version: 2.1 orbs: browser-tools: circleci/browser-tools@1.2.2 workflows: version: 2 workflow: # Keep those job names in sync with .mergify.yml jobs: - build - docs-build: requires: - build - docs-deploy: requires: - docs-build - build - lint filters: branches: only: main - lint: requires: - build - test-backends: requires: - build matrix: parameters: simapp: ["simapp42", "simapp44"] - test-node: requires: - build matrix: parameters: node-version: ["12", "14", "16"] - test-chrome: requires: - build - coverage: requires: - build - faucet-docker jobs: build: docker: - image: circleci/node:16.13-bullseye steps: - run: name: Install Git Large File Storage (LFS) command: sudo apt-get install git-lfs - checkout - run: name: Version information command: echo "node $(node --version)"; echo "yarn $(yarn --version)" - run: name: Install libusb command: sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev - run: name: Install Dependencies command: yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache --check-cache - run: command: yarn build - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: - packages/*/build/* test-backends: parameters: simapp: type: string machine: # We can't use a containerized environment since it requires remote docker to start custom containers. # However, we can't access the remote docker's network from the primary container. This is a # feature, as documented in # As a consequence, we cannot use the circleci CLI for this job because "You cannot use the machine # executor in local jobs." ( # # Available images: image: ubuntu-2004:202107-02 steps: - run: name: Install Git Large File Storage (LFS) # In the current image, `sudo apt install git-lfs` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/git-lfs.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/git-lfs.deb" - checkout - run: # start early for less wait time below name: Start wasmd command: ./scripts/wasmd/ background: true - run: name: Start simapp command: ./scripts/<< parameters.simapp >>/ background: true - run: name: Start slow simapp command: ./scripts/<< parameters.simapp >>/ background: true - run: name: Start Tendermint blockchains command: ./scripts/tendermint/ background: true - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/builds - run: name: Merge build folders into project (merge with hardlinks) command: cp --recursive --link /tmp/builds/* . - run: # The images comes with preinstalled nvm, which does not work well with non-login shells name: Uninstall nvm # Moving to trash is faster than deleting (gvfs-trash is not installed on this image) command: | nvm --version && nvm ls mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash && mv "$NVM_DIR" ~/.npm ~/.local/share/Trash - run: name: Install nodejs # In the current image, `sudo apt install nodejs` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/nodejs.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/nodejs.deb" - run: name: Install yarn command: | wget -O "$HOME/yarn.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/yarn.deb" - run: name: Version information command: echo "node $(node --version)"; echo "yarn $(yarn --version)" - run: name: Install libusb # In the current image, `sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/libusb.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/libusb.deb" - run: name: Install Dependencies command: yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache --check-cache - run: name: Initialize wasmd (deploy contracts and friends) command: ./scripts/wasmd/ - run: name: Start socket server command: ./scripts/socketserver/ - run: name: Start http server command: ./scripts/httpserver/ - run: name: Run tests environment: HTTPSERVER_ENABLED: 1 TENDERMINT_ENABLED: 1 SOCKETSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SKIP_BUILD: 1 WASMD_ENABLED: 1 command: | [ "<< parameters.simapp >>" = "simapp42" ] && export SIMAPP42_ENABLED=1 SLOW_SIMAPP42_ENABLED=1 [ "<< parameters.simapp >>" = "simapp44" ] && export SIMAPP44_ENABLED=1 SLOW_SIMAPP44_ENABLED=1 yarn test --stream - run: name: Run CLI selftest working_directory: packages/cli environment: SKIP_BUILD: 1 command: yarn selftest - run: name: Run CLI examples working_directory: packages/cli environment: HTTPSERVER_ENABLED: 1 TENDERMINT_ENABLED: 1 SOCKETSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SKIP_BUILD: 1 WASMD_ENABLED: 1 command: | [ "<< parameters.simapp >>" = "simapp42" ] && export SIMAPP42_ENABLED=1 SLOW_SIMAPP42_ENABLED=1 [ "<< parameters.simapp >>" = "simapp44" ] && export SIMAPP44_ENABLED=1 SLOW_SIMAPP44_ENABLED=1 ./ - run: name: Stop chains command: | ./scripts/httpserver/ ./scripts/socketserver/ ./scripts/tendermint/ ./scripts/<< parameters.simapp >>/ ./scripts/<< parameters.simapp >>/ ./scripts/wasmd/ test-node: parameters: node-version: type: string machine: # We can't use a containerized environment since it requires remote docker to start custom containers. # However, we can't access the remote docker's network from the primary container. This is a # feature, as documented in # As a consequence, we cannot use the circleci CLI for this job because "You cannot use the machine # executor in local jobs." ( # # Available images: image: ubuntu-2004:202107-02 resource_class: large steps: - run: name: Install Git Large File Storage (LFS) # In the current image, `sudo apt install git-lfs` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/git-lfs.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/git-lfs.deb" - checkout - run: # start early for less wait time below name: Start wasmd command: ./scripts/wasmd/ background: true - run: name: Start simapp command: ./scripts/simapp42/ background: true - run: name: Start slow simapp command: ./scripts/simapp42/ background: true - run: name: Start Tendermint blockchains command: ./scripts/tendermint/ background: true - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/builds - run: name: Merge build folders into project (merge with hardlinks) command: cp --recursive --link /tmp/builds/* . - run: # The images comes with preinstalled nvm, which does not work well with non-login shells name: Uninstall nvm # Moving to trash is faster than deleting (gvfs-trash is not installed on this image) command: | nvm --version && nvm ls mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash && mv "$NVM_DIR" ~/.npm ~/.local/share/Trash - run: name: Install nodejs # In the current image, `sudo apt install nodejs` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | declare -A node_links=( ["12"]="" ["14"]="" ["16"]="" ) wget -O "$HOME/nodejs.deb" "${node_links[<< parameters.node-version >>]}" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/nodejs.deb" - run: name: Install yarn command: | wget -O "$HOME/yarn.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/yarn.deb" - run: name: Version information command: echo "node $(node --version)"; echo "yarn $(yarn --version)" - run: name: Install libusb # In the current image, `sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/libusb.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/libusb.deb" - run: name: Install Dependencies command: yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache --check-cache - run: name: Initialize wasmd (deploy contracts and friends) command: ./scripts/wasmd/ - run: name: Start socket server command: ./scripts/socketserver/ - run: name: Start http server command: ./scripts/httpserver/ - run: environment: HTTPSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SIMAPP42_ENABLED: 1 SLOW_SIMAPP42_ENABLED: 1 TENDERMINT_ENABLED: 1 SOCKETSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SKIP_BUILD: 1 WASMD_ENABLED: 1 SES_ENABLED: 1 command: yarn test --stream - run: name: Run CLI selftest working_directory: packages/cli environment: SKIP_BUILD: 1 command: yarn selftest - run: name: Run CLI examples working_directory: packages/cli environment: HTTPSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SIMAPP42_ENABLED: 1 SLOW_SIMAPP42_ENABLED: 1 TENDERMINT_ENABLED: 1 SOCKETSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SKIP_BUILD: 1 WASMD_ENABLED: 1 command: ./ - run: name: Stop chains command: | ./scripts/httpserver/ ./scripts/socketserver/ ./scripts/tendermint/ ./scripts/simapp42/ ./scripts/simapp42/ ./scripts/wasmd/ test-chrome: machine: # We can't use a containerized environment since it requires remote docker to start custom containers. # However, we can't access the remote docker's network from the primary container. This is a # feature, as documented in # As a consequence, we cannot use the circleci CLI for this job because "You cannot use the machine # executor in local jobs." ( # # Available images: image: ubuntu-2004:202107-02 resource_class: large steps: - browser-tools/install-chrome # Slow because apt update but what can you do 🤷‍ - run: name: Install Git Large File Storage (LFS) # In the current image, `sudo apt install git-lfs` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/git-lfs.