cosmwasm-stargate: Add test utils and data

This commit is contained in:
willclarktech 2020-12-09 12:40:04 +00:00
parent 9055623d26
commit 9e48836439
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 551A86E2E398ADF7
2 changed files with 306 additions and 0 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
import { Bip39, EnglishMnemonic, Random, Secp256k1, Slip10, Slip10Curve } from "@cosmjs/crypto";
import { Bech32, fromBase64 } from "@cosmjs/encoding";
import {
} from "@cosmjs/launchpad";
import { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet, DirectSignResponse, makeAuthInfoBytes } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
import {
} from "@cosmjs/stargate";
import { adaptor34, Client as TendermintClient } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
import { setupWasmExtension, WasmExtension } from "./queries";
import hackatom from "./testdata/contract.json";
type ISignDoc = codec.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.ISignDoc;
const { AuthInfo, TxBody } = codec.cosmos.tx.v1beta1;
const { SignMode } = codec.cosmos.tx.signing.v1beta1;
/** An internal testing type. SigningCosmWasmClient has a similar but different interface */
export interface ContractUploadInstructions {
/** The wasm bytecode */
readonly data: Uint8Array;
readonly source?: string;
readonly builder?: string;
export const wasmd = {
blockTime: 1_000, // ms
chainId: "testing",
endpoint: "http://localhost:26659",
prefix: "wasm",
validator: {
address: "wasmvaloper1m4vhsgne6u74ff78vf0tvkjq3q4hjf9vjfrmy2",
export function getHackatom(): ContractUploadInstructions {
return {
data: fromBase64(,
source: "",
builder: "cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.9.1",
export function makeRandomAddress(): string {
return Bech32.encode("wasm", Random.getBytes(20));
export const tendermintIdMatcher = /^[0-9A-F]{64}$/;
/** @see */
export const base64Matcher = /^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{4})*(?:|(?:[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{3}=)|(?:[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{2}==)|(?:[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{1}===))$/;
export const bech32AddressMatcher = /^[\x21-\x7e]{1,83}1[02-9ac-hj-np-z]{38}$/;
export const alice = {
mnemonic: "enlist hip relief stomach skate base shallow young switch frequent cry park",
pubkey0: {
type: "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
value: "A9cXhWb8ZpqCzkA8dQCPV29KdeRLV3rUYxrkHudLbQtS",
address0: "wasm14qemq0vw6y3gc3u3e0aty2e764u4gs5lndxgyk",
address1: "wasm1hhg2rlu9jscacku2wwckws7932qqqu8xm5ca8y",
address2: "wasm1xv9tklw7d82sezh9haa573wufgy59vmwnxhnsl",
address3: "wasm17yg9mssjenmc3jkqth6ulcwj9cxujrxxg9nmzk",
address4: "wasm1f7j7ryulwjfe9ljplvhtcaxa6wqgula3nh873j",
/** Unused account */
export const unused = {
pubkey: {
type: "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
value: "ArkCaFUJ/IH+vKBmNRCdUVl3mCAhbopk9jjW4Ko4OfRQ",
address: "wasm1cjsxept9rkggzxztslae9ndgpdyt240842kpxh",
accountNumber: 16,
sequence: 0,
export const validator = {
/** From first gentx's auth_info.signer_infos in scripts/wasmd/template/.wasmd/config/genesis.json */
pubkey: {
type: "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
value: "AsYCD9IZsnY3BhSrR3k7mf5iaJD0KkQdwqzLLl9PT+05",
/** delegator_address from /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator in scripts/wasmd/template/.wasmd/config/genesis.json */
delegatorAddress: "wasm1m4vhsgne6u74ff78vf0tvkjq3q4hjf9v84k82s",
/** validator_address from /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator in scripts/wasmd/template/.wasmd/config/genesis.json */
validatorAddress: "wasmvaloper1m4vhsgne6u74ff78vf0tvkjq3q4hjf9vjfrmy2",
accountNumber: 0,
sequence: 1,
/** Deployed as part of scripts/wasmd/ */
export const deployedHackatom = {
codeId: 1,
source: "",
builder: "cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.9.1",
checksum: "3defc33a41f58c71d38b176d521c411d8e74d26403fde7660486930c7579a016",
instances: [
beneficiary: alice.address0,
address: "wasm18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n89k7fvsl",
label: "From deploy_hackatom.js (0)",
beneficiary: alice.address1,
address: "wasm1hqrdl6wstt8qzshwc6mrumpjk9338k0lffu40x",
label: "From deploy_hackatom.js (1)",
beneficiary: alice.address2,
address: "wasm18r5szma8hm93pvx6lwpjwyxruw27e0k5kjkyan",
label: "From deploy_hackatom.js (2)",
// /** Deployed as part of scripts/wasmd/ */
// export const deployedErc20 = {
// codeId: 2,
// source: "",
// builder: "cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.10.4",
// checksum: "d04368320ad55089384adb171aaea39e43d710d7608829adba0300ed30aa2988",
// instances: [
// // TODO: Update this address
