mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 13:47:12 +00:00
Remove support for verified queries
The ics23 library for TypeScript is unmaintained sucht that we cannot provide this feature anymore
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
import { toAscii } from "@cosmjs/encoding";
import { Uint64 } from "@cosmjs/math";
import { Any } from "cosmjs-types/google/protobuf/any";
import { Any } from "cosmjs-types/google/protobuf/any";
import {
import {
QueryClientImpl as TransferQuery,
QueryClientImpl as TransferQuery,
@ -8,7 +6,6 @@ import {
QueryParamsResponse as QueryTransferParamsResponse,
QueryParamsResponse as QueryTransferParamsResponse,
} from "cosmjs-types/ibc/applications/transfer/v1/query";
} from "cosmjs-types/ibc/applications/transfer/v1/query";
import { Channel } from "cosmjs-types/ibc/core/channel/v1/channel";
import {
import {
@ -166,22 +163,6 @@ export interface IbcExtension {
readonly allDenomTraces: () => Promise<QueryDenomTracesResponse>;
readonly allDenomTraces: () => Promise<QueryDenomTracesResponse>;
readonly params: () => Promise<QueryTransferParamsResponse>;
readonly params: () => Promise<QueryTransferParamsResponse>;
readonly verified: {
readonly channel: {
readonly channel: (portId: string, channelId: string) => Promise<Channel | null>;
readonly packetCommitment: (
portId: string,
channelId: string,
sequence: number,
) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
readonly packetAcknowledgement: (
portId: string,
channelId: string,
sequence: number,
) => Promise<Uint8Array>;
readonly nextSequenceReceive: (portId: string, channelId: string) => Promise<number | null>;
@ -502,40 +483,6 @@ export function setupIbcExtension(base: QueryClient): IbcExtension {
params: async () => transferQueryService.Params({}),
params: async () => transferQueryService.Params({}),
verified: {
channel: {
channel: async (portId: string, channelId: string) => {
// keeper: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/3bafd8255a502e5a9cee07391cf8261538245dfd/x/ibc/04-channel/keeper/keeper.go#L55-L65
// key: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/ef0a7344af345882729598bc2958a21143930a6b/x/ibc/24-host/keys.go#L117-L120
const key = toAscii(`channelEnds/ports/${portId}/channels/${channelId}`);
const { value } = await base.queryStoreVerified("ibc", key);
return value.length ? Channel.decode(value) : null;
packetCommitment: async (portId: string, channelId: string, sequence: number) => {
// keeper: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/3bafd8255a502e5a9cee07391cf8261538245dfd/x/ibc/04-channel/keeper/keeper.go#L128-L133
// key: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/ef0a7344af345882729598bc2958a21143930a6b/x/ibc/24-host/keys.go#L183-L185
const key = toAscii(`commitments/ports/${portId}/channels/${channelId}/packets/${sequence}`);
const { value } = await base.queryStoreVerified("ibc", key);
// keeper code doesn't parse, but returns raw
return value;
packetAcknowledgement: async (portId: string, channelId: string, sequence: number) => {
// keeper: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/3bafd8255a502e5a9cee07391cf8261538245dfd/x/ibc/04-channel/keeper/keeper.go#L159-L166
// key: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/ef0a7344af345882729598bc2958a21143930a6b/x/ibc/24-host/keys.go#L153-L156
const key = toAscii(`acks/ports/${portId}/channels/${channelId}/acknowledgements/${sequence}`);
const { value } = await base.queryStoreVerified("ibc", key);
// keeper code doesn't parse, but returns raw
return value;
nextSequenceReceive: async (portId: string, channelId: string) => {
// keeper: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/3bafd8255a502e5a9cee07391cf8261538245dfd/x/ibc/04-channel/keeper/keeper.go#L92-L101
// key: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/ef0a7344af345882729598bc2958a21143930a6b/x/ibc/24-host/keys.go#L133-L136
const key = toAscii(`seqAcks/ports/${portId}/channels/${channelId}/nextSequenceAck`);
const { value } = await base.queryStoreVerified("ibc", key);
return value.length ? Uint64.fromBytes(value).toNumber() : null;
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
import { coin } from "@cosmjs/amino";
import { coin } from "@cosmjs/amino";
import { toAscii } from "@cosmjs/encoding";
import { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
import { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
import { CometClient, Tendermint34Client } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
import { CometClient, Tendermint34Client } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
import { assert } from "@cosmjs/utils";
import { assert } from "@cosmjs/utils";
import { Metadata } from "cosmjs-types/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/bank";
import {
import {
@ -19,7 +17,6 @@ import {
} from "../testutils.spec";
} from "../testutils.spec";
import { QueryClient } from "./queryclient";
import { QueryClient } from "./queryclient";
@ -29,69 +26,7 @@ async function makeClient(rpcUrl: string): Promise<[QueryClient, CometClient]> {
return [QueryClient.withExtensions(cometClient), cometClient];
return [QueryClient.withExtensions(cometClient), cometClient];
* See
* - https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.42.10/x/bank/types/key.go#L27
* - https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/v0.44.2/x/bank/types/key.go#L28
const denomMetadataPrefix = new Uint8Array([0x01]);
describe("QueryClient", () => {
describe("QueryClient", () => {
describe("queryStoreVerified", () => {
it("works via WebSockets", async () => {
const [client, cometClient] = await makeClient(simapp.tendermintUrlWs);
// "keys before 0.45 had denom two times in the key"
// https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/10ad61a4dd/x/bank/migrations/v045/store_test.go#L91
let queryKey: Uint8Array;
if (simapp44Enabled()) {
queryKey = Uint8Array.from([
} else {
queryKey = Uint8Array.from([...denomMetadataPrefix, ...toAscii(simapp.denomFee)]);
const { key, value, height } = await client.queryStoreVerified("bank", queryKey);
const response = Metadata.decode(value);
expect(response.description).toEqual("The fee token of this test chain");
it("works via http", async () => {
const [client, cometClient] = await makeClient(simapp.tendermintUrlHttp);
// "keys before 0.45 had denom two times in the key"
// https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/10ad61a4dd/x/bank/migrations/v045/store_test.go#L91
let queryKey: Uint8Array;
if (simapp44Enabled()) {
queryKey = Uint8Array.from([
} else {
queryKey = Uint8Array.from([...denomMetadataPrefix, ...toAscii(simapp.denomFee)]);
const { key, value, height } = await client.queryStoreVerified("bank", queryKey);
const response = Metadata.decode(value);
expect(response.description).toEqual("The fee token of this test chain");
describe("queryAbci", () => {
describe("queryAbci", () => {
it("works via WebSockets", async () => {
it("works via WebSockets", async () => {
@ -1,24 +1,10 @@
/* eslint-disable no-dupe-class-members, @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
/* eslint-disable no-dupe-class-members, @typescript-eslint/ban-types, @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
import { iavlSpec, ics23, tendermintSpec, verifyExistence, verifyNonExistence } from "@confio/ics23";
import { CometClient } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
import { toAscii, toHex } from "@cosmjs/encoding";
import { assert, isNonNullObject } from "@cosmjs/utils";
import { firstEvent } from "@cosmjs/stream";
import { CometClient, tendermint34 } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
import { arrayContentEquals, assert, assertDefined, isNonNullObject, sleep } from "@cosmjs/utils";
import { ProofOps } from "cosmjs-types/tendermint/crypto/proof";
import { ProofOps } from "cosmjs-types/tendermint/crypto/proof";
import { Stream } from "xstream";
type QueryExtensionSetup<P> = (base: QueryClient) => P;
type QueryExtensionSetup<P> = (base: QueryClient) => P;
function checkAndParseOp(op: tendermint34.ProofOp, kind: string, key: Uint8Array): ics23.CommitmentProof {
if (op.type !== kind) {
throw new Error(`Op expected to be ${kind}, got "${op.type}`);
if (!arrayContentEquals(key, op.key)) {
throw new Error(`Proven key different than queried key.\nQuery: ${toHex(key)}\nProven: ${toHex(op.key)}`);
return ics23.CommitmentProof.decode(op.data);
export interface ProvenQuery {
export interface ProvenQuery {
readonly key: Uint8Array;
readonly key: Uint8Array;
readonly value: Uint8Array;
readonly value: Uint8Array;
@ -512,90 +498,6 @@ export class QueryClient {
this.cometClient = cometClient;
this.cometClient = cometClient;
* Queries the database store with a proof, which is then verified.
