Local Cosmos test network

Starting the blockchain

Run the following:



Docker-friendly access to wasmcli is provided. Just use the ./cli.sh script. For example:

./cli.sh status

This should give you output similar to the following if your blockchain is running:

  "node_info": {
    "protocol_version": { "p2p": "7", "block": "10", "app": "0" },
    "id": "223aedddd9442bcf16641858ca85837f27997d0d",
    "listen_addr": "tcp://",
    "network": "testing",
    "version": "0.32.2",
    "channels": "4020212223303800",
    "moniker": "testing",
    "other": { "tx_index": "on", "rpc_address": "tcp://" }
  "sync_info": {
    "latest_block_hash": "3E3BEBCFA4E47BC67C7DE44DD4E83D8D42235DE75DA942A6BECD1F0F5A6246E4",
    "latest_app_hash": "73A3641BDEFBB728B1B48FB87B510F3E76E3B4519BC4954C6E1060738FCE8B14",
    "latest_block_height": "1217",
    "latest_block_time": "2019-09-26T15:44:13.0111312Z",
    "catching_up": false
  "validator_info": {
    "address": "3A7EBE1A9E333146AE5D9FCB765B88BDD4D2859A",
    "pub_key": {
      "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
      "value": "3ZYx1HKwT/llXzYC2yVeWEiWHd6uBQ7Bi7jiDFczx28="
    "voting_power": "100"

Adding the validator key to your keybase

The Cosmos test network is initialised with a validator (see .gaiad/config/genesis.json). This validator has the following mnemonic:

economy stock theory fatal elder harbor betray wasp final emotion task crumble siren bottom lizard educate guess current outdoor pair theory focus wife stone

To add the validator key to your local keybase run the following, choose an encryption passphrase (e.g. testing123) and enter the above mnemonic when prompted:

./cli.sh keys add validator --recover

You should get output matching the following:

- name: validator
  type: local
  address: cosmos1pkptre7fdkl6gfrzlesjjvhxhlc3r4gmmk8rs6
  pubkey: cosmospub1addwnpepqd8sgxq7aw348ydctp3n5ajufgxp395hksxjzc6565yfp56scupfqhlgyg5
  mnemonic: ""
  threshold: 0
  pubkeys: []

Preset accounts

  1. Faucet
    economy stock theory fatal elder harbor betray wasp final emotion task crumble siren bottom lizard educate guess current outdoor pair theory focus wife stone
  2. Unused: for testing account state; this account never changes balances or nonces
    oyster design unusual machine spread century engine gravity focus cave carry slot