go dependency** - **refactor: remove unused landing page components and models** - **feat: add pin and publish vault handlers** - **refactor: move payment and credential services to webui browser package** - **refactor: remove unused credentials management components** - **feat: add landing page components and middleware for credentials and payments** - **refactor: remove unused imports in vault config** - **refactor: remove unused bank, DID, and DWN gRPC clients** - **refactor: rename client files and improve code structure** - **feat: add session middleware helpers and landing page components** - **feat: add user profile registration flow** - **feat: Implement WebAuthn registration flow** - **feat: add error view for users without WebAuthn devices** - **chore: update htmx to include extensions** - **refactor: rename pin handler to claim handler and update routes** - **chore: update import paths after moving UI components and styles** - **fix: address potential server errors by handling and logging them properly** - **refactor: move vault config to gateway package and update related dependencies** - **style: simplify form styling and remove unnecessary components** - **feat: improve UI design for registration flow** - **feat: implement passkey-based authentication** - **refactor: migrate registration forms to use reusable form components** - **refactor: remove tailwindcss setup and use CDN instead** - **style: update submit button style to use outline variant** - **refactor: refactor server and IPFS client, remove MPC encryption** - **refactor: Abstract keyshare functionality and improve message encoding** - **refactor: improve keyset JSON marshaling and error handling** - **feat: add support for digital signatures using MPC keys** - **fix: Refactor MarshalJSON to use standard json.Marshal for Message serialization** - **fix: Encode messages before storing in keyshare structs** - **style: update form input styles for improved user experience** - **refactor: improve code structure in registration handlers** - **refactor: consolidate signer middleware and IPFS interaction** - **refactor: rename MPC signing and refresh protocol functions** - **refactor: update hway configuration loading mechanism** - **feat: integrate database support for sessions and users** - **refactor: remove devnet infrastructure and simplify build process** - **docs(guides): add Sonr DID module guide** - **feat: integrate progress bar into registration form** - **refactor: migrate WebAuthn dependencies to protocol package** - **feat: enhance user registration with passkey integration and improved form styling** - **refactor: move gateway view handlers to internal pages package** - **refactor: Move address package to MPC module** - **feat: integrate turnstile for registration** - **style: remove unnecessary size attribute from buttons** - **refactor: rename cookie package to session/cookie** - **refactor: remove unnecessary types.Session dependency** - **refactor: rename pkg/core to pkg/chain** - **refactor: simplify deployment process by removing testnet-specific Taskfile and devbox configuration** - **feat: add error redirect functionality and improve routes** - **feat: implement custom error handling for gateway** - **chore: update version number to 0.0.7 in template** - **feat: add IPFS client implementation** - **feat: Implement full IPFS client interface with comprehensive methods** - **refactor: improve IPFS client path handling** - **refactor: Move UCAN middleware to controller package** - **feat: add UCAN middleware to motr** - **refactor: update libp2p dependency** - **docs: add UCAN specification document** - **refactor: move UCAN controller logic to common package** - **refactor: rename exports.go to common.go** - **feat: add UCAN token support** - **refactor: migrate UCAN token parsing to dedicated package** - **refactor: improve CometBFT and app config initialization** - **refactor: improve deployment scripts and documentation** - **feat: integrate IPFS and producer middleware** - **refactor: rename agent directory to aider** - **fix: correct libp2p import path** - **refactor: remove redundant dependency** - **cleanup: remove unnecessary test files** - **refactor: move attention types to crypto/ucan package** - **feat: expand capabilities and resource types for UCANs** - **refactor: rename sonr.go to codec.go and update related imports** - **feat: add IPFS-based token store** - **feat: Implement IPFS-based token store with caching and UCAN integration** - **feat: Add dynamic attenuation constructor for UCAN presets** - **fix: Handle missing or invalid attenuation data with EmptyAttenuation** - **fix: Update UCAN attenuation tests with correct capability types** - **feat: integrate UCAN-based authorization into the producer middleware** - **refactor: remove unused dependency on go-ucan** - **refactor: Move address handling logic to DID module** - **feat: Add support for compressed and uncompressed Secp256k1 public keys in didkey** - **test: Add test for generating DID key from MPC keyshares** - **feat: Add methods for extracting compressed and uncompressed public keys in share types** - **feat: Add BaseKeyshare struct with public key conversion methods** - **refactor: Use compressed and uncompressed public keys in keyshare, fix public key usage in tests and verification** - **feat: add support for key generation policy type** - **fix: correct typo in VaultPermissions constant** - **refactor: move JWT related code to ucan package** - **refactor: move UCAN JWT and source code to spec package**
