

The Macaroon module is responsible for providing decentralized access control and service authorization for the Sonr ecosystem. It implements macaroon-based authentication and authorization mechanisms.


Macaroons are a type of bearer credential that allow for decentralized delegation, attenuation, and third-party caveats. This module implements the core functionality for creating, validating, and managing macaroons within the Sonr ecosystem.


The module maintains the following state:


Represents a permission grant with the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier (auto-incremented)
  • controller: Address of the controller
  • subject: Subject of the grant
  • origin: Origin of the grant
  • expiry_height: Block height at which the grant expires


Represents a macaroon token with the following fields:

  • id: Unique identifier (auto-incremented)
  • controller: Address of the controller
  • subject: Subject of the macaroon
  • origin: Origin of the macaroon
  • expiry_height: Block height at which the macaroon expires
  • macaroon: The actual macaroon token

State Transitions

State transitions occur through the following messages:

  • MsgUpdateParams: Updates the module parameters
  • MsgIssueMacaroon: Issues a new macaroon



Updates the module parameters. Can only be executed by the governance account.


  • authority: Address of the governance account
  • params: New parameter values


Issues a new macaroon for a given controller and origin.


  • controller: Address of the controller
  • origin: Origin of the request in wildcard form
  • permissions: Map of permissions
  • token: Macaroon token to authenticate the operation


The module provides the following queries:

  • Params: Retrieves the current module parameters
  • RefreshToken: Refreshes a macaroon token (post-authentication)
  • ValidateToken: Validates a macaroon token (pre-authentication)


The module has the following parameters:

  • methods: Defines the available DID methods
    • default: Default method
    • supported: List of supported methods
  • scopes: Defines the set of scopes
    • base: Base scope
    • supported: List of supported scopes
  • caveats: Defines the available caveats
    • supported_first_party: List of supported first-party caveats
    • supported_third_party: List of supported third-party caveats
  • transactions: Defines the allowlist and denylist for transactions
    • allowlist: List of allowed transactions
    • denylist: List of denied transactions


The module may emit events related to macaroon issuance, validation, and refreshing. (Specific event details to be implemented)


The module provides gRPC endpoints for all queries and message types defined in the protobuf files.

Future Improvements

  • Implement more advanced caveat types
  • Add support for third-party caveats
  • Enhance macaroon revocation mechanisms
  • Implement additional security features and checks


(To be implemented: Acceptance tests for the module's functionality)


For more information on macaroons and their implementation, refer to the original macaroon paper: "Macaroons: Cookies with Contextual Caveats for Decentralized Authorization in the Cloud" by Arnar Birgisson, et al.