* Please note: the current implementation trusts block headers it gets from the PRC endpoint.
public async queryStoreVerified(
store: string,
queryKey: Uint8Array,
desiredHeight?: number,
): Promise<QueryStoreResponse> {
const { height, proof, key, value } = await this.queryRawProof(store, queryKey, desiredHeight);
const subProof = checkAndParseOp(proof.ops[0], "ics23:iavl", queryKey);
const storeProof = checkAndParseOp(proof.ops[1], "ics23:simple", toAscii(store));
// this must always be existence, if the store is not a typo
// this may be exist or non-exist, depends on response
if (!value || value.length === 0) {
// non-existence check
// the subproof must map the desired key to the "value" of the storeProof
verifyNonExistence(subProof.nonexist, iavlSpec, storeProof.exist.value, queryKey);
} else {
// existence check
// the subproof must map the desired key to the "value" of the storeProof
verifyExistence(subProof.exist, iavlSpec, storeProof.exist.value, queryKey, value);
// the store proof must map its declared value (root of subProof) to the appHash of the next block
const header = await this.getNextHeader(height);
verifyExistence(storeProof.exist, tendermintSpec, header.appHash, toAscii(store), storeProof.exist.value);
return { key, value, height };
public async queryRawProof(
store: string,
queryKey: Uint8Array,
desiredHeight?: number,
): Promise<ProvenQuery> {
const { key, value, height, proof, code, log } = await this.cometClient.abciQuery({
// we need the StoreKey for the module, not the module name
// https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/blob/8cab43c8120fec5200c3459cbf4a92017bb6f287/x/auth/types/keys.go#L12
path: `/store/${store}/key`,
data: queryKey,
prove: true,
height: desiredHeight,
if (code) {
throw new Error(`Query failed with (${code}): ${log}`);
if (!arrayContentEquals(queryKey, key)) {
throw new Error(`Response key ${toHex(key)} doesn't match query key ${toHex(queryKey)}`);
if (!height) {
throw new Error("No query height returned");
if (!proof || proof.ops.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(`Expected 2 proof ops, got ${proof?.ops.length ?? 0}. Are you using stargate?`);
// we don't need the results, but we can ensure the data is the proper format
checkAndParseOp(proof.ops[0], "ics23:iavl", key);
checkAndParseOp(proof.ops[1], "ics23:simple", toAscii(store));
return {
key: key,
value: value,
height: height,
// need to clone this: readonly input / writeable output
proof: {
ops: [...proof.ops],
* Performs an ABCI query to Tendermint without requesting a proof.
* Performs an ABCI query to Tendermint without requesting a proof.
@ -628,45 +530,4 @@ export class QueryClient {
height: response.height,
height: response.height,
// this must return the header for height+1
// throws an error if height is 0 or undefined
private async getNextHeader(height?: number): Promise<tendermint34.Header> {
if (height === 0) {
throw new Error("Query returned height 0, cannot prove it");
const searchHeight = height + 1;
let nextHeader: tendermint34.Header | undefined;
let headersSubscription: Stream<tendermint34.NewBlockHeaderEvent> | undefined;
try {
headersSubscription = this.cometClient.subscribeNewBlockHeader();
} catch {
// Ignore exception caused by non-WebSocket Tendermint clients
if (headersSubscription) {
const firstHeader = await firstEvent(headersSubscription);
// The first header we get might not be n+1 but n+2 or even higher. In such cases we fall back on a query.
if (firstHeader.height === searchHeight) {
nextHeader = firstHeader;
while (!nextHeader) {
// start from current height to avoid backend error for minHeight in the future
const correctHeader = (await this.cometClient.blockchain(height, searchHeight)).blockMetas
.map((meta) => meta.header)
.find((h) => h.height === searchHeight);
if (correctHeader) {
nextHeader = correctHeader;
} else {
await sleep(1000);
assert(nextHeader.height === searchHeight, "Got wrong header. This is a bug in the logic above.");
return nextHeader;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user