#!/bin/bash set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail command -v shellcheck >/dev/null && shellcheck "$0" ## This is like start.sh but using local binaries, not docker images SCRIPT_DIR="$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")")" TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/gaia.XXXXXXXXX") chmod 777 "$TMP_DIR" echo "Using temporary dir $TMP_DIR" WASMD_LOGFILE="$TMP_DIR/wasmd.log" REST_SERVER_LOGFILE="$TMP_DIR/rest-server.log" # move the template into our temporary home cp -r "$SCRIPT_DIR"/template/.wasm* "$TMP_DIR" wasmd start \ --home "$TMP_DIR/.wasmd" \ --trace \ --rpc.laddr tcp:// \ >"$WASMD_LOGFILE" & echo "wasmd running and logging into $WASMD_LOGFILE" sleep 10 cat "$WASMD_LOGFILE" wasmcli rest-server \ --home "$TMP_DIR/.wasmcli" \ --node tcp://localhost:26657 \ --trust-node \ --laddr tcp:// \ >"$REST_SERVER_LOGFILE" & echo "rest server running on http://localhost:1317 and logging into $REST_SERVER_LOGFILE" # Debug rest server start sleep 3 cat "$REST_SERVER_LOGFILE" tail -f "$WASMD_LOGFILE"