# CHANGELOG ## 0.23.0 (unreleased) - @cosmjs/cosmwasm: Rename `CosmWasmClient.postTx` method to `.broadcastTx`. - @cosmjs/cosmwasm: Rename `SigningCosmWasmClient.signAndPost` method to `.signAndBroadcast`. - @cosmjs/demo-staking: Remove package and supporting scripts. - @cosmjs/encoding: Add `limit` parameter to `Bech32.encode` and `.decode`. The new default limit for decoding is infinity (was 90 before). Set it to 90 to create a strict decoder. - @cosmjs/launchpad: Rename `CosmosClient.postTx` method to `.broadcastTx`. - @cosmjs/launchpad: Rename `SigningCosmosClient.signAndPost` method to `.signAndBroadcast`. - @cosmjs/launchpad: Rename `PostTx`-related types to `BroadcastTxResult`, `BroadcastTxSuccess` and `BroadcastTxFailure` respectively, as well as helper functions `isBroadcastTxFailure`, `isBroadcastTxSuccess` and `assertIsBroadcastTxSuccess`. - @cosmjs/utils: Add `arrayContentEquals`. ## 0.22.0 (2020-08-03) - @cosmjs/cli: Now supports HTTPs URLs for `--init` code sources. - @cosmjs/cli: Now supports adding code directly via `--code`. - @cosmjs/cosmwasm: Rename `CosmWasmClient.getNonce` method to `.getSequence`. - @cosmjs/cosmwasm: Remove `RestClient` class in favour of new modular `LcdClient` class from @cosmjs/sdk38. - @cosmjs/cosmwasm: Add `SigningCosmWasmClient.signAndPost` as a mid-level abstraction between `SigningCosmWasmClient.upload`/`.instantiate`/`.execute` and `.postTx`. - @cosmjs/cosmwasm: Use `*PostTx*` types and helpers from @cosmjs/sdk38. Remove exported `PostTxResult`. - @cosmjs/cosmwasm: `ContractDetails` was removed in favour of just `Contract`. The missing `init_msg` is now available via the contract's code history (see `getContractCodeHistory`). - @cosmjs/cosmwasm: Remove `SigningCallback` in favour of the `OfflineSigner` interface. - @cosmjs/sdk38: Rename `CosmosClient.getNonce` method to `.getSequence`. - @cosmjs/sdk38: Remove `RestClient` class in favour of new modular `LcdClient` class. - @cosmjs/sdk38: Remove `Pen` type in favour of `OfflineSigner` and remove `Secp256k1Pen` class in favour of `Secp256k1Wallet` which takes an `OfflineSigner` instead of a `SigningCallback`. - @cosmjs/sdk38: Rename `CosmosSdkAccount` to `BaseAccount` and export the type. - @cosmjs/sdk38: `BaseAccount` now uses `number | string` as the type for `account_number` and `sequence`. The new helpers `uint64ToNumber` and `uint64ToString` allow you to normalize the mixed input. - @cosmjs/sdk38: `BaseAccount` now uses `string | PubKey | null` as the type for `public_key`. The new helper `normalizePubkey` allows you to normalize the mixed input. - @cosmjs/math: Add missing integer check to `Uint64.fromNumber`. Before `Uint64.fromNumber(1.1)` produced some result. - @cosmjs/sdk38: Add `SigningCosmosClient.signAndPost` as a mid-level abstraction between `SigningCosmosClient.sendTokens` and `.postTx`. - @cosmjs/sdk38: Export `PostTxFailure`/`PostTxSuccess` and type checkers `isPostTxFailure`/`isPostTxSuccess`; export `assertIsPostTxSuccess`. - @cosmjs/sdk38: `Secp256k1Wallet`s can now be generated randomly with `Secp256k1Wallet.generate(n)` where `n` is 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 mnemonic words. - @cosmjs/sdk38: The new `Secp256k1Wallet.serialize` and `.deserialize` allow encrypted serialization of the wallet. - @cosmjs/sdk38: Remove the obsolete `upload`, `init`, `exec` properties from `FeeTable`. @cosmjs/cosmwasm has its own `FeeTable` with those properties. - @cosmjs/sdk38: Rename package to @cosmjs/launchpad.