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synced 2025-03-11 13:29:12 +00:00
- **refactor: remove unused auth components** - **refactor: improve devbox configuration and deployment process** - **refactor: improve devnet and testnet setup** - **fix: update templ version to v0.2.778** - **refactor: rename pkl/net.matrix to pkl/matrix.net** - **refactor: migrate webapp components to nebula** - **refactor: protobuf types** - **chore: update dependencies for improved security and stability** - **feat: implement landing page and vault gateway servers** - **refactor: Migrate data models to new module structure and update related files** - **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation** - **refactor: Replace hardcoded constants with model types in attns.go** - **feature/1121-implement-ucan-validation** - **chore: add origin Host struct and update main function to handle multiple hosts** - **build: remove unused static files from dwn module** - **build: remove unused static files from dwn module** - **refactor: Move DWN models to common package** - **refactor: move models to pkg/common** - **refactor: move vault web app assets to embed module** - **refactor: update session middleware import path** - **chore: configure port labels and auto-forwarding behavior** - **feat: enhance devcontainer configuration** - **feat: Add UCAN middleware for Echo with flexible token validation** - **feat: add JWT middleware for UCAN authentication** - **refactor: update package URI and versioning in PklProject files** - **fix: correct sonr.pkl import path** - **refactor: move JWT related code to auth package** - **feat: introduce vault configuration retrieval and management** - **refactor: Move vault components to gateway module and update file paths** - **refactor: remove Dexie and SQLite database implementations** - **feat: enhance frontend with PWA features and WASM integration** - **feat: add Devbox features and streamline Dockerfile** - **chore: update dependencies to include TigerBeetle** - **chore(deps): update go version to 1.23** - **feat: enhance devnet setup with PATH environment variable and updated PWA manifest** - **fix: upgrade tigerbeetle-go dependency and remove indirect dependency** - **feat: add PostgreSQL support to devnet and testnet deployments** - **refactor: rename keyshare cookie to token cookie** - **feat: upgrade Go version to 1.23.3 and update dependencies** - **refactor: update devnet and testnet configurations** - **feat: add IPFS configuration for devnet** - **I'll help you update the ipfs.config.pkl to include all the peers from the shell script. Here's the updated configuration:** - **refactor: move mpc package to crypto directory** - **feat: add BIP32 support for various cryptocurrencies** - **feat: enhance ATN.pkl with additional capabilities** - **refactor: simplify smart account and vault attenuation creation** - **feat: add new capabilities to the Attenuation type** - **refactor: Rename MPC files for clarity and consistency** - **feat: add DIDKey support for cryptographic operations** - **feat: add devnet and testnet deployment configurations** - **fix: correct key derivation in bip32 package** - **refactor: rename crypto/bip32 package to crypto/accaddr** - **fix: remove duplicate indirect dependency** - **refactor: move vault package to root directory** - **refactor: update routes for gateway and vault** - **refactor: remove obsolete web configuration file** - **refactor: remove unused TigerBeetle imports and update host configuration** - **refactor: adjust styles directory path** - **feat: add broadcastTx and simulateTx functions to gateway** - **feat: add PinVault handler**
273 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File
273 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable File
// Copyright Coinbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package mina
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
const (
version = 0xcb
nonZeroCurvePointVersion = 0x01
isCompressed = 0x01
// PublicKey is the verification key
type PublicKey struct {
value *curves.Ep
// GenerateAddress converts the public key to an address
func (pk PublicKey) GenerateAddress() string {
var payload [40]byte
payload[0] = version
payload[1] = nonZeroCurvePointVersion
payload[2] = isCompressed
buffer := pk.value.ToAffineUncompressed()
copy(payload[3:35], buffer[:32])
payload[35] = buffer[32] & 1
hash1 := sha256.Sum256(payload[:36])
hash2 := sha256.Sum256(hash1[:])
copy(payload[36:40], hash2[:4])
return base58.Encode(payload[:])
// ParseAddress converts a given string into a public key returning an error on failure
func (pk *PublicKey) ParseAddress(b58 string) error {
buffer, err := base58.Decode(b58)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(buffer) != 40 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid byte sequence")
if buffer[0] != version {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid version")
if buffer[1] != nonZeroCurvePointVersion {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid non-zero curve point version")
if buffer[2] != isCompressed {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid compressed flag")