361 lines
12 KiB
361 lines
12 KiB
#!/usr/bin/make -f
PACKAGES_SIMTEST=$(shell go list ./... | grep '/simulation')
VERSION := $(shell echo $(shell git describe --tags) | sed 's/^v//')
COMMIT := $(shell git log -1 --format='%H')
SDK_PACK := $(shell go list -m github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk | sed 's/ /\@/g')
SIMAPP = ./app
# for dockerized protobuf tools
DOCKER := $(shell which docker)
HTTPS_GIT := github.com/onsonr/sonr.git
export GO111MODULE = on
# process build tags
build_tags = netgo
ifeq ($(LEDGER_ENABLED),true)
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
GCCEXE = $(shell where gcc.exe 2> NUL)
ifeq ($(GCCEXE),)
$(error gcc.exe not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED=false)
build_tags += ledger
UNAME_S = $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD)
$(warning OpenBSD detected, disabling ledger support (https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/1988))
GCC = $(shell command -v gcc 2> /dev/null)
ifeq ($(GCC),)
$(error gcc not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED=false)
build_tags += ledger
ifeq ($(WITH_CLEVELDB),yes)
build_tags += gcc
build_tags += $(BUILD_TAGS)
build_tags := $(strip $(build_tags))
whitespace :=
empty = $(whitespace) $(whitespace)
comma := ,
build_tags_comma_sep := $(subst $(empty),$(comma),$(build_tags))
# process linker flags
ldflags = -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Name=sonr \
-X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.AppName=sonrd \
-X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Version=$(VERSION) \
-X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Commit=$(COMMIT) \
-X "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.BuildTags=$(build_tags_comma_sep)"
ifeq ($(WITH_CLEVELDB),yes)
ldflags += -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types.DBBackend=cleveldb
ifeq ($(LINK_STATICALLY),true)
ldflags += -linkmode=external -extldflags "-Wl,-z,muldefs -static"
ldflags += $(LDFLAGS)
ldflags := $(strip $(ldflags))
BUILD_FLAGS := -tags "$(build_tags_comma_sep)" -ldflags '$(ldflags)' -trimpath
# The below include contains the tools and runsim targets.
include contrib/devtools/Makefile
all: install lint test
build: go.sum
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
$(error wasmd server not supported. Use "make build-windows-client" for client)
exit 1
go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/sonrd ./cmd/sonrd
build-windows-client: go.sum
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/sonrd.exe ./cmd/sonrd
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/contract_tests.exe ./cmd/contract_tests
go build -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/contract_tests ./cmd/contract_tests
install: go.sum
go install -mod=readonly $(BUILD_FLAGS) ./cmd/sonrd
### Tools & dependencies
go-mod-cache: go.sum
@echo "--> Download go modules to local cache"
@go mod download
go.sum: go.mod
@echo "--> Ensure dependencies have not been modified"
@go mod verify
@# requires brew install graphviz or apt-get install graphviz
go install github.com/RobotsAndPencils/goviz@latest
@goviz -i ./cmd/sonrd -d 2 | dot -Tpng -o dependency-graph.png
rm -rf .aider*
rm -rf static
rm -rf .out
rm -rf build
rm -rf hway.db
rm -rf snapcraft-local.yaml build/
distclean: clean
rm -rf vendor/
### Testing
test: test-unit
test-all: test-race test-cover test-system
@VERSION=$(VERSION) go test -mod=readonly -tags='ledger test_ledger_mock' ./...
@VERSION=$(VERSION) go test -mod=readonly -race -tags='ledger test_ledger_mock' ./...
@go test -mod=readonly -timeout 30m -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic -tags='ledger test_ledger_mock' ./...
@go test -mod=readonly -bench=. ./...
test-sim-import-export: runsim
@echo "Running application import/export simulation. This may take several minutes..."
@$(BINDIR)/runsim -Jobs=4 -SimAppPkg=$(SIMAPP) -ExitOnFail 50 5 TestAppImportExport
test-sim-multi-seed-short: runsim
@echo "Running short multi-seed application simulation. This may take awhile!"
@$(BINDIR)/runsim -Jobs=4 -SimAppPkg=$(SIMAPP) -ExitOnFail 50 5 TestFullAppSimulation
test-sim-deterministic: runsim
@echo "Running application deterministic simulation. This may take awhile!"
