Welcome to go-wasm-http-server 👋

Version Documentation License: Apache 2.0 Twitter: njblepage

> WebAssembly Go HTTP Server embedded in a ServiceWorker ### ✨ [Demo](https://nlepage.github.io/go-wasm-http-server/demo) ## Install ```sh yarn add go-wasm-http-server ``` ## Usage TODO ## Why? TODO ## How? TODO ## Author 👤 **Nicolas Lepage** * Website: https://nicolas.lepage.dev * Twitter: [@njblepage](https://twitter.com/njblepage) * Github: [@nlepage](https://github.com/nlepage) ## 🤝 Contributing Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check [issues page](https://github.com/nlepage/go-wasm-http-server/issues). ## Show your support Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you! ## 📝 License Copyright © 2019 [Nicolas Lepage](https://github.com/nlepage).
This project is [Apache 2.0](https://github.com/nlepage/go-wasm-http-server/blob/master/LICENSE) licensed. *** _This README was generated with ❤️ by [readme-md-generator](https://github.com/kefranabg/readme-md-generator)_