hash1 := sha256.Sum256(buffer[:36])
hash2 := sha256.Sum256(hash1[:])
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(hash2[:4], buffer[36:40]) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid checksum")
x := buffer[3:35]
x[31] |= buffer[35] << 7
value, err := new(curves.Ep).FromAffineCompressed(x)
if err != nil {
return err
pk.value = value
return nil
func (pk PublicKey) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
return pk.value.ToAffineCompressed(), nil
func (pk *PublicKey) UnmarshalBinary(input []byte) error {
pt, err := new(curves.Ep).FromAffineCompressed(input)
if err != nil {
return err
pk.value = pt
return nil
func (pk *PublicKey) SetPointPallas(pallas *curves.PointPallas) {
pk.value = pallas.GetEp()
// SecretKey is the signing key
type SecretKey struct {
value *fq.Fq
// GetPublicKey returns the corresponding verification
func (sk SecretKey) GetPublicKey() *PublicKey {
pk := new(curves.Ep).Mul(new(curves.Ep).Generator(), sk.value)
return &PublicKey{pk}
func (sk SecretKey) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
t := sk.value.Bytes()
return t[:], nil
func (sk *SecretKey) UnmarshalBinary(input []byte) error {
if len(input) != 32 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid byte sequence")
var buf [32]byte
copy(buf[:], input)
value, err := new(fq.Fq).SetBytes(&buf)
if err != nil {
return err
sk.value = value
return nil
func (sk *SecretKey) SetFq(fq *fq.Fq) {
sk.value = fq
// NewKeys creates a new keypair using a CSPRNG
func NewKeys() (*PublicKey, *SecretKey, error) {
return NewKeysFromReader(crand.Reader)
// NewKeysFromReader creates a new keypair using the specified reader
func NewKeysFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*PublicKey, *SecretKey, error) {
t := new(curves.ScalarPallas).Random(reader)
sc, ok := t.(*curves.ScalarPallas)
if !ok || t.IsZero() {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key")
sk := sc.GetFq()
pk := new(curves.Ep).Mul(new(curves.Ep).Generator(), sk)
if pk.IsIdentity() {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid key")
return &PublicKey{pk}, &SecretKey{sk}, nil
// SignTransaction generates a signature over the specified txn and network id
// See https://github.com/MinaProtocol/c-reference-signer/blob/master/crypto.c#L1020
func (sk *SecretKey) SignTransaction(transaction *Transaction) (*Signature, error) {
input := new(roinput).Init(3, 75)
return sk.finishSchnorrSign(input, transaction.NetworkId)
// SignMessage signs a _string_. this is somewhat non-standard; we do it by just adding bytes to the roinput.
// See https://github.com/MinaProtocol/c-reference-signer/blob/master/crypto.c#L1020
func (sk *SecretKey) SignMessage(message string) (*Signature, error) {
input := new(roinput).Init(0, len(message))
return sk.finishSchnorrSign(input, MainNet)
func (sk *SecretKey) finishSchnorrSign(input *roinput, networkId NetworkType) (*Signature, error) {
if sk.value.IsZero() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid secret key")
pk := sk.GetPublicKey()
k := sk.msgDerive(input, pk, networkId)
if k.IsZero() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid nonce generated")
// r = k*G
r := new(curves.Ep).Generator()
r.Mul(r, k)
if r.Y().IsOdd() {
rx := r.X()
e := msgHash(pk, rx, input, ThreeW, networkId)
// S = k + e*sk
e.Mul(e, sk.value)
s := new(fq.Fq).Add(k, e)
if rx.IsZero() || s.IsZero() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid signature")
return &Signature{
R: rx,
S: s,
}, nil
// VerifyTransaction checks if the signature is over the given transaction using this public key
func (pk *PublicKey) VerifyTransaction(sig *Signature, transaction *Transaction) error {
input := new(roinput).Init(3, 75)
return pk.finishSchnorrVerify(sig, input, transaction.NetworkId)
// VerifyMessage checks if the claimed signature on a _string_ is valid. this is nonstandard; see above.
func (pk *PublicKey) VerifyMessage(sig *Signature, message string) error {
input := new(roinput).Init(0, len(message))
return pk.finishSchnorrVerify(sig, input, MainNet)
func (pk *PublicKey) finishSchnorrVerify(sig *Signature, input *roinput, networkId NetworkType) error {
if pk.value.IsIdentity() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid public key")
if sig.R.IsZero() || sig.S.IsZero() {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid signature")
e := msgHash(pk, sig.R, input, ThreeW, networkId)
sg := new(curves.Ep).Generator()
sg.Mul(sg, sig.S)
epk := new(curves.Ep).Mul(pk.value, e)
r := new(curves.Ep).Add(sg, epk)
if !r.Y().IsOdd() && r.X().Equal(sig.R) {
return nil
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("signature verification failed")
func msgHash(pk *PublicKey, rx *fp.Fp, input *roinput, hashType Permutation, networkId NetworkType) *fq.Fq {
ctx := new(Context).Init(hashType, networkId)
fields := input.Fields()
return ctx.Digest()
func (sk SecretKey) msgDerive(msg *roinput, pk *PublicKey, networkId NetworkType) *fq.Fq {
input := msg.Clone()
inputBytes := input.Bytes()
h, _ := blake2b.New(32, []byte{})
_, _ = h.Write(inputBytes)
hash := h.Sum(nil)
// Clear top two bits
hash[31] &= 0x3F
tmp := [4]uint64{
return new(fq.Fq).SetRaw(&tmp)