@$(BINDIR)/runsim -Jobs=4 -SimAppPkg=$(SIMAPP) -ExitOnFail 1 1 TestAppStateDeterminism
test-system: install
$(MAKE) -C tests/system/ test
### Linting ###
go install mvdan.cc/gofumpt@v0.4.0
go install github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell@v0.3.4
go install github.com/daixiang0/gci@v0.11.2
lint: format-tools
golangci-lint run --tests=false
find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "./tests/system/vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "*_test.go" | xargs gofumpt -d
format: format-tools
find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "./tests/system/vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "./client/lcd/statik/statik.go" | xargs gofumpt -w
find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "./tests/system/vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "./client/lcd/statik/statik.go" | xargs misspell -w
find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "./tests/system/vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "./client/lcd/statik/statik.go" | xargs gci write --skip-generated -s standard -s default -s "prefix(cosmossdk.io)" -s "prefix(github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk)" -s "prefix(github.com/CosmWasm/wasmd)" --custom-order
go mod tidy
cd interchaintest && go mod tidy
.PHONY: format-tools lint format mod-tidy
### Protobuf ###
protoImage=$(DOCKER) run --rm -v $(CURDIR):/workspace --workdir /workspace $(protoImageName)
@echo "Generating Protobuf files"
@go install cosmossdk.io/orm/cmd/protoc-gen-go-cosmos-orm@latest
@$(protoImage) sh ./scripts/protocgen.sh
spawn stub-gen
@echo "Formatting Protobuf files"
@$(protoImage) find ./ -name "*.proto" -exec clang-format -i {} \;
@$(protoImage) buf lint --error-format=json
@$(protoImage) buf breaking --against $(HTTPS_GIT)#branch=master
.PHONY: all install install-debug \
go-mod-cache draw-deps clean build format \
test test-all test-build test-cover test-unit test-race \
test-sim-import-export build-windows-client \
## --- Testnet Utilities ---
@echo "Installing local-interchain"
git clone --branch v8.7.0 https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/interchaintest.git interchaintest-downloader
cd interchaintest-downloader/local-interchain && make install
@echo ✅ local-interchain installed $(shell which local-ic)
ifeq (,$(shell which local-ic))
make get-localic
git clone https://github.com/strangelove-ventures/heighliner.git
cd heighliner && go install
ifeq (,$(shell which heighliner))
echo 'heighliner' binary not found. Consider running `make get-heighliner`
heighliner build -c sonrd --local -f chains.yaml
.PHONY: get-heighliner local-image is-localic-installed
### e2e ###
@echo "Running basic interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestBasicChain .
@echo "Running IBC interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestIBC .
@echo "Running cosmwasm interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestCosmWasmIntegration .
@echo "Running packet forward middleware interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestPacketForwardMiddleware .
@echo "Running proof of authority interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestPOA .
@echo "Running token factory interchain tests"
@cd interchaintest && go test -race -v -run TestTokenFactory .
### testnet ###
setup-testnet: mod-tidy is-localic-installed install local-image set-testnet-configs setup-testnet-keys
# Run this before testnet keys are added
# chainid-1 is used in the testnet.json
sonrd config set client chain-id sonr-testnet-1
sonrd config set client keyring-backend test
sonrd config set client output text
# import keys from testnet.json into test keyring
-`echo "decorate bright ozone fork gallery riot bus exhaust worth way bone indoor calm squirrel merry zero scheme cotton until shop any excess stage laundry" | sonrd keys add acc0 --recover`
-`echo "wealth flavor believe regret funny network recall kiss grape useless pepper cram hint member few certain unveil rather brick bargain curious require crowd raise" | sonrd keys add acc1 --recover`
# default testnet is with IBC
testnet: setup-testnet
spawn local-ic start ibc-testnet
testnet-basic: setup-testnet
spawn local-ic start testnet
sh-testnet: mod-tidy
CHAIN_ID="sonr-testnet-1" BLOCK_TIME="1000ms" CLEAN=true sh scripts/test_node.sh
.PHONY: setup-testnet set-testnet-configs testnet testnet-basic sh-testnet
### generation ###
.PHONY: pkl-gen tailwind-gen templ-gen
go install github.com/apple/pkl-go/cmd/pkl-gen-go@latest
pkl-gen-go pkl/sonr.motr/ATN.pkl
pkl-gen-go pkl/sonr.hway/Env.pkl
pkl-gen-go pkl/sonr.motr/DWN.pkl
pkl-gen-go pkl/sonr.hway/ORM.pkl
@go install github.com/a-h/templ/cmd/templ@latest
templ generate
### custom builds ###
.PHONY: motr-build hway-build hway-serve
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o static/wasm/app.wasm ./cmd/motr/main.go
hway-build: templ-gen
go build -o build/hway ./cmd/hway/main.go
hway-serve: hway-build
### help ###
.PHONY: deploy-buf deploy-pkl
cd ./proto && bunx buf dep update && bunx buf build && bunx buf push
sh ./.github/scripts/upload_cdn.sh
### help ###
@echo "Usage: make <target>"
@echo ""
@echo "Available targets:"
@echo " install : Install the binary"
@echo " local-image : Install the docker image"
@echo " proto-gen : Generate code from proto files"
@echo " testnet : Local devnet with IBC"
@echo " sh-testnet : Shell local devnet"
@echo " ictest-basic : Basic end-to-end test"
@echo " ictest-ibc : IBC end-to-end test"
@echo " templ : Generate templ files"
@echo " vault : Build vault.wasm"
.PHONY: help