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/git-lfs.deb" - checkout - run: # start early for less wait time below name: Start wasmd command: ./scripts/wasmd/ background: true - run: name: Start simapp command: ./scripts/simapp42/ background: true - run: name: Start slow simapp command: ./scripts/simapp42/ background: true - run: name: Start Tendermint blockchains command: ./scripts/tendermint/ background: true - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/builds - run: name: Merge build folders into project (merge with hardlinks) command: cp --recursive --link /tmp/builds/* . - run: # The images comes with preinstalled nvm, which does not work well with non-login shells name: Uninstall nvm # Moving to trash is faster than deleting (gvfs-trash is not installed on this image) command: | nvm --version && nvm ls mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash && mv "$NVM_DIR" ~/.npm ~/.local/share/Trash - run: name: Install nodejs # In the current image, `sudo apt install nodejs` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/nodejs.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/nodejs.deb" - run: name: Install yarn command: | wget -O "$HOME/yarn.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/yarn.deb" - run: name: Version information command: echo "node $(node --version)"; echo "yarn $(yarn --version)" - run: name: Install libusb # In the current image, `sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/libusb.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/libusb.deb" - run: name: Install Dependencies command: yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache --check-cache - run: name: Initialize wasmd (deploy contracts and friends) command: ./scripts/wasmd/ - run: name: Start socket server command: ./scripts/socketserver/ - run: name: Start http server command: ./scripts/httpserver/ - run: environment: HTTPSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SIMAPP42_ENABLED: 1 SLOW_SIMAPP42_ENABLED: 1 TENDERMINT_ENABLED: 1 SOCKETSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SKIP_BUILD: 1 WASMD_ENABLED: 1 command: yarn test-chrome - run: name: Stop chains command: | ./scripts/httpserver/ ./scripts/socketserver/ ./scripts/tendermint/ ./scripts/simapp42/ ./scripts/simapp42/ ./scripts/wasmd/ coverage: machine: # We can't use a containerized environment since it requires remote docker to start custom containers. # However, we can't access the remote docker's network from the primary container. This is a # feature, as documented in # As a consequence, we cannot use the circleci CLI for this job because "You cannot use the machine # executor in local jobs." ( # # Available images: image: ubuntu-2004:202107-02 resource_class: large steps: - run: name: Install Git Large File Storage (LFS) # In the current image, `sudo apt install git-lfs` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/git-lfs.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/git-lfs.deb" - checkout - run: # start early for less wait time below name: Start wasmd command: ./scripts/wasmd/ background: true - run: name: Start simapp command: ./scripts/simapp42/ background: true - run: name: Start slow simapp command: ./scripts/simapp42/ background: true - run: name: Start Tendermint blockchains command: ./scripts/tendermint/ background: true - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/builds - run: name: Merge build folders into project (merge with hardlinks) command: cp --recursive --link /tmp/builds/* . - run: # The images comes with preinstalled nvm, which does not work well with non-login shells name: Uninstall nvm # Moving to trash is faster than deleting (gvfs-trash is not installed on this image) command: | nvm --version && nvm ls mkdir -p ~/.local/share/Trash && mv "$NVM_DIR" ~/.npm ~/.local/share/Trash - run: name: Install nodejs # In the current image, `sudo apt install nodejs` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/nodejs.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/nodejs.deb" - run: name: Install yarn command: | wget -O "$HOME/yarn.