2020-03-20 12:27:07 +01:00
2020-02-06 17:36:14 +01:00
2020-03-18 15:21:41 +01:00
2020-03-20 12:27:07 +01:00
2020-02-06 17:36:14 +01:00
2020-02-06 17:36:14 +01:00
2020-03-20 12:27:07 +01:00
2020-02-06 17:36:14 +01:00
2020-02-06 17:36:14 +01:00


npm version

Installation and first run

The cosmwasm-cli executable is available via npm. We recommend local installations to your demo project. If you don't have one yet, just mkdir cosmwasm-cli-installation && cd cosmwasm-cli-installation && yarn init --yes.

locally with yarn

$ yarn add @cosmwasm/cli --dev
$ ./node_modules/.bin/cosmwasm-cli

locally with npm

$ npm install @cosmwasm/cli --save-dev
$ ./node_modules/.bin/cosmwasm-cli

globally with yarn

$ yarn global add @cosmwasm/cli
$ cosmwasm-cli

globally with npm

$ npm install -g @cosmwasm/cli
$ cosmwasm-cli

Getting started

  1. Install @cosmwasm/cli and run cosmwasm-cli as shown above
  2. Start a local wasmd blockchain
  3. Start with ./bin/cosmwasm-cli --init examples/local_faucet.ts
  4. Play around as in the following example code
// Get account information
const { account_number, sequence } = (await client.authAccounts(faucetAddress)).result.value;

// Craft a send transaction
const emptyAddress = Bech32.encode("cosmos", Random.getBytes(20));
const memo = "My first contract on chain";
const sendTokensMsg: types.MsgSend = {
  type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend",
  value: {
    from_address: faucetAddress,
    to_address: emptyAddress,
    amount: [
        denom: "ucosm",
        amount: "1234567",

const signBytes = makeSignBytes([sendTokensMsg], defaultFee, defaultNetworkId, memo, account_number, sequence);
const signature = await pen.sign(signBytes);
const signedTx: types.StdTx = {
    msg: [sendTokensMsg],
    fee: defaultFee,
    memo: memo,
    signatures: [signature],
const postResult = await client.postTx(signedTx);

Extended helpers

The above code shows you the use of the API and various objects and is a great way to learn how to embed cosmwasm-js into your project. However, if you just want a cli to perform some quick queries on a chain, you can use an extended set of helpers:

  1. Start a local wasmd blockchain, for example running the setup from ../../scripts/wasmd/start.sh
  2. Start with ./bin/cosmwasm-cli --init examples/helpers.ts (note the new init file)
  3. Deploy some erc20 contracts: ../../scripts/wasmd/init.sh
  4. Play around as in the following example code
const account = (await client.authAccounts(faucetAddress)).result.value;

// show all code and contracts

// query the first contract
const addr = (await client.listContractAddresses())[0]
const info = await client.getContractInfo(addr)

// see your balance here
smartQuery(client, addr, { balance: { address: faucetAddress } })

// make a new contract
const initMsg = { name: "Foo Coin", symbol: "FOO", decimals: 2, initial_balances: [{address: faucetAddress, amount: "123456789"}]}
const foo = await instantiateContract(client, pen, 1, initMsg);

smartQuery(client, foo, { balance: { address: faucetAddress } })

const rcpt = await randomAddress();
smartQuery(client, foo, { balance: { address: rcpt } })

const execMsg = { transfer: {recipient: rcpt, amount: "808"}}
const exec = await executeContract(client, pen, foo, execMsg);
smartQuery(client, foo, { balance: { address: rcpt } })

Other example codes

Create random mnemonic and Cosmos address

const mnemonic = Bip39.encode(Random.getBytes(16)).toString();
const pen = await Secp256k1Pen.fromMnemonic(mnemonic);
const pubkey = encodeSecp256k1Pubkey(pen.pubkey);
const address = pubkeyToAddress(pubkey, "cosmos");


This package is part of the cosmwasm-js repository, licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (see NOTICE and LICENSE).