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synced 2025-03-11 14:09:15 +00:00
39 lines
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39 lines
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const pen = await Secp256k1Pen.fromMnemonic("enlist hip relief stomach skate base shallow young switch frequent cry park");
const senderAddress = pen.address("cosmos");
const client = new CosmosClient("http://localhost:1317");
const msg: MsgDelegate = {
type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate",
value: {
delegator_address: senderAddress,
// To get the proper validator address, start the demo chain (./scripts/wasmd/start.sh), then run:
// curl http://localhost:1317/staking/validators | jq '.result[0].operator_address'
validator_address: "cosmosvaloper1gjvanqxc774u6ed9thj4gpn9gj5zus5u32enqn",
amount: coin(300000, "ustake"),
const fee = {
amount: coins(2000, "ucosm"),
gas: "120000", // 120k
const memo = "Use your power wisely";
const chainId = await client.getChainId();
console.log("Connected to chain:", chainId);
const { accountNumber, sequence } = await client.getNonce(senderAddress);
console.log("Account/sequence:", accountNumber, sequence);
const signBytes = makeSignBytes([msg], fee, chainId, memo, accountNumber, sequence);
const signature = await pen.sign(signBytes);
const signedTx: StdTx = {
msg: [msg],
fee: fee,
memo: memo,
signatures: [signature],
const result = await client.postTx(signedTx);
console.log("Post result:", result);