// "cosmos1vjecguu37pmd577339wrdp208ddzymkudc46zj", // HASH
// // TODO: Update this address
// "cosmos1ym5m5dw7pttft5w430nxx6uat8f84ck4algmhg", // ISA
// // TODO: Update this address
// "cosmos1gv07846a3867ezn3uqkk082c5ftke7hpllcu8q", // JADE
// ],
// };
// /** Deployed as part of scripts/wasmd/ */
// export const deployedCw3 = {
// codeId: 3,
// source: "",
// builder: "cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.10.4",
// instances: [
// // TODO: Update this address
// "cosmos1xqeym28j9xgv0p93pwwt6qcxf9tdvf9zddufdw", // Multisig (1/3)
// // TODO: Update this address
// "cosmos1jka38ckju8cpjap00jf9xdvdyttz9caujtd6t5", // Multisig (2/3)
// // TODO: Update this address
// "cosmos12dnl585uxzddjw9hw4ca694f054shgpgr4zg80", // Multisig (uneven weights)
// ],
// };
// /** Deployed as part of scripts/wasmd/ */
// export const deployedCw1 = {
// codeId: 4,
// source: "",
// builder: "cosmwasm/rust-optimizer:0.10.4",
// // TODO: Update this address
// instances: ["cosmos1vs2vuks65rq7xj78mwtvn7vvnm2gn7ad5me0d2"],
// };
export function wasmdEnabled(): boolean {
return !!process.env.WASMD_ENABLED;
export function pendingWithoutWasmd(): void {
if (!wasmdEnabled()) {
return pending("Set WASMD_ENABLED to enable Wasmd-based tests");
// export function erc20Enabled(): boolean {
// return !!process.env.ERC20_ENABLED;
// }
// export function pendingWithoutErc20(): void {
// if (!erc20Enabled()) {
// return pending("Set ERC20_ENABLED to enable ERC20-based tests");
// }
// }
// export function cw3Enabled(): boolean {
// return !!process.env.CW3_ENABLED;
// }
// export function pendingWithoutCw3(): void {
// if (!cw3Enabled()) {
// return pending("Set CW3_ENABLED to enable CW3-based tests");
// }
// }
// export function cw1Enabled(): boolean {
// return !!process.env.CW1_ENABLED;
// }
// export function pendingWithoutCw1(): void {
// if (!cw1Enabled()) {
// return pending("Set CW1_ENABLED to enable CW1-based tests");
// }
// }
/** Returns first element. Throws if array has a different length than 1. */
export function fromOneElementArray<T>(elements: ArrayLike<T>): T {
if (elements.length !== 1) throw new Error(`Expected exactly one element but got ${elements.length}`);
return elements[0];
export async function makeWasmClient(
endpoint: string,
): Promise<QueryClient & AuthExtension & BankExtension & WasmExtension> {
const tmClient = await TendermintClient.connect(endpoint, adaptor34);
return QueryClient.withExtensions(tmClient, setupAuthExtension, setupBankExtension, setupWasmExtension);
* A class for testing clients using an Amino signer which modifies the transaction it receives before signing
export class ModifyingSecp256k1HdWallet extends Secp256k1HdWallet {
public static async fromMnemonic(
mnemonic: string,
hdPath = makeCosmoshubPath(0),
prefix = "cosmos",
): Promise<ModifyingSecp256k1HdWallet> {
const mnemonicChecked = new EnglishMnemonic(mnemonic);
const seed = await Bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonicChecked);
const { privkey } = Slip10.derivePath(Slip10Curve.Secp256k1, seed, hdPath);
const uncompressed = (await Secp256k1.makeKeypair(privkey)).pubkey;
return new ModifyingSecp256k1HdWallet(
public async signAmino(signerAddress: string, signDoc: StdSignDoc): Promise<AminoSignResponse> {
const modifiedSignDoc = {
fee: {
amount: coins(3000, "ucosm"),
gas: "333333",
memo: "This was modified",
return super.signAmino(signerAddress, modifiedSignDoc);
* A class for testing clients using a direct signer which modifies the transaction it receives before signing
export class ModifyingDirectSecp256k1HdWallet extends DirectSecp256k1HdWallet {
public static async fromMnemonic(
mnemonic: string,
hdPath = makeCosmoshubPath(0),
prefix = "cosmos",
): Promise<DirectSecp256k1HdWallet> {
const mnemonicChecked = new EnglishMnemonic(mnemonic);
const seed = await Bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonicChecked);
const { privkey } = Slip10.derivePath(Slip10Curve.Secp256k1, seed, hdPath);
const uncompressed = (await Secp256k1.makeKeypair(privkey)).pubkey;
return new ModifyingDirectSecp256k1HdWallet(
public async signDirect(address: string, signDoc: ISignDoc): Promise<DirectSignResponse> {
const txBody = TxBody.decode(signDoc.bodyBytes!);
const modifiedTxBody = TxBody.create({
memo: "This was modified",
const authInfo = AuthInfo.decode(signDoc.authInfoBytes!);
const pubkeys = => signerInfo.publicKey!);
const sequence = authInfo.signerInfos[0].sequence!.toNumber();
const modifiedFeeAmount = coins(3000, "ucosm");
const modifiedGasLimit = 333333;
const modifiedSignDoc = {
bodyBytes: Uint8Array.from(TxBody.encode(modifiedTxBody).finish()),
authInfoBytes: makeAuthInfoBytes(
return super.signDirect(address, modifiedSignDoc);