2020-10-08 16:25:56 +02:00

30 lines
799 B
Executable File

set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
command -v shellcheck > /dev/null && shellcheck "$0"
echo "Waiting for blockchain and REST server to be available ..."
timeout 60 bash -c "until curl -s http://localhost:1317/node_info > /dev/null; do sleep 0.5; done"
# The chain is unreliable in the first second of its existence (
sleep 1
echo "Okay, thank you for your patience."
SCRIPT_DIR="$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")")"
# Cosmos SDK init
# CosmWasm init
echo "Ensuring contracts' checksums are correct ..."
cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/contracts"
sha256sum --check checksums.sha256
# "$SCRIPT_DIR/deploy_erc20.js"
# "$SCRIPT_DIR/deploy_nameservice.js"