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/yarn.deb" - run: name: Version information command: echo "node $(node --version)"; echo "yarn $(yarn --version)" - run: name: Install libusb # In the current image, `sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev` requires `sudo apt update` which is too slow command: | wget -O "$HOME/libusb.deb" sudo dpkg -i "$HOME/libusb.deb" - run: name: Install Dependencies command: yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache --check-cache - run: name: Initialize wasmd (deploy contracts and friends) command: ./scripts/wasmd/ - run: name: Start socket server command: ./scripts/socketserver/ - run: name: Start http server command: ./scripts/httpserver/ - run: environment: HTTPSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SIMAPP42_ENABLED: 1 SLOW_SIMAPP42_ENABLED: 1 TENDERMINT_ENABLED: 1 SOCKETSERVER_ENABLED: 1 SKIP_BUILD: 1 WASMD_ENABLED: 1 command: yarn coverage - run: name: Upload coverage report command: npx codecov - run: name: Stop chains command: | ./scripts/httpserver/ ./scripts/socketserver/ ./scripts/tendermint/ ./scripts/simapp42/ ./scripts/simapp42/ ./scripts/wasmd/ docs-build: docker: - image: circleci/node:16.13-bullseye steps: - run: name: Install Git Large File Storage (LFS) command: sudo apt-get install git-lfs - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/builds - run: name: Merge build folders into project (merge with hardlinks) command: cp --recursive --link /tmp/builds/* . - run: name: Version information command: echo "node $(node --version)"; echo "yarn $(yarn --version)" - run: name: Install libusb command: sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev - run: name: Install Dependencies command: yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache --check-cache - run: name: Build package docs command: yarn docs - run: name: Copy docs into deployment folder command: ./scripts/docs/ - persist_to_workspace: root: . paths: docs_deployment docs-deploy: docker: - image: circleci/node:16.13-bullseye steps: - attach_workspace: at: . - add_ssh_keys: fingerprints: - "a7:b3:94:4a:9e:e1:30:fa:ca:22:d1:db:a1:78:d6:e4" - run: name: Add GitHub to known hosts command: | mkdir -p ~/.ssh echo ' ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq2A7hRGmdnm9tUDbO9IDSwBK6TbQa+PXYPCPy6rbTrTtw7PHkccKrpp0yVhp5HdEIcKr6pLlVDBfOLX9QUsyCOV0wzfjIJNlGEYsdlLJizHhbn2mUjvSAHQqZETYP81eFzLQNnPHt4EVVUh7VfDESU84KezmD5QlWpXLmvU31/yMf+Se8xhHTvKSCZIFImWwoG6mbUoWf9nzpIoaSjB+weqqUUmpaaasXVal72J+UX2B+2RPW3RcT0eOzQgqlJL3RKrTJvdsjE3JEAvGq3lGHSZXy28G3skua2SmVi/w4yCE6gbODqnTWlg7+wC604ydGXA8VJiS5ap43JXiUFFAaQ==' >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts - run: name: Deploy to GitHub pages # Version pinned to 3.0.0 because of command: npx gh-pages@3.0.0 --message "Update docs [skip ci]" --dist docs_deployment --user "CI deployment " --repo "" lint: docker: - image: circleci/node:16.13-bullseye steps: - run: name: Install Git Large File Storage (LFS) command: sudo apt-get install git-lfs - checkout - attach_workspace: at: /tmp/builds - run: name: Merge build folders into project (merge with hardlinks) command: cp --recursive --link /tmp/builds/* . - run: name: Install shfmt command: | sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/shfmt sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/shfmt shfmt --version - run: name: Version information command: echo "node $(node --version)"; echo "yarn $(yarn --version)" - run: name: Install libusb command: sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev - run: name: Install Dependencies command: yarn install --immutable --immutable-cache --check-cache - run: name: Lint command: yarn lint - run: name: Format text command: yarn format-text - run: name: Format shell scripts command: yarn format-shell faucet-docker: docker: - image: cimg/go:1.17.8 steps: - run: name: Install Git Large File Storage (LFS) command: | sudo apt update sudo apt install git-lfs - checkout - setup_remote_docker: # >= v20.10 version: 20.10.11 - run: name: Build faucet Docker image # Use ${CIRCLE_TAG} command: | docker build --pull -t "confio/faucet:$CIRCLE_SHA1" -f packages/faucet/Dockerfile . - run: name: Check docker image can be executed command: | docker run --rm "confio/faucet:$CIRCLE_SHA1" version docker run --rm "confio/faucet:$CIRCLE_SHA1" generate # - run: # name: Push image to Docker Hub # command: | # docker login --password-stdin -u "$DOCKER_USER" \<<<"$DOCKER_PASS" # docker push "confio/faucet:$CIRCLE_SHA1" # docker logout